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章节 5 - combine reducers


我们现在来看一下什么是 reducer

var reducer_0 = function (state = {}, action) {
  console.log('reducer_0 was called with state', state, 'and action', action)

  switch (action.type) {
    case 'SAY_SOMETHING':
      return {
        message: action.value
      return state;

在继续之前,我们先来想象一下拥有很多 action 的 reducer 长什么样子

var reducer_1 = function (state = {}, action) {
  console.log('reducer_1 was called with state', state, 'and action', action)

  switch (action.type) {
    case 'SAY_SOMETHING':
      return {
        message: action.value
    case 'DO_SOMETHING':
      // ...
      // ...
    case 'HEAR_SOMETHING':
      // ...
    case 'GO_SOMEWHERE':
      // ...
    // etc.
      return state;

很显然,只有一个 reducer 是 hold 不住我们整个应用中所有 action 操作的(好吧,事实上它能 hold 得住,但这会变得很难维护。)

幸运的是,Redux 不关心我们到底是只有一个 reducer ,还是有一打(12个)reducer 。如果我们有多个 reducer ,Redux 能帮我们合并成一个。

让我们来定义 2 个 reducer

var userReducer = function (state = {}, action) {
  console.log('userReducer was called with state', state, 'and action', action)

  switch (action.type) {
    // etc.
      return state;
var itemsReducer = function (state = [], action) {
  console.log('itemsReducer was called with state', state, 'and action', action)

  switch (action.type) {
    // etc.
      return state;

我希望你特别留意赋给每个 reducer 的初始 state :

  1. 赋给 userReducer 的初始 state 是一个空对象,即 {}
    赋给 itemsReducer 的初始 state 是一个空数组,即 []

赋予不同类型的值是为了说明 reducer 是可以处理任何类型的数据结构的。你完全可以选择那些符合你的需求的数据结构作为 state 的值。(例如,字面量对象、数组、布尔值、字符串或其它不可变结构)

在这种多个 reducer 的模式下,我们可以让每个 reducer 只处理整个应用的部分 state 。

但我们需要知道,createStore 只接收一个 reducer 函数。

那么,我们怎么合并所有的 reducer? 我们又该如何告诉 Redux 每个 reducer 只处理一部分 state 呢?

其实这很简单。我们使用 combineReducers 辅助函数。

combineReducers 接收一个对象并返回一个函数,当 combineReducers 被调用时,它会去调用每个reducer,并把返回的每一块 state 重新组合成一个大 state 对象(也就是 Redux 中的 Store)。

长话短说,下面演示一下如何使用多个 reducer 创建一个 Redux 实例:

import { createStore, combineReducers } from 'redux'

var reducer = combineReducers({
  user: userReducer,
  items: itemsReducer


userReducer was called with state {} and action { type: '@@redux/INIT' }
userReducer was called with state {} and action { type: '@@redux/PROBE_UNKNOWN_ACTION_9.r.k.r.i.c.n.m.i' }
itemsReducer was called with state [] and action { type: '@@redux/INIT' }
itemsReducer was called with state [] and action { type: '@@redux/PROBE_UNKNOWN_ACTION_4.f.i.z.l.3.7.s.y.v.i' }
var store_0 = createStore(reducer)


userReducer was called with state {} and action { type: '@@redux/INIT' }
itemsReducer was called with state [] and action { type: '@@redux/INIT' }

正如你从输出中看到的,每个 reducer 都被正确地调用了(但接收了个 init action @@redux/INIT )。这个 action 是什么鬼?这是 combineReducers 实施的一次安全检查,用以确保 reducer 永远不会返回undefined。请注意,在 combineReducers 中第一次调用 init action 时,其实是随机 action 来的,但它们有个共同的目的 (即是做一个安全检查)。

console.log('store_0 state after initialization:', store_0.getState())


store_0 state after initialization: { user: {}, items: [] }

有趣的是,我们发现 Redux 正确处理了 state 的各个部分。最终的 state 完全是一个简单的对象,由userReducer 和 itemsReducer 返回的部分 state 共同组成。

  user: {}, // {} is the slice returned by our userReducer
  items: [] // [] is the slice returned by our itemsReducer

由于我们为每个 reducer 初始化了一个特殊的值(userReducer 的是空对象 {} ,itemsReducer 的是空数组 [] ),所以在最终 Redux 的 state 中找到那些值并不是巧合。

现在,关于 reducer 如何工作我们已经有了清楚的理解。是时候去看看当 action 被分发(dispatch)时会对Redux 的 state 有什么影响。