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Tornado IOLoop 与 Configurable 类


IOLoop 是 tornado 的核心。程序中主函数通常调用 tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start() 来启动IOLoop,但是看了一下 IOLoop 的实现,start 方法是这样的:

def start(self):
	"""Starts the I/O loop.

	The loop will run until one of the callbacks calls `stop()`, which
	will make the loop stop after the current event iteration completes.
	raise NotImplementedError()

也就是说 IOLoop 是个抽象的基类,具体工作是由它的子类负责的。由于是 Linux 平台,所以应该用 Epoll,对应的类是 PollIOLoop。PollIOLoop 的 start 方法开始了事件循环。

问题来了,tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance() 是怎么返回 PollIOLoop 实例的呢?刚开始有点想不明白,后来看了一下 IOLoop 的代码就豁然开朗了。

IOLoop 继承自 Configurable,后者位于 tornado/util.py。

A configurable interface is an (abstract) class whose constructor acts as a factory function for one of its implementation subclasses. The implementation subclass as well as optional keyword arguments to its initializer can be set globally at runtime with configure.

Configurable 类实现了一个工厂方法,也就是设计模式中的“工厂模式”,看一下__new__函数的实现:

def __new__(cls, **kwargs):
	base = cls.configurable_base()
	args = {}
	if cls is base:
		impl = cls.configured_class()
		if base.__impl_kwargs:
		impl = cls
	instance = super(Configurable, cls).__new__(impl)
	# initialize vs __init__ chosen for compatiblity with AsyncHTTPClient
	# singleton magic.  If we get rid of that we can switch to __init__
	# here too.
	return instance


def configured_class(cls):
	"""Returns the currently configured class."""
	base = cls.configurable_base()
	if cls.__impl_class is None:
		base.__impl_class = cls.configurable_default()
	return base.__impl_class


def configurable_default(cls):
	if hasattr(select, "epoll"):
		from tornado.platform.epoll import EPollIOLoop
		return EPollIOLoop
	if hasattr(select, "kqueue"):
		# Python 2.6+ on BSD or Mac
		from tornado.platform.kqueue import KQueueIOLoop
		return KQueueIOLoop
	from tornado.platform.select import SelectIOLoop
	return SelectIOLoop

EPollIOLoop 是 PollIOLoop 的子类。至此,这个流程就理清楚了。