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章节 4 - 获取 state


如何从 Redux 实例中读取 state ?

import { createStore } from 'redux'

var reducer_0 = function (state, action) {
  console.log('reducer_0 was called with state', state, 'and action', action)

var store_0 = createStore(reducer_0)


reducer_0 was called with state undefined and action { type: '@@redux/INIT' }

为了读取 Redux 保存的 state,你可以调用 getState

console.log('store_0 state after initialization:', store_0.getState())


store_0 state after initialization: undefined

都已经初始化过了,难道程序的 state 还是 undefined 的?没错,正是如此,到目前为止,我们的 reducer 还什么事都没做过…… 你是否还有印象,我们在 "about-state-and-meet-redux" 那一章里是怎么描述一个 reducer 的预期行为的?

“一个 reducer 只是一个函数,它能收到程序当前的 state 与 action,然后返回一个 modify(又或者学别人一样称之为 reduce )过的新 state ”

我们的 reducer 目前什么都不返回,所以程序的 state 当然只能是 reducer() 返回的那个叫 “undefined” 的东西。

接下来,我们试着在 reducer 收到 undefined 的 state 时,给程序发一个初始状态:

var reducer_1 = function (state, action) {
  console.log('reducer_1 was called with state', state, 'and action', action)
  if (typeof state === 'undefined') {
    return {}
  return state;

var store_1 = createStore(reducer_1)


reducer_1 was called with state undefined and action { type: '@@redux/INIT' }
console.log('store_1 state after initialization:', store_1.getState())


store_1 state after initialization: {}

如我们所愿,现在 Redux 初始化以后返回的 state 变成 {} 了


var reducer_2 = function (state = {}, action) {
  console.log('reducer_2 was called with state', state, 'and action', action)
  return state;
var store_2 = createStore(reducer_2)


reducer_2 was called with state {} and action { type: '@@redux/INIT' }
console.log('store_2 state after initialization:', store_2.getState())


store_2 state after initialization: {}

估计你已经发现了,我们给 reducer_2 的 state 参数传了默认值之后,reducer 就不会再取到 undefined 的 state 了。

小结一下:调用 reducer ,只是为了响应一个派发来的 action 。

接下来,我们在 response 里模拟一个 state 修改,其响应的 action 类型是 'SAY_SOMETIHG'

var reducer_3 = function (state = {}, action) {
  console.log('reducer_3 was called with state', state, 'and action', action)

  switch (action.type) {
    case 'SAY_SOMETHING':
      return {
        message: action.value
      return state;


reducer_3 was called with state {} and action { type: '@@redux/INIT' }
console.log('store_3 state after initialization:', store_3.getState())


store_3 state after initialization: {}

到目前为止,我们都还没有得到一个新 state, 因为我们还没有真的派发过任何 action 。


  1. 我假设了 action 里一定包含了一个 type 跟一个 value 。type 基本上是 flux action 已经约定俗成的,而 value 属性可以是任何类型的。
  2. 这里有个常见模式:在 reducer 里用 switch 来响应对应的 action 。
  3. 用 switch 的时候, **永远** 不要忘记放个 “default” 来返回 “state”,否则,你的 reducer 可能会返回 “undefined” (等于你的 state 就丢了)
  4. 注意 { message: action.value } 是怎么被合并到当前 state 来形成新 state 的,这全要感谢牛逼的 ES7 notation (Object Spread): { ...state, message: action.value }
  5. 还要注意:之所以这个例子能用ES7 Object Spread notation ,是因为它只对 state 里的 { message: action.value} 做了浅拷贝(也就是说, state 第一个层级的属性直接被 { message: action.value } 覆盖掉了 —— 与之相对,其实也有优雅的合并方式 )但是如果数据结构更复杂或者是嵌套的,那处理state更新的时候,很可能还需要考虑一些完全不同的做法:
    • 可以考虑: Immutable.js (https://facebook.github.io/immutable-js/)
    • 可以考虑: Object.assign (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/assign)
    • 可以考虑: 手工合并
    • 又或者考虑用其它任何能满足需要且适合 state 结构的方法,Redux 对此是全无预设的方式的(要记得 Redux 只是个状态的容器)。

现在开始,我们要在 reducer 里处理 action 了,我们将会有多个 reducer 并会组合它们。