包 | zii.widgets.grid |
继承 | class CGridView » CBaseListView » CWidget » CBaseController » CComponent |
源自 | 1.1 |
版本 | $Id: CGridView.php 3551 2012-02-02 12:45:25Z mdomba $ |
源码 | framework/zii/widgets/grid/CGridView.php |
Each row of the table represents the data of a single data item, and a column usually represents an attribute of the item (some columns may correspond to complex expression of attributes or static text).
CGridView supports both sorting and pagination of the data items. The sorting and pagination can be done in AJAX mode or normal page request. A benefit of using CGridView is that when the user browser disables JavaScript, the sorting and pagination automatically degenerate to normal page requests and are still functioning as expected.
CGridView should be used together with a data provider, preferrably a CActiveDataProvider.
The minimal code needed to use CGridView is as follows:
$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Post'); $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array( 'dataProvider'=>$dataProvider, ));
The above code first creates a data provider for the
ActiveRecord class. It then uses CGridView to display every attribute in every Post
instance. The displayed table is equiped with sorting and pagination functionality.In order to selectively display attributes with different formats, we may configure the CGridView::columns property. For example, we may specify only the
and create_time
attributes to be displayed, and the create_time
should be properly formatted to show as a time. We may also display the attributes of the related objects using the dot-syntax as shown below:$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array( 'dataProvider'=>$dataProvider, 'columns'=>array( 'title', // display the 'title' attribute '', // display the 'name' attribute of the 'category' relation 'content:html', // display the 'content' attribute as purified HTML array( // display 'create_time' using an expression 'name'=>'create_time', 'value'=>'date("M j, Y", $data->create_time)', ), array( // display 'author.username' using an expression 'name'=>'authorName', 'value'=>'$data->author->username', ), array( // display a column with "view", "update" and "delete" buttons 'class'=>'CButtonColumn', ), ), ));
Please refer to columns for more details about how to configure this property.
属性 | 类型 | 描述 | 定义在 |
actionPrefix | string | actions的ID的前缀。 当微件在CController::actions中声明了 动作提供者,可以为其动作的ID指定前缀以区别 于别的微件或控制器。当微件用于控制器 的视图中时,必须配置同样的前缀。 | CWidget |
afterAjaxUpdate | string | a javascript function that will be invoked after a successful AJAX response is received. | CGridView |
ajaxUpdate | mixed | the ID of the container whose content may be updated with an AJAX response. | CGridView |
ajaxUpdateError | string | a javascript function that will be invoked if an AJAX update error occurs. | CGridView |
ajaxUrl | mixed | the URL for the AJAX requests should be sent to. | CGridView |
ajaxVar | string | the name of the GET variable that indicates the request is an AJAX request triggered by this widget. | CGridView |
baseScriptUrl | string | the base script URL for all grid view resources (eg javascript, CSS file, images). | CGridView |
beforeAjaxUpdate | string | a javascript function that will be invoked before an AJAX update occurs. | CGridView |
blankDisplay | string | the text to be displayed in an empty grid cell. | CGridView |
columns | array | grid column configuration. | CGridView |
controller | CController | 返回此微件所属的控制器。 | CWidget |
cssFile | string | the URL of the CSS file used by this grid view. | CGridView |
dataProvider | IDataProvider | 视图需要显示的数据源。 | CBaseListView |
emptyText | string | 当dataProvider为空时显示的内容。 | CBaseListView |
enablePagination | boolean | 是否启用分页。注意:当IDataProvider::pagination的属性 dataProvider为false时则此属性为false,即不启用分页。 当启用分页时,页码会在视图中显示。 默认为true。 | CBaseListView |
enableSorting | boolean | 是否启用排序。注意:当IDataProvider::sort的属性 dataProvider为false时则此属性为false,即不启用排序。 当启用排序时,点击列名就可按该列排序。 默认为true。 | CBaseListView |
filter | CModel | the model instance that keeps the user-entered filter data. | CGridView |
filterCssClass | string | the CSS class name for the table row element containing all filter input fields. | CGridView |
filterPosition | string | whether the filters should be displayed in the grid view. | CGridView |
formatter | CFormatter | the formatter instance. | CGridView |
hasFooter | boolean | whether the table should render a footer. | CGridView |
hideHeader | boolean | whether to hide the header cells of the grid. | CGridView |
htmlOptions | array | 部件的HTML属性。 | CBaseListView |
id | string | 返回此微件的ID。如果需要的话,将生产一个新的ID并将其返回。 | CWidget |
itemsCssClass | string | 显示各条数据的容器的CSS类。默认为‘items’。 | CBaseListView |
loadingCssClass | string | the CSS class name that will be assigned to the widget container element when the widget is updating its content via AJAX. | CGridView |
nullDisplay | string | the text to be displayed in a data cell when a data value is null. | CGridView |
owner | CBaseController | 返回此微件的所有者或创建者。 | CWidget |
pager | array | pager 的配置信息。默认为array('class'=>'CLinkPager') . | CBaseListView |
pagerCssClass | string | 显示页码的容器的CSS类。默认为‘pager’。 | CBaseListView |
rowCssClass | array | the CSS class names for the table body rows. | CGridView |
rowCssClassExpression | string | a PHP expression that is evaluated for every table body row and whose result is used as the CSS class name for the row. | CGridView |
selectableRows | integer | the number of table body rows that can be selected. | CGridView |
selectionChanged | string | a javascript function that will be invoked after the row selection is changed. | CGridView |
showTableOnEmpty | boolean | whether to display the table even when there is no data. | CGridView |
skin | mixed | 微件使用的皮肤的名称。默认为“default”。 如果此属性设置为false,微件将不会有皮肤被使用。 | CWidget |
summaryCssClass | string | 显示摘要的容器的CSS类。默认为‘summary’。 | CBaseListView |
summaryText | string | 摘要内容使用的模板。 下面的这些标记将会被对应的内容替换:
| CBaseListView |
tagName | string | 视图容器的标签。默认为‘div’。 | CBaseListView |
template | string | 视图布局的模板。 可用的标记有:{summary},{items}和{pager}。 它们将被相应的摘要,数据列表和分页替换。 | CBaseListView |
updateSelector | string | the jQuery selector of the HTML elements that may trigger AJAX updates when they are clicked. | CGridView |
viewPath | string | 返回包含此微件所需的视图文件的路径。 | CWidget |
方法 | 描述 | 定义在 |
__call() | 如果类中没有调的方法名,则调用这个方法。 | CComponent |
__construct() | 构造器。 | CWidget |
__get() | 返回一个属性值、一个事件处理程序列表或一个行为名称。 | CComponent |
__isset() | 检查一个属性是否为null。 | CComponent |
__set() | 设置一个组件的属性值。 | CComponent |
__unset() | 设置一个组件的属性为null。 | CComponent |
actions() | 返回此widget使用的动作的列表。 | CWidget |
asa() | 返回这个名字的行为对象。 | CComponent |
attachBehavior() | 附加一个行为到组件。 | CComponent |
attachBehaviors() | 附加一个行为列表到组件。 | CComponent |
attachEventHandler() | 为事件附加一个事件处理程序。 | CComponent |
beginCache() | Begins fragment caching. | CBaseController |
beginClip() | Begins recording a clip. | CBaseController |
beginContent() | Begins the rendering of content that is to be decorated by the specified view. | CBaseController |
beginWidget() | Creates a widget and executes it. | CBaseController |
canGetProperty() | 确定属性是否可读。 | CComponent |
canSetProperty() | 确定属性是否可写。 | CComponent |
createWidget() | Creates a widget and initializes it. | CBaseController |
detachBehavior() | 从组件中分离一个行为。 | CComponent |
detachBehaviors() | 从组件中分离所有行为。 | CComponent |
detachEventHandler() | 分离一个存在的事件处理程序。 | CComponent |
disableBehavior() | 禁用一个附加行为。 | CComponent |
disableBehaviors() | 禁用组件附加的所有行为。 | CComponent |
enableBehavior() | 启用一个附加行为。 | CComponent |
enableBehaviors() | 启用组件附加的所有行为。 | CComponent |
endCache() | Ends fragment caching. | CBaseController |
endClip() | Ends recording a clip. | CBaseController |
endContent() | Ends the rendering of content. | CBaseController |
endWidget() | Ends the execution of the named widget. | CBaseController |
evaluateExpression() | 计算一个PHP表达式,或根据组件上下文执行回调。 | CComponent |
getController() | 返回此微件所属的控制器。 | CWidget |
getEventHandlers() | 返回一个事件的附加处理程序列表。 | CComponent |
getFormatter() | 返回the formatter instance. Defaults to the 'format' application component. | CGridView |
getHasFooter() | 返回whether the table should render a footer. This is true if any of the columns has a true CGridColumn::hasFooter value. | CGridView |
getId() | 返回此微件的ID。如果需要的话,将生产一个新的ID并将其返回。 | CWidget |
getOwner() | 返回此微件的所有者或创建者。 | CWidget |
getViewFile() | 根据视图名查找视图文件。 | CWidget |
getViewPath() | 返回包含此微件所需的视图文件的路径。 | CWidget |
hasEvent() | 确定一个事件是否定义。 | CComponent |
hasEventHandler() | 检查事件是否有附加的处理程序。 | CComponent |
hasProperty() | 确定属性是否被定义。 | CComponent |
init() | Initializes the grid view. | CGridView |
raiseEvent() | 发起一个事件。 | CComponent |
registerClientScript() | Registers necessary client scripts. | CGridView |
render() | 渲染一个视图。 | CWidget |
renderContent() | 渲染视图的主要内容。 | CBaseListView |
renderEmptyText() | 渲染数据为空时显示的内容。 | CBaseListView |
renderFile() | Renders a view file. | CBaseController |
renderFilter() | Renders the filter. | CGridView |
renderInternal() | Renders a view file. | CBaseController |
renderItems() | Renders the data items for the grid view. | CGridView |
renderKeys() | 渲染一个隐藏标签数据键值。 | CBaseListView |
renderPager() | 渲染分页。 | CBaseListView |
renderSummary() | 渲染摘要内容。 | CBaseListView |
renderTableBody() | Renders the table body. | CGridView |
renderTableFooter() | Renders the table footer. | CGridView |
renderTableHeader() | Renders the table header. | CGridView |
renderTableRow() | Renders a table body row. | CGridView |
run() | 渲染视图。 | CBaseListView |
setFormatter() | 设置the formatter instance | CGridView |
setId() | 设置此微件的ID。 | CWidget |
widget() | Creates a widget and executes it. | CBaseController |
方法 | 描述 | 定义在 |
createDataColumn() | Creates a CDataColumn based on a shortcut column specification string. | CGridView |
initColumns() | Creates column objects and initializes them. | CGridView |
renderSection() | 渲染指定部分的内容。 | CBaseListView |
afterAjaxUpdate 属性 public string $afterAjaxUpdate;a javascript function that will be invoked after a successful AJAX response is received. The function signature is function(id, data)
where 'id' refers to the ID of the grid view, 'data' the received ajax response data.
the ID of the container whose content may be updated with an AJAX response. Defaults to null, meaning the container for this grid view instance. If it is set false, it means sorting and pagination will be performed in normal page requests instead of AJAX requests. If the sorting and pagination should trigger the update of multiple containers' content in AJAX fashion, these container IDs may be listed here (separated with comma).
ajaxUpdateError 属性 public string $ajaxUpdateError;a javascript function that will be invoked if an AJAX update error occurs.
The function signature is function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown, errorMessage)
is the XMLHttpRequest object.textStatus
is a string describing the type of error that occurred. Possible values (besides null) are "timeout", "error", "notmodified" and "parsererror"errorThrown
is an optional exception object, if one occurred.errorMessage
is the CGridView default error message derived from xhr and errorThrown. Usefull if you just want to display this error differently. CGridView by default displays this error with an javascript.alert()
Example (add in a call to CGridView):
... 'ajaxUpdateError'=>'function(xhr,ts,et,err){ $("#myerrordiv").text(err); }', ...ajaxUrl 属性 (可用自 v1.1.8) public mixed $ajaxUrl;
the URL for the AJAX requests should be sent to. CHtml::normalizeUrl() will be called on this property. If not set, the current page URL will be used for AJAX requests.
ajaxVar 属性 public string $ajaxVar;the name of the GET variable that indicates the request is an AJAX request triggered by this widget. Defaults to 'ajax'. This is effective only when ajaxUpdate is not false.
baseScriptUrl 属性 public string $baseScriptUrl;the base script URL for all grid view resources (eg javascript, CSS file, images). Defaults to null, meaning using the integrated grid view resources (which are published as assets).
beforeAjaxUpdate 属性 public string $beforeAjaxUpdate;a javascript function that will be invoked before an AJAX update occurs. The function signature is function(id,options)
where 'id' refers to the ID of the grid view, 'options' the AJAX request options (see jQuery.ajax api manual).
the text to be displayed in an empty grid cell. This property will NOT be HTML-encoded when rendering. Defaults to an HTML blank. This differs from nullDisplay in that nullDisplay is only used by CDataColumn to render null data values.
columns 属性 public array $columns;grid column configuration. Each array element represents the configuration for one particular grid column which can be either a string or an array.
When a column is specified as a string, it should be in the format of "name:type:header", where "type" and "header" are optional. A CDataColumn instance will be created in this case, whose CDataColumn::name, CDataColumn::type and CDataColumn::header properties will be initialized accordingly.
When a column is specified as an array, it will be used to create a grid column instance, where the 'class' element specifies the column class name (defaults to CDataColumn if absent). Currently, these official column classes are provided: CDataColumn, CLinkColumn, CButtonColumn and CCheckBoxColumn.
the URL of the CSS file used by this grid view. Defaults to null, meaning using the integrated CSS file. If this is set false, you are responsible to explicitly include the necessary CSS file in your page.
filter 属性 (可用自 v1.1.1) public CModel $filter;the model instance that keeps the user-entered filter data. When this property is set, the grid view will enable column-based filtering. Each data column by default will display a text field at the top that users can fill in to filter the data. Note that in order to show an input field for filtering, a column must have its CDataColumn::name property set or have CDataColumn::filter as the HTML code for the input field. When this property is not set (null) the filtering is disabled.
filterCssClass 属性 (可用自 v1.1.1) public string $filterCssClass;the CSS class name for the table row element containing all filter input fields. Defaults to 'filters'.
- filter
whether the filters should be displayed in the grid view. Valid values include:
- header: the filters will be displayed on top of each column's header cell.
- body: the filters will be displayed right below each column's header cell.
- footer: the filters will be displayed below each column's footer cell.
- filter
public void setFormatter(CFormatter $value)
the formatter instance. Defaults to the 'format' application component.
hasFooter 属性 只读 public boolean getHasFooter()whether the table should render a footer. This is true if any of the columns has a true CGridColumn::hasFooter value.
hideHeader 属性 (可用自 v1.1.1) public boolean $hideHeader;whether to hide the header cells of the grid. When this is true, header cells will not be rendered, which means the grid cannot be sorted anymore since the sort links are located in the header. Defaults to false.
loadingCssClass 属性 (可用自 v1.1.1) public string $loadingCssClass;the CSS class name that will be assigned to the widget container element when the widget is updating its content via AJAX. Defaults to 'grid-view-loading'.
nullDisplay 属性 public string $nullDisplay;the text to be displayed in a data cell when a data value is null. This property will NOT be HTML-encoded when rendering. Defaults to an HTML blank.
rowCssClass 属性 public array $rowCssClass;the CSS class names for the table body rows. If multiple CSS class names are given, they will be assigned to the rows sequentially and repeatedly. This property is ignored if rowCssClassExpression is set. Defaults to array('odd', 'even')
- rowCssClassExpression
a PHP expression that is evaluated for every table body row and whose result is used as the CSS class name for the row. In this expression, the variable $row
stands for the row number (zero-based), $data
is the data model associated with the row, and $this
is the grid object.
- rowCssClass
the number of table body rows that can be selected. If 0, it means rows cannot be selected. If 1, only one row can be selected. If 2 or any other number, it means multiple rows can be selected. A selected row will have a CSS class named 'selected'. You may also call the JavaScript function $.fn.yiiGridView.getSelection(containerID)
to retrieve the key values of the selected rows.
a javascript function that will be invoked after the row selection is changed. The function signature is function(id)
where 'id' refers to the ID of the grid view. In this function, you may use $.fn.yiiGridView.getSelection(id)
to get the key values of the currently selected rows.
- selectableRows
whether to display the table even when there is no data. Defaults to true. The emptyText will be displayed to indicate there is no data.
updateSelector 属性 (可用自 v1.1.7) public string $updateSelector;the jQuery selector of the HTML elements that may trigger AJAX updates when they are clicked. If not set, the pagination links and the sorting links will trigger AJAX updates.
createDataColumn() 方法protected CDataColumn createDataColumn(string $text) | ||
$text | string | the column specification string |
{return} | CDataColumn | the column instance |
Creates a CDataColumn based on a shortcut column specification string.
getFormatter() 方法public CFormatter getFormatter() | ||
{return} | CFormatter | the formatter instance. Defaults to the 'format' application component. |
getHasFooter() 方法public boolean getHasFooter() | ||
{return} | boolean | whether the table should render a footer. This is true if any of the columns has a true CGridColumn::hasFooter value. |
init() 方法public void init() |
Initializes the grid view. This method will initialize required property values and instantiate columns objects.
initColumns() 方法protected void initColumns() |
Creates column objects and initializes them.
registerClientScript() 方法public void registerClientScript() |
Registers necessary client scripts.
renderFilter() 方法 (可用自 v1.1.1)public void renderFilter() |
Renders the filter.
renderItems() 方法public void renderItems() |
Renders the data items for the grid view.
renderTableBody() 方法public void renderTableBody() |
Renders the table body.
renderTableFooter() 方法public void renderTableFooter() |
Renders the table footer.
renderTableHeader() 方法public void renderTableHeader() |
Renders the table header.
renderTableRow() 方法public void renderTableRow(integer $row) | ||
$row | integer | the row number (zero-based). |
Renders a table body row.
setFormatter() 方法public void setFormatter(CFormatter $value) | ||
$value | CFormatter | the formatter instance |