import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';import 'package:flutter/material.dart';import 'package:flutter_screenutil/flutter_screenutil.dart';import 'package:semf_flutter/generated/i18n.dart';import 'dart:async';const bool __printDebug = false;/// Picker selected callback.
typedef PickerSelectedCallback = voidFunction(
Picker picker,int index, Listselecteds);/// Picker confirm callback.
typedef PickerConfirmCallback = voidFunction(
Picker picker, Listselecteds);/// Picker
classPicker {static const double DefaultTextSize = 20.0;/// Index of currently selected items
Listselecteds;/// Picker adapter, Used to provide data and generate widgets
finalPickerAdapter adapter;/// insert separator before picker columns
final Listdelimiter;finalVoidCallback onCancel;finalPickerSelectedCallback onSelect;finalPickerConfirmCallback onConfirm;/// When the previous level selection changes, scroll the child to the first item.
finalchangeToFirst;/// Specify flex for each column
final ListcolumnFlex;finalWidget title;finalWidget cancel;finalWidget confirm;finalString cancelText;finalString confirmText;final doubleheight;/// Height of list item
final doubleitemExtent;finalTextStyle textStyle,
selectedTextStyle;finalTextAlign textAlign;/// Text scaling factor
final doubletextScaleFactor;finalEdgeInsetsGeometry columnPadding;finalColor backgroundColor, headercolor, containerColor;/// Hide head
finalbool hideHeader;/// Show pickers in reversed order
finalbool reversedOrder;/// List item loop
finalbool looping;/// Delay generation for smoother animation, This is the number of milliseconds to wait. It is recommended to > = 200
final intsmooth;finalWidget footer;finalDecoration headerDecoration;final doublemagnification;final doublediameterRatio;final doublesqueeze;
Widget _widget;
PickerWidgetState _state;
{this.adapter,this.delimiter,this.selecteds,this.height = 150.0,this.itemExtent = 28.0,this.columnPadding,this.textStyle,this.cancelTextStyle,this.confirmTextStyle,this.selectedTextStyle,this.textAlign =TextAlign.start,this.textScaleFactor,this.title,this.cancel,this.confirm,this.cancelText,this.confirmText,this.backgroundColor =Colors.white,this.containerColor,this.headercolor,this.changeToFirst = false,this.hideHeader = false,this.looping = false,this.reversedOrder = false,this.headerDecoration,this.columnFlex,this.footer,this.smooth,this.magnification = 1.0,this.diameterRatio = 1.1,this.squeeze = 1.45,this.onCancel,this.onSelect,this.onConfirm})
:assert(adapter != null);
Widget get widget=>_widget;
PickerWidgetState get state=>_state;int _maxLevel = 1;/// 生成picker控件
/// Build picker control
Widget makePicker([ThemeData themeData, bool isModal = false]) {
adapter.picker= this;
_widget=_PickerWidget(picker:this, themeData: themeData, isModal: isModal);return_widget;
}/// show picker
voidshow(ScaffoldState state, [ThemeData themeData]) {
state.showBottomSheet((BuildContext context) {returnmakePicker(themeData);
}/// 获取当前选择的值
/// Get the value of the current selection
List getSelectedValues() {returnadapter.getSelectedValues();
}/// 取消
voiddoCancel(BuildContext context) {if (onCancel != null) onCancel();
_widget= null;
}/// 确定
voiddoConfirm(BuildContext context) {if (onConfirm != null) onConfirm(this, selecteds);
_widget= null;
}/// 弹制更新指定列的内容
/// 当 onSelect 事件中,修改了当前列前面的列的内容时,可以调用此方法来更新显示
void updateColumn(int index, [bool all = false]) {if(all) {
adapter.setColumn(index- 1);
}/// 分隔符
classPickerDelimiter {finalWidget child;final intcolumn;
PickerDelimiter({this.child, this.column = 1}) : assert(child != null);
}/// picker data list item
class PickerItem{/// 显示内容
finalWidget text;/// 数据值
finalT value;/// 子项
final List>children;
PickerItem({this.text, this.value, this.children});
}class _PickerWidget extendsStatefulWidget {finalPicker picker;finalThemeData themeData;finalbool isModal;
{Key key, @requiredthis.picker, @required this.themeData, this.isModal})
:super(key: key);
PickerWidgetState createState()=>PickerWidgetState(picker: this.picker, themeData: this.themeData);
}class PickerWidgetState extends State<_pickerwidget>{finalPicker picker;finalThemeData themeData;
PickerWidgetState({Key key, @requiredthis.picker, @required this.themeData});
ThemeData theme;final List scrollController =[];final List> _keys =[];
@overridevoidinitState() {super.initState();
picker._state= this;
picker.adapter.doShow();if (scrollController.length == 0) {for (int i = 0; i < picker._maxLevel; i++) {
.add(FixedExtentScrollController(initialItem: picker.selecteds[i]));
_keys.add(GlobalKey(debugLabel: i.toString()));
}voidupdate() {
setState(() {});
}//var ref = 0;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {//print("picker build ${ref++}");
ScreenUtil.instance = ScreenUtil(width: 750, height: 1334)..init(context);if (_wait && picker.smooth != null && picker.smooth > 0) {
Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: picker.smooth), () {if (!_wait) return;
setState(() {
_wait= false;
}else_wait= false;
var _body= [];if (!picker.hideHeader) {
child: Row(
children: _buildHeaderViews(),
decoration: picker.headerDecoration??BoxDecoration(
border: Border(
top: BorderSide(color: theme.dividerColor, width:0.5),
bottom: BorderSide(color: theme.dividerColor, width:0.5),
color: picker.headercolor== null
: picker.headercolor,
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
children: _buildViews(),
: AnimatedSwitcher(
duration: Duration(milliseconds:300),
child: Row(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
children: _buildViews(),
));if (picker.footer != null) _body.add(picker.footer);
Widget v=Column(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
children: _body,
);if (widget.isModal != null &&widget.isModal) {
onTap: () {},
child: v,
List_buildHeaderViews() {if (_headerItems != null) return_headerItems;if (theme == null) theme =Theme.of(context);
List items =[];if (picker.cancel != null) {
style: picker.cancelTextStyle??TextStyle(
color: theme.accentColor, fontSize: Picker.DefaultTextSize),
child: picker.cancel));
String _cancelText= picker.cancelText ??S.of(context).datePicker_Cancel;if (_cancelText != null || _cancelText != "") {
onPressed: () {
child: Text(_cancelText,
overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
style: picker.cancelTextStyle??TextStyle(
color: theme.accentColor,
fontSize: Picker.DefaultTextSize))));
child: Center(//alignment:,
child: picker.title == null
: DefaultTextStyle(
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: Picker.DefaultTextSize,
color: theme.textTheme.title.color),
child: picker.title),
)));if (picker.confirm != null) {
style: picker.confirmTextStyle??TextStyle(
color: theme.accentColor, fontSize: Picker.DefaultTextSize),
child: picker.confirm));
String _confirmText=picker.confirmText??S.of(context).datePicker_Confirm;if (_confirmText != null || _confirmText != "") {
onPressed: () {
child: Text(_confirmText,
overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
style: picker.confirmTextStyle??TextStyle(
color: theme.accentColor,
fontSize: Picker.DefaultTextSize))));
bool _changeing= false;
bool _wait= true;final Map lastData ={};
List_buildViews() {if (__printDebug) print("_buildViews");if (theme == null) theme =Theme.of(context);
List items =[];
PickerAdapter adapter=picker.adapter;if (adapter != null) adapter.setColumn(-1);if (adapter != null && adapter.length > 0) {
var _decoration=BoxDecoration(
color: picker.containerColor== null
: picker.containerColor,
);for (int i = 0; i < picker._maxLevel; i++) {
Widget view=Expanded(
flex: adapter.getColumnFlex(i),
child: Container(
padding: picker.columnPadding,
height: picker.height,
decoration: _decoration,
child: _wait? null: _StateView(
key: _keys[i],
builder: (context) {
adapter.setColumn(i- 1);
var _length=adapter.length;
var _view=CupertinoPicker.builder(
backgroundColor: picker.backgroundColor,
scrollController: scrollController[i],
itemExtent: picker.itemExtent,//looping: picker.looping,
magnification: picker.magnification,
diameterRatio: picker.diameterRatio,
squeeze: picker.squeeze,
onSelectedItemChanged: (int_index) {if (__printDebug) print("onSelectedItemChanged");
var index= _index %_length;
adapter.doSelect(i, index);if(picker.changeToFirst) {for (int j = i + 1;
j++) {
picker.selecteds[j]= 0;
}if (picker.onSelect != null)
picker.onSelect(picker, i, picker.selecteds);
_keys[i].currentState.update();if(adapter.isLinkage) {for (int j = i + 1;
j++) {
adapter.setColumn(j- 1);
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
adapter.setColumn(i- 1);return adapter.buildItem(context, index %_length);
childCount: picker.looping? null: _length,
);if (!picker.changeToFirst &&picker.selecteds[i]>=_length) {
Timer(Duration(milliseconds:100), () {if (__printDebug) print("timer last");
adapter.setColumn(i- 1);
var _len=adapter.length;
(_len< _length ? _len : _length) - 1);
}if (picker.delimiter != null && !_wait) {for (int i = 0; i < picker.delimiter.length; i++) {
var o=picker.delimiter[i];if (o.child == null) continue;
var item=Container(child: o.child, height: picker.height);if (o.column < 0)
items.insert(0, item);else if (o.column >=items.length)
items.add(item);elseitems.insert(o.column, item);
}if (picker.reversedOrder) returnitems.reversed.toList();returnitems;
}void updateScrollController(inti) {if (_changeing || !picker.adapter.isLinkage) return;
_changeing= true;for (int j = 0; j < picker.selecteds.length; j++) {if (j !=i) {if (scrollController[j].position.maxScrollExtent == null) continue;
_changeing= false;
}/// 选择器数据适配器
abstract class PickerAdapter{
Picker picker;intgetLength();intgetMaxLevel();void setColumn(intindex);voidinitSelects();
Widget buildItem(BuildContext context,intindex);
Widget makeText(Widget child, String text, bool isSel) {return newCenter(//alignment:,
child: DefaultTextStyle(
overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
textAlign: picker.textAlign,
style: picker.textStyle??TextStyle(
color: Colors.black87, fontSize: Picker.DefaultTextSize),
child: child!= null
: Text(text,
textScaleFactor: picker.textScaleFactor,
style: (isSel? picker.selectedTextStyle : null))));
Widget makeTextEx(
Widget child, String text, Widget postfix, Widget suffix, bool isSel) {
List items =[];if (postfix != null) items.add(postfix);
child?? Text(text, style: (isSel ? picker.selectedTextStyle : null)));if (suffix != null) items.add(suffix);
var _txtColor=Colors.black87;
var _txtSize=Picker.DefaultTextSize;if (isSel && picker.selectedTextStyle != null) {if (picker.selectedTextStyle.color != null)
_txtColor=picker.selectedTextStyle.color;if (picker.selectedTextStyle.fontSize != null)
}return newCenter(//alignment:,
child: DefaultTextStyle(
overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
textAlign: picker.textAlign,
style: picker.textStyle??TextStyle(color: _txtColor, fontSize: _txtSize),
child: Wrap(
children: items,
String getText() {returngetSelectedValues().toString();
ListgetSelectedValues() {return[];
}voiddoShow() {}void doSelect(int column, intindex) {}int getColumnFlex(intcolumn) {if (picker.columnFlex != null && column
}int get maxLevel =>getMaxLevel();/// Content length of current column
int get length =>getLength();
String get text=>getText();//是否联动,即后面的列受前面列数据影响
bool get isLinkage =>getIsLinkage();
String toString() {returngetText();
bool getIsLinkage() {return true;
}/// 通知适配器数据改变
voidnotifyDataChanged() {if (picker != null && picker.state != null) {
picker.adapter.initSelects();for (int j = 0; j < picker.selecteds.length; j++)
}/// Picker DateTime Adapter Type
classPickerDateTimeType {static const int kMDY = 0; //m, d, y
static const int kHM = 1; //hh, mm
static const int kHMS = 2; //hh, mm, ss
static const int kHM_AP = 3; //hh, mm, ap(AM/PM)
static const int kMDYHM = 4; //m, d, y, hh, mm
static const int kMDYHM_AP = 5; //m, d, y, hh, mm, AM/PM
static const int kMDYHMS = 6; //m, d, y, hh, mm, ss
static const int kYMD = 7; //y, m, d
static const int kYMDHM = 8; //y, m, d, hh, mm
static const int kYMDHMS = 9; //y, m, d, hh, mm, ss
static const int kYMD_AP_HM = 10; //y, m, d, ap, hh, mm
static const int kYM = 11; //y, m
static const int kDMY = 12; //d, m, y
static const int kY = 13; //y
static const int kYQ = 14; //y,Q
static const int kYMWD = 15; //y,m,w,d
}class DateTimePickerAdapter extends PickerAdapter{/// display type, ref: columnType
final inttype;/// Whether to display the month in numerical form.If true, months is not used.
finalbool isNumberMonth;/// custom months strings
final Listmonths;/// Custom AM, PM strings
final ListstrAMPM;/// year begin...end.
final intyearBegin, yearEnd;/// minimum datetime
finalDateTime minValue, maxValue;/// jump minutes, user could select time in intervals of 30min, 5mins, etc....
final intminuteInterval;/// Year, month, day suffix
finalString yearSuffix, monthSuffix, daySuffix, quarterSuffix, weekSuffix;/// use two-digit year, 2019, displayed as 19
finalbool twoDigitYear;/// year 0, month 1, day 2, hour 3, minute 4, sec 5, am/pm 6, hour-ap: 7
final ListcustomColumnType;static const List MonthsList_EN = const["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"];static const List MonthsList_EN_L = const["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"];
Picker picker,this.type = 0,this.isNumberMonth = false,this.months =MonthsList_EN,this.strAMPM,this.yearBegin = 1900,this.yearEnd = 2100,this.value,this.minValue,this.maxValue,this.yearSuffix,this.monthSuffix,this.daySuffix,this.quarterSuffix,this.weekSuffix,this.minuteInterval,this.customColumnType,this.twoDigitYear = false,
}) :assert(minuteInterval == null ||(minuteInterval>= 1 &&minuteInterval<= 30 &&(60 % minuteInterval == 0))) {super.picker =picker;
_yearBegin=yearBegin;if (minValue != null && minValue.year >_yearBegin) {
}int _col = 0;int _colAP = -1;int _yearBegin = 0;/// Currently selected value
DateTime value;//but it can improve the performance, so keep it.
static const List> lengths = const[
[12, 31, 0],
[24, 60],
[24, 60, 60],
[12, 60, 2],
[12, 31, 0, 24, 60],
[12, 31, 0, 12, 60, 2],
[12, 31, 0, 24, 60, 60],
[0, 12, 31],
[0, 12, 31, 24, 60],
[0, 12, 31, 24, 60, 60],
[0, 12, 31, 2, 12, 60],
[0, 12],
[31, 12, 0],
[0, 4],
[0, 12, 52, 31],
];static const Map columnTypeLength ={0: 0,1: 12,2: 31,3: 24,4: 60,5: 60,6: 2,7: 12,8: 4,9: 52,
};/// year 0, month 1, day 2, hour 3, minute 4, sec 5, am/pm 6, hour-ap: 7
static const List> columnType = const[
[1, 2, 0],
[3, 4],
[3, 4, 5],
[7, 4, 6],
[1, 2, 0, 3, 4],
[1, 2, 0, 7, 4, 6],
[1, 2, 0, 3, 4, 5],
[0, 1, 2],
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
[0, 1, 2, 6, 7, 4],
[0, 1],
[2, 1, 0],
[0, 8],
[0, 1, 9, 2],
];//static const List leapYearMonths = const [1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12];//获取当前列的类型
int getColumnType(intindex) {if (customColumnType != null) returncustomColumnType[index];
List items =columnType[type];if (index >= items.length) return -1;returnitems[index];
@overrideintgetLength() {int v = customColumnType == null
: columnTypeLength[customColumnType[_col]];if (v == 0) {//年
int ye =yearEnd;if (maxValue != null) ye =maxValue.year;return ye - _yearBegin + 1;
if (v == 31) return_calcDateCount(value.year, value.month);if (minuteInterval != null && minuteInterval > 1) {int _type =getColumnType(_col);if (_type == 4) {return v ~/minuteInterval;
}//周,如果当年的12月31是周四,则当年有53周 (国际规定是周四为一周的第一天)
if (v == 52) {
DateTime date= DateTime.utc(value.year, 12, 31);if (date.weekday ==DateTime.thursday) {return 53;
@overrideintgetMaxLevel() {return customColumnType == null
: customColumnType.length;
@overridevoid setColumn(intindex) {//print("setColumn index: $index");
_col = index + 1;if (_col < 0) _col = 0;
@overridevoidinitSelects() {if (value == null) value;
_colAP=_getAPColIndex();int _maxLevel =getMaxLevel();if (picker.selecteds == null || picker.selecteds.length == 0) {if (picker.selecteds == null) picker.selecteds = List();for (int i = 0; i < _maxLevel; i++) picker.selecteds.add(0);
Widget buildItem(BuildContext context,intindex) {
String _text= "";int colType =getColumnType(_col);switch(colType) {case 0:if (twoDigitYear != null &&twoDigitYear) {
_text= "${_yearBegin + index}";
var _l=_text.length;
"${_text.substring(_l - (_l - 2), _l)}${_checkStr(yearSuffix)}";
}else_text= "${_yearBegin + index}${_checkStr(yearSuffix)}";break;case 1:if(isNumberMonth) {
_text= "${intToStr(index + 1)}${_checkStr(monthSuffix)}";
}else{if (months != null)
_text= "${intToStr(int.parse(months[index]))}";else{//List _months =//PickerLocalizations//.of(context)//.months ?? MonthsList_EN;
List _months =MonthsList_EN;
_text= "${intToStr(_months[index])}";
}break;case 2:
_text= "${intToStr(index + 1)}${_checkStr(daySuffix)}";break;case 3:case 5:
_text= "${intToStr(index)}";break;case 4:if (minuteInterval == null || minuteInterval < 2)
_text= "${intToStr(index)}";else_text= "${intToStr(index * minuteInterval)}";break;case 6://List _ampm = strAMPM ?? PickerLocalizations//.of(context)//.ampm;
List _ampm =strAMPM;if (_ampm == null) _ampm = const ['AM', 'PM'];
_text= "${_ampm[index]}";break;case 7:
_text= "${intToStr(index + 1)}";break;case 8:
_text= "${_checkStr(quarterSuffix)}${index + 1}";break;case 9:
_text= "${index + 1}${_checkStr(weekSuffix)}";break;
}return makeText(null, _text, picker.selecteds[_col] ==index);
String getText() {returnvalue.toString();
@overrideint getColumnFlex(intcolumn) {if (picker.columnFlex != null && column
@overridevoiddoShow() {if (_yearBegin == 0) getLength();
var _maxLevel=getMaxLevel();for (int i = 0; i < _maxLevel; i++) {int colType =getColumnType(i);switch(colType) {case 0:
picker.selecteds[i]= value.year -_yearBegin;break;case 1:
picker.selecteds[i]= value.month - 1;break;case 2:
picker.selecteds[i]= - 1;break;case 3:
picker.selecteds[i]=value.hour;break;case 4:
picker.selecteds[i]= minuteInterval == null || minuteInterval < 2
: value.minute~/minuteInterval;break;case 5:
picker.selecteds[i]=value.second;break;case 6:
picker.selecteds[i]= (value.hour > 12 || value.hour == 0) ? 1 : 0;break;case 7:
picker.selecteds[i]= value.hour == 0
? 11: (value.hour> 12) ? value.hour - 12 - 1 : value.hour - 1;break;case 8:int quarter =getQuarter();
picker.selecteds[i]= quarter - 1;break;case 9:int week =getWeek();
picker.selecteds[i]= week - 1;break;
static const int EPOCH_WEEK_DAY =DateTime.thursday;static const int EPOCH_JULIAN_DAY = 0;intgetWeek() {///当前选中时间 周几
var currentWeekDay =value.weekday;///周四
int EPOCH_WEEK_DAY =DateTime.thursday;
DateTime epoch=DateTime.utc(value.year);int offset = EPOCH_WEEK_DAY -currentWeekDay;int delta = EPOCH_JULIAN_DAY -offset;int week = (value.difference(epoch).inDays - delta) ~/ 7 + 1;returnweek;
intgetQuarter() {if (value.month >= 1 && value.month <= 3) {return 1;
}else if (value.month >= 4 && value.month <= 6) {return 2;
}else if (value.month >= 7 && value.month <= 9) {return 3;
}else if (value.month >= 10 && value.month <= 12) {return 4;
}else{return 0;
@overridevoid doSelect(int column, intindex) {intyear, month, day, h, m, s, q, w;
w=getWeek();if (type != 2 && type != 6) s = 0;int colType =getColumnType(column);switch(colType) {case 0:
year= _yearBegin +index;break;case 1:
month= index + 1;break;case 2:
day= index + 1;break;case 3:
h=index;break;case 4:
m= (minuteInterval == null || minuteInterval < 2)?index
: index*minuteInterval;break;case 5:
s=index;break;case 6:if (picker.selecteds[_colAP] == 0) {if (h == 0) h = 12;if (h > 12) h = h - 12;
}else{if (h < 12) h = h + 12;if (h == 12) h = 0;
}break;case 7:
h= index + 1;if (_colAP >= 0 && picker.selecteds[_colAP] == 1) h = h + 12;if (h > 23) h = 0;break;case 8:
q= index + 1;if (q == 1) {
month= 1;
}else if (q == 2) {
month= 4;
}else if (q == 3) {
month= 7;
}else if (q == 4) {
month= 10;
}break;case 9:
w= index + 1;break;
}int __day =_calcDateCount(year, month);if (day > __day) day =__day;
value=DateTime(year, month, day, h, m, s);if (minValue != null &&(value.millisecondsSinceEpoch
}else if (maxValue != null &&value.millisecondsSinceEpoch>maxValue.millisecondsSinceEpoch) {
if (type == 15) {int selectWeek =getWeek();
w= selectWeek - 1;
}int_getAPColIndex() {
List items = customColumnType ??columnType[type];for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {if (items[i] == 6) returni;
}return -1;
}int _calcDateCount(int year, intmonth) {switch(month) {case 1:case 3:case 5:case 7:case 8:case 10:case 12:return 31;case 2:
{if ((year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || year % 400 == 0) {return 29;
}return 28;
}return 30;
String intToStr(intv) {return (v < 10) ? "0$v" : "$v";
String _checkStr(String v) {return v == null ? "": v;
}class _StateView extendsStatefulWidget {finalWidgetBuilder builder;const _StateView({Key key, this.builder}) : super(key: key);
State createState() =>_StateViewState();
}class _StateViewState extends State<_stateview>{
Widget build(BuildContext context) {returnwidget.builder(context);
update() {
setState(() {});