type: 'xlsx',
exportDataType: "all",
worksheetName: 'sheet1',
ignoreColumn: [2],//忽略某一列的索引
fileName: '下载文件名称' + Date.now(),//下载文件名称
onCellHtmlData: function (cell, row, col, data) {
return data;
const defaults 默认配置的mso,转化.xlsx格式的配置
mso: { // word或者excel
fileFormat: 'xlshtml', // 'xlshtml' = Excel 2000 html format
// 'xmlss' = XML Spreadsheet 2003 file format (XMLSS)
// 'xlsx' = Excel 2007 Office Open XML format
onMsoNumberFormat: null, // Excel 2000 html format only. See readme.md for more information about msonumberformat
pageFormat: 'a4', // 页面大小
pageOrientation: 'portrait', // portrait, landscape (xlshtml format only)
rtl: false, // true = Set worksheet option 'DisplayRightToLeft'
styles: [], // E.g. ['border-bottom', 'border-top', 'border-left', 'border-right']
worksheetName: '',
xlsx: { //xlsx设置
formatId: { // XLSX format (id) used to format excel cells. See readme.md: data-tableexport-xlsxformatid
date: 14, // The default format id, or a format string (e.g. 'm/d/yy'), or a function(cell, row, col)
numbers: 2, // The default Format id, or a format string (e.g. '\"T\"\ #0.00'), or a function(cell, row, col)
currency: 164 // This id is used by "data-tableexport-xlsxformatid" to allow you to export a cell in currency format (see below)
format: {
currency: '$#,##0.00;[Red]-$#,##0.00' // The format string to be used for the export for the currency format
// Euro format: '#,##0.00 €;[Red](#,##0.00) €'
onHyperlink: null // function($cell, row, col, href, content, hyperlink): Return what to export for hyperlinks
type: 'excel',
fileFormat:'xlsx', //转换为excel的.xlsx格式文档,适用于Excel2007及以上版本
numbers:0 //保留小数点后的位数
} ,
exportDataType: "all",
worksheetName: 'sheet1',
ignoreColumn: [2],//忽略某一列的索引
fileName: '文件名称' + Date.now(),//下载文件名称
onCellHtmlData: function (cell, row, col, data) {
return data;