A boilerplate using React, webpack and hot module reloading, and ES6 + JSX via Babel.You could use it as a base to build your own web app.
The provided boilerplate enables client-side ES6 via the following technologies:
for changes of html-webpack-pluginyou should clone the repo and install the dependencies.
$ git clone https://github.com/chenbin92/react-redux-webpack-starter.git app-name
$ cd app-name
$ npm install //or cnpm install
In the development mode. launch the boilerplate app:
// run the dev server http://localhost:8080
$ npm start
you should see a new browser tap opening and a title of "Hello React” in http://localhost:8080/, page hot reloads automatically when there are changes
When you run npm start:
In the production mode, you can:
// run the prod server http://localhost:9090
$ npm run start: prod
// build the static files.
$ npm run build
npm run build
. This will prepare and build the project for production use. It does the following:
directorynpm start
: start the development model of servernpm run start:prod
: start the production model of servernpm run build
: compile code in production modenpm run lint
: lint with ESlint and Airbnb's style sheet.npm run lint:watch
: eslint watchingnpm run remove:build
: remove the dist directorynpm run clean:build
: clean the dist directoryredux+react+webpack+热加载+兼容IE8 动机 (备忘录,持续更新)项目需要支持到IE8,并且我是深度懒癌患者,于是选择了高配带有热加载 功能的(兼容了IE)环境。项目地址在下面。 刚刚接触react+redux架构没多久,用了大半天时间搭了redux+react+hot-middleware+supportIE8的环境。也分享给刚刚接触、需要现成脚手架的朋友。基础框架参照官方D
配置下环境先,记得➕‘--dev'的就是运行在开发模式的,在开发模式普通dependecies也能用 npm init npm install //no need to npm install actually because we're in the initilization process. npm install webpack --save-dev npm install --save
npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript cd my-app npm start yarn add antd yarn add react-app-rewired customize-cra /* package.json */ "scripts": { - "start": "react-scripts start", +
The 'mode' option has not been set, webpack will fallback to 'production' for this value. Set 'mode' option to 'development' or 'production' to enable defaults for each environment. 需要制定是开发环境还是正式环境 //
react+webpack+es6 安装webpack 1.先将npm的源改为淘宝,使用如下命令 npm install -g cnpm --registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org 2.接下来安装引用包的方法为 cnmp install [name] -g //全局安装 cnpm install [name] //本地安装,即是只安装到当前目录的环境 3
##第八步:配置代理,解决跨域问题,方便开发环境请求数据 npm install http-proxy-middleware --save # or yarn add http-proxy-middleware 然后在src目录下创建 setupProxy.js 文件 // setupProxy.js const proxy = require('http-proxy-middleware')
目录 为何组件没有被重新渲染、或者 mapStateToProps 没有运行? 为何组件频繁的重新渲染? 怎样使 mapStateToProps 执行更快? 为何不在被连接的组件中使用 this.props.dispatch ? 应该只连接到顶层组件吗,或者可以在组件树中连接到不同组件吗? React Redux 为何组件没有被重新渲染、或者 mapStateToProps 没有运行? 目前来看,
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