1) Install and configure CoreOS
Provision the VM using the XenCenter “New VM” wizard. Select CoreOS as the operating system. Walk through the wizard. In the new Cloud Config Parameters tab,
you will have the option to customize ssh_authorized_keys. There is a sub-setting “- ssh-rsa”, that is commented out by default,
which can be used to register personal public SSH key to be able to login into the VM with the “core” user later:
# - ssh-rsa
While adding your personal public key, you may also have noticed a separate “- ssh-rsa %XSCONTAINERRSAPUB%” setting in which the XenServer container management registers
and SSH key for its’ management operations. This is mandatory for the container management and should not be modified.
使用xencenter工具在创建VM(xenserver7支持coreos模板)的步骤中,有一步是配置cloudconfig文件,可以设置- ssh-rsa 为xenserver dom0的公共密钥
clouder@clouder-wenwen-pc:~$ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDXX0avbvS+UxJu7xgpsdTVSzXWy0Sr9n5wAwjR3PJwqERXFHWGHhNXsO0H+BsTYDRw9IYjYKu73mtlLAG2dPgE4wDTnjF26t3+cOt6dOIAlsxLZQfHhLrYvI0LKK0xkBsgpNUSMNND/9VQpwA6uqb9kNwc3llddPIuWDAHxWDYHujYHG3clXn5scTDiVMe3xhDZlwWqRohDJirzW1ifiEyno8MZ7lo8Pg6VefnBOEX43UJ03iGrm/L1jujXrFPnMwtGY1IrKJw0PWYF5nd7yj0i4+MjvzVMYoh0V+A2dMNCaQdVSwN3DxM3AKm7qpJWTe05fUfxJWfuiSeNX94Pwon clouder@clouder-wenwen-pc
After following the remainder of “New VM” wizard, you can use your preferred method to install CoreOS. One way is to download the CoreOs-iso from here to your ISOSR and
boot the VM using that ISO. Subsequently run the following command on the VM-console, to install to the first harddisk:
sudo coreos-install –d /dev/xvda –o xen –C stable
Next you can reboot into the installed VM:
sudo reboot
For the container management to work, you need to ensure that the VM network can be reached from Dom0. In case you’re not using DHCP in your environment, you need to
configure the networking for the VM.
2) Enable Container management
重启机器后,在xencenter上右击VM的属性,在Enable Container management打勾。
After rebooting into the freshly installed VM, you can enable Container Management using the VM properties in XenCenter.
3) Confirm Container monitoring is working
The easiest way to do this is to confirm that Docker Version information is available in the VM general tab in XenCenter.
You can spin up containers inside the CoreOS VM using the core-user:
docker run --name hello -d busybox /bin/sh -c "while true; do echo Hello World; sleep 1; done"
And you should be able to see and control the containers in the XenCenter tree-view as described in the above.
In case any of the above does not work, check the Notifications and Alerts, which may provide a pointer.
CoreOS VMs installed with the Cloud Config Drive are automatically prepared for Container Management and the management only needs to be enabled.
Other Linux VMs can be prepared manually.
1) Install Docker, ncat and SSHD inside the VM
The installation on Ubuntu can be performed using :
apt-get install docker.io nmap openssh-server
On RHEL/OEL/CentOS 7 the installation can be performed using:
yum install docker nmap-ncat openssh-server
# Enable autostart for docker.service
systemctl enable docker.service
# Start docker.service directly
systemctl start docker.service
A non-root user can be provided access to Docker by adding it to the “Docker” group.
2) Prepare the Container Monitoring of the VM
To prepare a VM, the following command needs to be run in Dom0:
xscontainer-prepare-vm –v [vm-uuid] -u [username]
With being the UUID of the VM, that should be prepared and being the username on the VM that the container management will attempt to use for SSH access.
This preparation script will guide you through the process and automatically enable container management for this VM.
The XenServer team has tested the prepare script and functionality with Ubuntu 14.04 and CentOS/RHEL/OEL 7.0. However other Linux distributions and versions may work as well.