Hasura is an open source product that accelerates API development by 10x by giving you GraphQL or REST APIs with built in authorization on your data, instantly.
Read more at hasura.io and the docs.
Read more at hasura.io and the docs.
Table of Contents
The fastest and easiest way to try Hasura out is via Hasura Cloud.
Click on the following button to deploy GraphQL engine on Hasura Cloud including Postgres add-on or using an existing Postgres database:
Open the Hasura console
Click on the button "Launch console" to open the Hasura console.
Make your first GraphQL query
Create a table and instantly run your first query. Follow this simple guide.
Check out the instructions for the following one-click deployment options:
Infra provider | One-click link | Additional information |
Heroku | ![]() |
docs |
DigitalOcean | ![]() |
docs |
Azure | ![]() |
docs |
Render | ![]() |
docs |
For Docker-based deployment and advanced configuration options, see deploymentguides orinstall manifests.
The Hasura GraphQL Engine fronts a Postgres database instance and can accept GraphQL requests from your client apps. It can be configured to work with your existing auth system and can handle access control using field-level rules with dynamic variables from your auth system.
You can also merge remote GraphQL schemas and provide a unified GraphQL API.
Hasura works with any GraphQL client. See awesome-graphql for a list of clients. Our frontend tutorial series also have integrations with GraphQL clients for different frameworks.
GraphQL Engine provides easy-to-reason, scalable and performant methods for adding custom business logic to your backend:
Add custom resolvers in a remote schema in addition to Hasura's database-based GraphQL schema. Ideal for use-cases like implementing a payment API, or querying data that is not in your database - read more.
Actions are a way to extend Hasura’s schema with custom business logic using custom queries and mutations. Actions can be added to Hasura to handle various use cases such as data validation, data enrichment from external sources and any other complex business logic - read more
Add asynchronous business logic that is triggered based on database events.Ideal for notifications, data-pipelines from Postgres or asynchronousprocessing - read more.
Transform data in Postgres or run business logic on it to derive another dataset that can be queried using GraphQL Engine - read more.
Check out all the example applications in the community/sample-apps directory.
Group Chat application built with React, includes a typing indicator, online users & newmessage notifications.
Live location tracking app that shows a running vehicle changing current GPScoordinates moving on a map.
A realtime dashboard for data aggregations on continuously changing data.
The documentation and community will help you troubleshoot most issues. If you have encountered a bug or need to get in touch with us, you can contact us using one of the following channels:
We are committed to fostering an open and welcoming environment in the community. Please see the Code of Conduct.
If you want to report a security issue, please read this.
We release new features every month. Sign up for our newsletter by using the link below. We send newsletters only once a month.https://hasura.io/newsletter/
Check out our contributing guide for more details.
Hasura brand assets (logos, the Hasura mascot, powered by badges etc.) can befound in the assets/brand folder. Feel free to use them in yourapplication/website etc. We'd be thrilled if you add the "Powered by Hasura"badge to your applications built using Hasura.
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The core GraphQL Engine is available under the Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0).
All other contents (except those in server
, cli
directories) are available under the MIT License.This includes everything in the docs
and community
This readme is available in the following translations:
Translations for other files can be found here.
GraphQL实战-第四篇-构建开发框架 前三篇是关于GraphQL的介绍和练手用的demo实现,从此篇开始,分享真正在实战中对GraphQL的应用。 目的 利用graphql的特性改变现有开发形式,提升开发效率 在实际开发中,将graphql的部分沉淀出一个框架,便于新项目的敏捷开发 在此构建一个engine的项目,实现GraphQL的常用功能及问题解决方案,此项目即可直接应用于web项目的开发
原文:http://blog.mygraphql.com/wordpress/?p=102 执行(Execution) 查询(Queries) 为了对 一个Schema 执行查询。需要先构造一个 GraphQL 对象,并带着一些参数去调用 execute() 方法. 查询将返回一个 ExecutionResult 对象,其中包含查询的结果数据 (或出错时的错误信息集合). GraphQLSchem
Flask-GraphQL-SQLAlchemy 开发文档 | Develop Docs 作者 | Author:杨晗光 概述 | Overview GraphQL是一个由facebook开发的API查询语言。对于前端开发者来说,它非常棒。但是有关于它的python开发文档却很少。所以我写了这个文档来帮助后来者快速搭建一个GraphQL服务。 GraphQL is a API query lang
原文:http://blog.mygraphql.com/wordpress/?p=108 运行期异常(Runtime Exceptions ) 在一些异常的情况下, graphql engine 有可能抛出 Runtime exceptions。下面是调用 : graphql.execute(...) 期间可能出现的异常。 他们不是执行 graphql 查询中发生的异常。 但还是不能被忽略。 g
现实世界中的图形结构 28 第3章 GraphQL查询语言 31 GraphQL API工具 33 GraphiQL 33 GraphQL Playground 35 公共GraphQL API 37 GraphQL查询字段 37 边和连接 40 片段 41 变更 47 使用查询变量 48 订阅 49 自检 50 抽象语法树 51 第4章 设计schema 53 定义类型 53 类型 54 标量类
快速开始 GraphQL 是一种用于 API 的查询语言。这是 GraphQL 和 REST 之间一个很好的比较 (译者注: GraphQL 替代 REST 是必然趋势)。在这组文章中, 我们不会解释什幺是 GraphQL, 而是演示如何使用 @nestjs/GraphQL 模块。 GraphQLModule 只不过是 Apollo 服务器的包装器。我们没有造轮子, 而是提供一个现成的模块, 这让
GraphQL 既是一种用于 API 的查询语言也是一个满足你数据查询的运行时。 GraphQL 对你的 API 中的数据提供了一套易于理解的完整描述,使得客户端能够准确地获得它需要的数据,而且没有任何冗余,也让 API 更容易地随着时间推移而演进,还能用于构建强大的开发者工具。 向你的 API 发出一个 GraphQL 请求就能准确获得你想要的数据,不多不少。 GraphQL 查询总是返回可预测
Hasura GraphQL Engine 是一个超快的 GraphQL 服务器,可以让你基于 Postgres 数据库快速简历 GraphQL API 服务。通过数据库事件实现 webhook triggers ,其 remote schemas 用于构建业务逻辑。 架构:
Graphql editor 是一款 Graphql 的可视化编辑器和 IDE,帮助用户更容易理解 GraphQL 模式,通过使用可视化块系统创建模式。GraphQL Editor 将把它们转化为代码。通过 GraphQL Editor,用户可以在不写任何代码的情况下创建可视化的图表,或者以一种很好的方式呈现其模式。 GraphQL View Code Editor View Hierarchy View
GraphQL CLI Help us to improve new GraphQL CLI. Check out the new structure and commands below!Feel free to contact us in Discord channel. We would love to hear your feedback. Features Helpful command
Fullstack GraphQL Simple Demo Application API built with Node + Express + GraphQL + Sequelize (supports MySQL, Postgres, Sqlite and MSSQL). WebApp built with React + Redux. Written in ES6 using Babel