$security_settings [安全配置变量]


These are used to override or specify the security settings when security is enabled. These are the possible settings:

  • PHP_HANDLING - true/false. If set to true, the $php_handling setting is not checked for security.
    PHP_HANDLING - 真或假.如果真,则不检查$php_handling的配置.

  • IF_FUNCS - This is an array of the names of permitted PHP functions in IF statements.
    IF_FUNCS - 这是一个可允许包含在if语句中的php函数名数组.

  • INCLUDE_ANY - true/false. If set to true, any template can be included from the file system, regardless of the $secure_dir list.
    INCLUDE_ANY - 真或假.如果真,可以从文件系统中包含任何模板,而不管$secure_dir目录设置如何.

  • PHP_TAGS - true/false. If set to true, {php}{/php} tags are permitted in the templates.
    PHP_TAGS - 真或假.如果真,{php}{/php}允许在模板中存在.

  • MODIFIER_FUNCS - This is an array of the names of permitted PHP functions used as variable modifiers.
    MODIFIER_FUNCS - 这是一个可用作修正器的php函数名数组.