git 里面的 emojis
Suggested Emojis
Emoji | Raw Emoji Code | Description |
:art: | :art: | when improving the format/structure of the code 改进代码结构/代码格式 |
:alien: | :alien: | Updating code due to external API changes. 更改API |
:ambulance: | :ambulance: | when fixing a bug 修改bug |
:apple: | :apple: | when fixing something on Mac OS 修复Mac下的问题 |
:arrow_up: | :arrow_up: | when upgrading dependencies 升级依赖 |
:arrow_down: | :arrow_down: | when downgrading dependencies 降低依赖 |
:bank: | :bank: | Generic Database specific (Migrations, Scripts, Extensions, ...) 一般数据库的特性(比如:Migrations, Scripts, Extensions, ...) |
:beers: | :beers: | Writing code drunkenly. 醉酒写代码。 |
:bento: | :bento: | Adding or updating assets. 添加或更新资源。 |
:bookmark: | :bookmark: | Version Tags 版本标签 |
:books: | :books: | when writing docs 写文档 |
:building_construction: | :building_construction: | Making architectural changes. 架构调整。 |
:bulb: | :bulb: | New Idea, with @IDEA Comment Tag新的想法idea |
:bug: | :bug: | when reporting a bug, with @FIXME Comment Tag报告代码增加解释标签 |
:busts_in_silhouette: | :busts_in_silhouette: | Add contributor(s). 添加贡献者。 |
:chart_with_upwards_trend: | :chart_with_upwards_trend: | 添加分析或跟踪代码 |
:checkered_flag: | :checkered_flag: | when fixing something on Windows 修复Windows下的问题 |
:construction: | :construction: | WIP(Work In Progress) Commits, maybe with @REVIEW Comment Tag工作进行中 |
:dolphin: | :dolphin: | MySQL Database specific (Migrations, Scripts, Extensions, ...) MySQL数据库的特性(比如:Migrations, Scripts, Extensions, ...) |
:egg: | :egg: | New Release with Python egg 新版本发行使用Python egg |
:elephant: | :elephant: | PostgreSQL Database specific (Migrations, Scripts, Extensions, ...) PostgreSQL数据库的特性(比如:Migrations, Scripts, Extensions, ...) |
:gem: | :gem: | New Release 新版本发行 |
:globe_with_meridians: | :globe_with_meridians: | when dealing with globalization/internationalization/i18n/g11n 处理globalization/internationalization/i18n/g11n等多语言问题,国际化与本地化。 |
:fast_forward: | :fast_forward: | when forward-porting features from an older version/branch 从旧版本/分支转移过来 |
:ferris_wheel: | :ferris_wheel: | New Release with Python wheel package 新版本发行使用Python包 |
:fire: | :fire: | when removing code or files, maybe with @CHANGED Comment Tag删除代码或者文件 |
:green_heart: | :green_heart: | when fixing the CI build 修复 CI构建问题 |
:hammer: | :hammer: | when refactoring code 重构代码 |
:hankey: | :hankey: | Writing bad code that needs to be improved. 谢了错误的代码需要进一步提升。 |
:handshake: | :handshake: | when Merge files 合并文件 |
:heavy_minus_sign: | :heavy_minus_sign: | 减少依赖 |
:heavy_plus_sign: | :heavy_plus_sign: | 增加依赖 |
:leaves: | :leaves: | MongoDB Database specific (Migrations, Scripts, Extensions, ...) MongoDB数据库的特性(比如:Migrations, Scripts, Extensions, ...) |
:lipstick: | :lipstick: | when improving UI/Cosmetic 升级UI和样式文件 |
:lock: | :lock: | when dealing with security 锁定状态 |
:ok_hand: | :ok_hand: | Updating code due to code review changes. 评审合格以后,更新代码。 |
:memo: (备忘录) | :memo: | when writing docs 写文档 |
:microscope: | :microscope: | when adding code coverage 增加代码覆盖范围 |
:mute: | :mute: | when Reducing Logging 减少日志 |
:newspaper: | :newspaper: | when creating a new file 创建新文件 |
:package: | :package: | Updating compiled files or packages. 更新已编译的文件或打包。 |
:page_facing_up: | :page_facing_up: | Adding or updating license. 添加/更新版本License。 |
:pencil: | :pencil: | when performing minor changes/fixing the code or language 改变或修改代码或语言 |
:pencil2: | :pencil2: | 修复打字错误 |
:penguin: | :penguin: | when fixing something on Linux 修复 Linux 下的问题 |
:racehorse: | :racehorse: | when improving performance 提升性能 |
:rewind: | :rewind: | when backporting features from a newer version/branch 从一个新的版本/分支转移到备份 |
:ribbon: | :ribbon: | Customer requested application Customization, with @HACK Comment Tag客户请求的功能 |
:rocket: | :rocket: | Anything related to Deployments/DevOps 任何和部署想关的DevOps |
:sparkles: | :sparkles: | when introducing New Features 引入新特性 |
:speaker: | :speaker: | when Adding Logging 增加日志 |
:snowflake: | :snowflake: | changing Configuration, Usually together with :penguin: or :ribbon: or :rocket: 改变配置信息,通常跟随:penguin: 或者 :ribbon: 或者 :rocket: |
:shirt: | :shirt: | when removing linter/strict/deprecation warnings 移除 linter/strict/deprecation警告 |
:tada: | :tada: | Initial Commit 首次提交 |
:tractor: | :tractor: | when change file structure. Usually together with :art: 改变文件结构,经常配合:art:一起使用 |
:umbrella: | :umbrella: | when adding tests 增加测试 |
:whale: | :whale: | Docker Configuration Docker的配置 |
:wheelchair: | :wheelchair: | when improving accessibility 提升接受能力 |
:white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: | when adding tests 增加测试 |
:wrench: | :wrench: | 修改配置文件 |
:zap: | :zap: | when introducing Backward-InCompatible Features, maybe with @CHANGED Comment Tag引入向后兼容特性 |