BatchLoader This gem provides a generic lazy batching mechanism to avoid N+1 DB queries, HTTP queries, etc. Developers from these companies use BatchLoader: Contents Highlights Usage Why? Basic exampl
GraphQL::Batch Provides an executor for the graphql gem which allows queries to be batched. Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'graphql-batch' And then execute: $ bundle Or
Welcome to BAT, a Bayesian analysis toolkit in Julia. BAT.jl offers a variety of posterior sampling, mode estimation and integration algorithms, supplemented by plotting recipes and I/O functionality.
Simple Bash script to Windows batch file converter Converts bash scripts (*.sh) to windows batch files (*.bat).This is not supposed to be a fully complete/correct tool, but rather a starting point whe
Bats-core: Bash Automated Testing System (2018) Bats is a TAP-compliant testing framework for Bash. It provides a simpleway to verify that the UNIX programs you write behave as expected. A Bats test f
A simple bash script to set an animated battery as desktop wallpaper. It shows charging animation and changes according to battery percentage. Overview 21 different types of battery wallpapers/icons.
采用Java开发的坦克大战Battle City Tank游戏。在线试玩:
Batch Shipyard Batch Shipyard is a tool to helpprovision, execute, and monitor container-based batch processing and HPCworkloads onAzure Batch. Batch Shipyardsupports both Docker andSingularity contai
Juice 可以让电源信息更有趣。 利用苹果 IOKit 框架提供的大量关于计算机状态的信息和触发器,获取电源信息,并在这些源的值发生变化时生成回调。并且更进一步,可以根据自己的喜好定义电源信息。
BATableViewKit 是自定义列表中的索引栏(Index Bar)。手指滑动 index bar 时,中间会出现黑色小浮块,并把 index Bar 上的字显示在黑色小浮块上,黑色小浮块上的字会随手指 index bar 变换。
Lighthouse Batch Reporter 是一个在单个命令中就可以对多个站点运行 Lighthouse 分析的工具。支持按顺序对多个站点执行 Lighthouse 分析并生成包含其所有分数的摘要报告。分数是根据性能、PWA、可访问性和最佳实践以及 SEO 部分之间的平均分数计算得出的。 可以为每个站点写出完整的 JSON 报告,也可以选择 HTML 报告。 Lighthouse Batc
Baton 是一个用 Go 编写的 HTTP 负载测试工具,目前支持 GET、POST、PUT 和 DELETE 请求。 安装 $ go get -u 使用 目前支持以下选项 -b string Body (use instead of -f) -c int Number of concurrent reque
MQ Batch Toolkit 可以让用户操作、监控和管理 WebSphere MQ (前身是 MQSeries) 中消息的工具,提高命令行接口和 Shell 脚本环境。
Vista Battery Saver 这是用来给你的Vista省电的软件 ,它将关闭一些很玄的效果,据说可以节省 70%的电(是不是夸张了哦?) 界面如下:
Battery 是一种基于Web浏览器的2D滚动Arcade游戏。玩家控制的飞机在自上而下的方向射击敌人飞机,直升机和坦克。