

Hitting npm run build all the time will get boring eventually. Fortunately we can work around that quite easily. Let's set up webpack-dev-server.

如果需要一直输入 npm run build 确实是一件非常无聊的事情,幸运的是,我们可以把让他安静的运行,让我们设置 webpack-dev-server

设置 webpack-dev-server

As a first step, hit npm i webpack-dev-server --save. In addition we'll need to tweak package.json scripts section to include it. Here's the basic idea:

第一步,输入 npm i webpack-dev-server --save,此外,我们需要去调整 package.json scripts 部分去包含这个指令,下面是基本的设置:


  "scripts": {
    "build": "webpack",
    "dev": "webpack-dev-server --devtool eval --progress --colors --hot --content-base build"

When you run npm run dev from your terminal it will execute the command stated as a value on the dev property. This is what it does:

当你在命令行里运行 npm run dev 的时候他会执行 dev 属性里的值。这是这些指令的意思:

  1. webpack-dev-server - Starts a web service on localhost:8080
  2. --devtool eval - Creates source urls for your code. Making you able to pinpoint by filename and line number where any errors are thrown
  3. --progress - Will show progress of bundling your application
  4. --colors - Yay, colors in the terminal!
  5. --content-base build - Points to the output directory configured
  1. webpack-dev-server - 在 localhost:8080 建立一个 Web 服务器
  2. --devtool eval - 为你的代码创建源地址。当有任何报错的时候可以让你更加精确地定位到文件和行号
  3. --progress - 显示合并代码进度
  4. --colors - Yay,命令行中显示颜色!
  5. --content-base build - 指向设置的输出目录

To recap, when you run npm run dev this will fire up the webservice, watch for file changes and automatically rebundle your application when any file changes occur. How neat is that!

总的来说,当你运行 npm run dev 的时候,会启动一个 Web 服务器,然后监听文件修改,然后自动重新合并你的代码。真的非常简洁!

Go to http://localhost:8080 and you should see something.

访问 http://localhost:8080 你会看到效果。