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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Python
所属分类 Web应用开发、 Web框架
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 毕胡非
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Boilerplate application for a Flask JWT Backend and a React/Redux Front-End with Material UI.

  • Python 2.7+ or 3.x
  • Pytest
  • Heroku
  • Flask
  • React
  • Redux
  • React-Router 2.0
  • React-Router-Redux
  • Babel 6
  • SCSS processing
  • Webpack


Create DB

$ export DATABASE_URL="postgresql://username:password@localhost/mydatabase"


$ export DATABASE_URL="mysql+mysqlconnector://username:password@localhost/mydatabase"


$ export DATABASE_URL="sqlite:///your.db"

(More about connection strings in this flask config guide.)

$ python manage.py create_db
$ python manage.py db upgrade
$ python manage.py db migrate

To update database after creating new migrations, use:

$ python manage.py db upgrade

Install Front-End Requirements

$ cd static
$ npm install

Run Back-End

$ python manage.py runserver

Test Back-End

$ python test.py --cov-report=term --cov-report=html --cov=application/ tests/

Run Front-End

$ cd static
$ npm start

Build Front-End

$ npm run build:production

New to Python?

If you are approaching this demo as primarily a frontend dev with limited or no python experience, you may need to install a few things that a seasoned python dev would already have installed.

Most Macs already have python 2.7 installed but you may not have pip install. You can check to see if you have them installed:

$ python --version
$ pip --version 

If pip is not installed, you can follow this simple article to get both homebrew and python

After you install python, you can optionally also install python 3

$ brew install python3

Now you can check again to see if both python and pip are installed. Once pip is installed, you can download the required flask modules:

$ sudo pip install flask flask_script flask_migrate flask_bcrypt 

Now, you can decide on which database you wish to use.

New to MySQL?

If you decide on MySQL, install the free community edition of MySQL and MySQL Workbench

  1. start MySQL from the System Preferences
  2. open MySQL Workbench and create a database called mydatabase but don't create the tables since python will do that for you
  3. Install the MySQL connector for Python, add the DATABASE_URL configuration, and create the database and tables
$ sudo pip install mysql-connector-python-rf
$ export DATABASE_URL="mysql+mysqlconnector://username:password@localhost/mydatabase"
$ python manage.py create_db

Note: you do not need to run "python manage.py db upgrade" or "python manage.py db migrate" if its your first go at it

  1. Run Back-End
$ python manage.py runserver

If all goes well, you should see * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) followed by a few more lines in the terminal.

  1. open a new tab to the same directory and run the front end
$ cd static
$ npm install
$ npm start
  1. open your browser to http://localhost:3000/register and setup your first account
  2. enjoy! By this point, you should be able to create an account and login without errors.
  • 引言 本来想一口吃成个胖子,但发现埋头学的效果不佳(其实是学不会。。。redux、antdpro都看不懂。。。不得不感慨一句:学历如天谴那)。于是决定先用已有的知识体系把项目搭起来再说,边搭边学吧。另外,本人虽是python出身,也学过一定时间的基础知识,并有实际全职码python代码的工作经历,但对于flask框架其实也是一知半解,很多知识点并未深入,也得边写边学。第一次练习的项目,肯定有很多问

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