How Plugins Work插件如何工作

Table of Contents
How Plugins Work 插件如何工作
Naming Conventions 命名约定
Writing Plugins 编写插件
Template Functions 模板函数插件
Modifiers 修饰插件
Block Functions 区块函数插件
Compiler Functions 编译函数插件
Prefilters/Postfilters 预滤器/补滤器插件
Output Filters 输出过滤插件
Resources 资源插件
Inserts 嵌入插件

Version 2.0 introduced the plugin architecture that is used for almost all the customizable functionality of Smarty. This includes:


  • functions 函数插件
  • modifiers 修饰插件
  • block functions 区块函数插件
  • compiler functions 编译函数插件
  • prefilters 预滤器插件
  • postfilters 补滤器插件
  • outputfilters 输出过滤插件
  • resources 资源插件
  • inserts 嵌入插件
With the exception of resources, backwards compatibility with the old way of registering handler functions via register_* API is preserved. If you did not use the API but instead modified the class variables$custom_funcs,$custom_mods, and other ones directly, then you will need to adjust your scripts to either use the API or convert your custom functionality into plugins.

为了与旧有方式保持向后兼容,除资源插件外,保留了通过register_* API方式装载函数的 处理方法。如果你不是使用API方式而是使用直接修改类变量$custom_funcs,$custom_mods 等的方法,那么你就需要修改你的程序了。或者使用API的方法,或者将你的自定义功能转换成插件。

Plugins are always loaded on demand. Only the specific modifiers, functions, resources, etc invoked in the templates scripts will be loaded. Moreover, each plugin is loaded only once, even if you have several different instances of Smarty running within the same request.


Pre/postfilters and output filters are a bit of a special case. Since they are not mentioned in the templates, they must be registered or loaded explicitly via API functions before the template is processed. The order in which multiple filters of the same type are executed depends on the order in which they are registered or loaded.


The plugins directory can be a string containing a path or an array containing multiple paths. To install a plugin, simply place it in one of the directories and Smarty will use it automatically.
