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A query batching executor for the graphql gem
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 大数据、 数据查询
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 颜君浩
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Provides an executor for the graphql gem which allows queries to be batched.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'graphql-batch'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install graphql-batch


Basic Usage

Schema Configuration

Require the library

require 'graphql/batch'

Define a custom loader, which is initialized with arguments that are used for grouping and a perform method for performing the batch load.

class RecordLoader < GraphQL::Batch::Loader
  def initialize(model)
    @model = model

  def perform(ids)
    @model.where(id: ids).each { |record| fulfill(record.id, record) }
    ids.each { |id| fulfill(id, nil) unless fulfilled?(id) }

Use GraphQL::Batch as a plugin in your schema after specifying the mutationso that GraphQL::Batch can extend the mutation fields to clear the cache afterthey are resolved (for graphql >= 1.5.0).

class MySchema < GraphQL::Schema
  query MyQueryType
  mutation MyMutationType

  use GraphQL::Batch

For pre 1.5.0 versions:

MySchema = GraphQL::Schema.define do
  query MyQueryType


Field Usage

The loader class can be used from the resolver for a graphql field by calling .for with the grouping arguments to get a loader instance, then call .load on that instance with the key to load.

field :product, Types::Product, null: true do
  argument :id, ID, required: true

def product(id:)

The loader also supports batch loading an array of records instead of just a single record, via load_many. For example:

field :products, [Types::Product, null: true], null: false do
  argument :ids, [ID], required: true

def products(ids:)

Although this library doesn't have a dependency on active record,the examples directory has record and association loadersfor active record which handles edge cases like type casting idsand overriding GraphQL::Batch::Loader#cache_key to load associationson records with the same id.


GraphQL::Batch::Loader#load returns a Promise using the promise.rb gem to provide a promise based API, so you can transform the query results using .then

def product_title(id:)
  RecordLoader.for(Product).load(id).then do |product|

You may also need to do another query that depends on the first one to get the result, in which case the query block can return another query.

def product_image(id:)
  RecordLoader.for(Product).load(id).then do |product|

If the second query doesn't depend on the first one, then you can use Promise.all, which allows each query in the group to be batched with other queries.

def all_collections
    CountLoader.for(Shop, :smart_collections).load(context.shop_id),
    CountLoader.for(Shop, :custom_collections).load(context.shop_id),
  ]).then do |results|

.then can optionally take two lambda arguments, the first of which is equivalent to passing a block to .then, and the second one handles exceptions. This can be used to provide a fallback

def product(id:)
  # Try the cache first ...
  CacheLoader.for(Product).load(id).then(nil, lambda do |exc|
    # But if there's a connection error, go to the underlying database
    raise exc unless exc.is_a?(Redis::BaseConnectionError)
    logger.warn err.message

Unit Testing

Your loaders can be tested outside of a GraphQL query by doing thebatch loads in a block passed to GraphQL::Batch.batch. That methodwill set up thread-local state to store the loaders, batch load anypromise returned from the block then clear the thread-local stateto avoid leaking state between tests.

def test_single_query
    product = products(:snowboard)
    title = GraphQL::Batch.batch do
    assert_equal product.title, title


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.


See our contributing guidelines for more information.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

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