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NAO & Pepper 机器人 python 环境下开发笔记


环境不多说了Choregraph+Naoqi sdk for python


ALProxy is an object that gives you acces to all the methods or the module your are going to connect to.

class ALProxy(name, ip, port)
    name - The name of the module
    ip - The IP of your robot
    port - The port on which NAOqi listens (9559 by default)

To make NAO walk, you should use ALMotionProxy::moveInit (to put the robot in a correct position), and then ALMotionProxy::moveTo

from naoqi import ALProxy
motion = ALProxy("ALMotion", "nao.local", 9559)
motion.moveTo(0.5, 0, 0)

This will let you make the robot do several things at the same time.

from naoqi import ALProxy
motion = ALProxy("ALMotion", "nao.local", 9559)
tts = ALProxy("ALTextToSpeech", "nao.local", 9559)
motion.post.moveTo(0.5, 0, 0)
tts.say("I'm walking")
