from PIL import Image
import random
class Fractal:
"""Fractal class."""
def __init__(self, size, scale, computation):
size -- the size of the image as a tuple (x, y)
scale -- the scale of x and y as a list of 2-tuple
[(minimum_x, minimum_y), (maximum_x, maximum_y)]
computation -- the function used for computing pixel values as a function
self.size = size
self.scale = scale
self.computation = computation
self.img = Image.new("RGB", (size[0], size[1]))
def compute(self):
Create the fractal by computing every pixel value.
for y in range(self.size[1]):
for x in range(self.size[0]):
i = self.pixel_value((x, y))
r = i % 8 * 32
g = i % 16 * 16
b = i % 32 * 8
self.img.putpixel((x, y), (r, g, b))
def pixel_value(self, pixel):
Return the number of iterations it took for the pixel to go out of bounds.
pixel -- the pixel coordinate (x, y)
the number of iterations of computation it took to go out of bounds as integer.
# x = pixel[0] * (self.scale[1][0] - self.scale[0][0]) / self.size[0] + self.scale[0][0]
# y = pixel[1] * (self.scale[1][1] - self.scale[0][1]) / self.size[1] + self.scale[0][1]
x = (pixel[0] / self.size[0]) * (self.scale[1][0] - self.scale[0][0]) + self.scale[0][0]
y = (pixel[1] / self.size[1]) * (self.scale[1][1] - self.scale[0][1]) + self.scale[0][1]
return self.computation((x, y))
def save_image(self, filename):
Save the image to hard drive.
filename -- the file name to save the file to as a string.
self.img.save(filename, "PNG")
if __name__ == "__main__":
def mandelbrot_computation(pixel):
"""Return integer -> how many iterations it takes for the pixel to escape the mandelbrot set."""
c = complex(pixel[0], pixel[1]) # Complex number: A + Bi (A is real number, B is imaginary number).
z = 0 # We are assuming the starting z value for each square is 0.
iterations = 0 # Will count how many iterations it takes for a pixel to escape the mandelbrot set.
for i in range(255): # The more iterations, the more detailed the mandelbrot set will be.
if abs(z) >= 2.0: # Checks, if pixel escapes the mandelbrot set. Same as square root of pix[0] and pix[1].
z = z**2 + c
iterations += 1
return iterations
mandelbrot = Fractal((1000, 1000), [(-2, -2), (2, 2)], mandelbrot_computation())
s(y-k) = r(x-h) + c
翻译是(h, k);每个方向的刻度是(r, s)。
for y in range(self.size[1]):
for x in range(self.size[0]):
i = self.pixel_value((x, y))
self.img.putpixel((x, y), (r, g, b))
# Assume that the limits x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max
# are assigned by the zoom operation.
x_inc = (x_max - x_min) / self.size[0]
y_inc = (y_max - y_min) / self.size[1]
for y in range(self.size[1]):
for x in range(self.size[0]):
a = x*x_inc + x_min
b = y*y_inc + y_min
i = self.pixel_value((a, b))
self.img.putpixel((x, y), (r, g, b))
我试图放大我的mandelbrot集,我读到了这个问题:如何简单地放大mandelbrot集,但我很难理解它,它不起作用。当我这样计算新的实数和复数时: 新的mandelbrot在两个轴上都有点变形?怎么了?以下是一个例子:http://www.phpdevpad.de/index.php?id=190.
我有一套mandelbrot电视机,我想放大。“缩放曼德拉”和“缩放曼德拉”是围绕曼德拉坐标计算的。原始的mandelbrot以real=-0.6和im=0.4为中心,real和im的大小均为2。 我希望能够点击图像中的一个点,并计算一个新的点,放大该点 包含它的窗口是800x800px,所以我想这将使右下角的单击等于真实=0.4和im=-0.6的中心,左上角的单击为真实=-1.6和im=1.4
我在Java中编码了一个Mandelbrot集分形,并包含了平移和放大分形的能力。唯一的问题是,当我平移图像并试图放大时,它看起来好像试图放大中心并平移一点。平移和缩放不是真正的平移或缩放,而是对分形的重新计算,看起来像是平移或缩放。 这是我的代码。 我能告诉用户在哪里可以让相机更精确地缩放吗? 先谢谢你。 编辑:图片对于任何想知道这个程序将呈现什么。
对于复杂变量,我使用以下复杂类文件。 下面的java代码是Mandelbrot集合的迭代计算器示例。 提前谢谢!