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javascript - 关于一个element table合并列的技术需求疑问?



<template>    <el-table :data="flattenedData" :span-method="objectSpanMethod" border>        <el-table-column type="selection" align="center" :reserve-selection="true" fixed width="50">        </el-table-column>        <el-table-column prop="name" label="商品信息" width="200">            <template slot-scope="scope">                <span>{{ scope.row.name }}</span>            </template>        </el-table-column>        <el-table-column prop="agency.name" label="适用机构" width="120">            <template slot-scope="scope">                <span>{{ scope.row.agency.name }}</span>            </template>        </el-table-column>        <el-table-column label="分佣比例" align="center" prop="agency.marketPrice" />        <el-table-column label="是否首页推荐" align="center" min-width="80">            <template slot-scope="scope">                <el-switch v-model="scope.row.bili" active-value="1" inactive-value="0"></el-switch>            </template>        </el-table-column>    </el-table></template><script>export default {    data() {        return {            rawData: [                {                       id:1,                    name: '入职体检A',                    bili: 1,                    agencies: [                        {                            name: '博爱医院',                            marketPrice: 100.00,                            costPrice: 30.00,                            platformPrice: 80.00,                            totalProfit: 120.00,                            platformShare: 80,                            platformProfit: 72.00,                            businessShare: 20,                            businessProfit: 18.00,                            rowspan: 3                        },                        {                            name: '天美体检',                            marketPrice: 200.00,                            costPrice: 40.00,                            platformPrice: 150.00,                            totalProfit: 110.00,                            platformShare: 80,                            platformProfit: 72.00,                            businessShare: 20,                            businessProfit: 18.00,                            rowspan: 0                        },                        {                            name: '美年体检',                            marketPrice: 300.00,                            costPrice: 50.00,                            platformPrice: 100.00,                            totalProfit: 100.00,                            platformShare: 80,                            platformProfit: 72.00,                            businessShare: 20,                            businessProfit: 18.00,                            rowspan: 0                        }                    ]                },                {                    id:2,                    name: '入职体检B',                    bili: 0,                    agencies: [                        {                            name: '博爱医院',                            marketPrice: 200.00,                            costPrice: 100.00,                            platformPrice: 150.00,                            totalProfit: 90.00,                            platformShare: 80,                            platformProfit: 72.00,                            businessShare: 20,                            businessProfit: 18.00,                            rowspan: 1                        }                    ]                }            ],            flattenedData: []        };    },    created() {        this.flattenData();    },    methods: {        flattenData() {            this.flattenedData = [];            this.rawData.forEach(product => {                product.agencies.forEach(agency => {                    this.flattenedData.push({                        name: product.name,                        agency: agency,                        bili: product.bili                    });                });            });            console.log(this.flattenedData)        }    }};</script><style scoped>.el-table .cell {    display: flex;    align-items: center;}</style>










<template>  <div>    <el-table      :data="tableData"      style="width: 100%"      @select-all="handleSelectionChange"      @select="selectChange"    >      <el-table-column        type="selection"        align="center"        :reserve-selection="true"        width="50"      >      </el-table-column>      <el-table-column prop="name" label="商品信息" width="200">        <template slot-scope="scope">          <span>{{ scope.row.name }}</span>        </template>      </el-table-column>      <el-table-column prop="agencies.name" label="适用机构" width="120">        <template slot-scope="scope">          <span v-for="(item, index) in scope.row.agencies" :key="index"            >{{ item.name }} <br          /></span>        </template>      </el-table-column>      <el-table-column        label="分佣比例"        align="center"        prop="agencies.marketPrice"      >        <template slot-scope="scope">          <span v-for="(item, index) in scope.row.agencies" :key="index"            >{{ item.marketPrice }} <br          /></span>        </template>      </el-table-column>      <el-table-column label="是否首页推荐" align="center" min-width="80">        <template slot-scope="scope">          <el-switch            v-model="scope.row.bili"            active-value="1"            inactive-value="0"            @change="handleBili(scope.row)"          ></el-switch>        </template>      </el-table-column>    </el-table>  </div></template><script>export default {  data() {    return {      tableData: [        {          id: 1,          name: "入职体检A",          bili: "1",          agencies: [            {              name: "博爱医院",              marketPrice: 100.0,              costPrice: 30.0,              platformPrice: 80.0,              totalProfit: 120.0,              platformShare: 80,              platformProfit: 72.0,              businessShare: 20,              businessProfit: 18.0,              rowspan: 3,            },            {              name: "天美体检",              marketPrice: 200.0,              costPrice: 40.0,              platformPrice: 150.0,              totalProfit: 110.0,              platformShare: 80,              platformProfit: 72.0,              businessShare: 20,              businessProfit: 18.0,              rowspan: 0,            },            {              name: "美年体检",              marketPrice: 300.0,              costPrice: 50.0,              platformPrice: 100.0,              totalProfit: 100.0,              platformShare: 80,              platformProfit: 72.0,              businessShare: 20,              businessProfit: 18.0,              rowspan: 0,            },          ],        },        {          id: 2,          name: "入职体检B",          bili: "0",          agencies: [            {              name: "博爱医院",              marketPrice: 200.0,              costPrice: 100.0,              platformPrice: 150.0,              totalProfit: 90.0,              platformShare: 80,              platformProfit: 72.0,              businessShare: 20,              businessProfit: 18.0,              rowspan: 1,            },          ],        },      ],    };  },  created() {},  methods: {    handleSelectionChange(val) {      console.log(val);    },    selectChange(val) {      console.log(val);    },    handleBili(val) {      console.log(val.name, val.bili);    },  },};</script>


<el-table :data="flattenedData" :span-method="spanMethod" border>

<el-table-column  type="selection"  align="center"  :reserve-selection="true"  fixed  width="50"></el-table-column><el-table-column prop="name" label="商品信息" width="200">  <template slot-scope="scope">    <span>{{ scope.row.name }}</span>  </template></el-table-column><el-table-column prop="agency.name" label="适用机构" width="120">  <template slot-scope="scope">    <span>{{ scope.row.agency.name }}</span>  </template></el-table-column><el-table-column  label="分佣比例"  align="center"  prop="agency.marketPrice"/><el-table-column label="是否首页推荐" align="center" min-width="80">  <template slot-scope="scope">    <el-switch      v-model="scope.row.bili"      active-value="1"      inactive-value="0"       @change="handleSwitchChange(scope.row)"    ></el-switch>  </template></el-table-column>


export default {
data() {

return {  rawData: [    {      id: 1,      name: "入职体检A",      bili: 1,      agencies: [        {          name: "博爱医院",          marketPrice: 100.0,          costPrice: 30.0,          platformPrice: 80.0,          totalProfit: 120.0,          platformShare: 80,          platformProfit: 72.0,          businessShare: 20,          businessProfit: 18.0,          rowspan: 3,        },        {          name: "天美体检",          marketPrice: 200.0,          costPrice: 40.0,          platformPrice: 150.0,          totalProfit: 110.0,          platformShare: 80,          platformProfit: 72.0,          businessShare: 20,          businessProfit: 18.0,          rowspan: 0,        },        {          name: "美年体检",          marketPrice: 300.0,          costPrice: 50.0,          platformPrice: 100.0,          totalProfit: 100.0,          platformShare: 80,          platformProfit: 72.0,          businessShare: 20,          businessProfit: 18.0,          rowspan: 0,        },      ],    },    {      id: 2,      name: "入职体检B",      bili: 0,      agencies: [        {          name: "博爱医院",          marketPrice: 200.0,          costPrice: 100.0,          platformPrice: 150.0,          totalProfit: 90.0,          platformShare: 80,          platformProfit: 72.0,          businessShare: 20,          businessProfit: 18.0,          rowspan: 1,        },      ],    },  ],  flattenedData: [],};

created() {


methods: {

flattenData() {  this.flattenedData = [];  this.rawData.forEach((product) => {    product.agencies.forEach((agency) => {      this.flattenedData.push({        name: product.name,        agency: agency,        bili: product.bili,      });    });  });  console.log(this.flattenedData);},spanMethod({ row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex }) {    //列数index  if (columnIndex === 0) {    if (rowIndex > 0 && row.name === this.flattenedData[rowIndex - 1].name) {      return {        rowspan: 0,        colspan: 1,      };    }    const rowspan = this.flattenedData.filter(      (item) => item.name === row.name    ).length;    return {      rowspan,      colspan: 1,    };  }  if (columnIndex === 1) {    if (rowIndex > 0 && row.name === this.flattenedData[rowIndex - 1].name) {      return {        rowspan: 0,        colspan: 1,      };    }    const rowspan = this.flattenedData.filter(      (item) => item.name === row.name    ).length;    return {      rowspan,      colspan: 1,    };  }  if (columnIndex === 4) {    if (rowIndex > 0 && row.name === this.flattenedData[rowIndex - 1].name) {      return {        rowspan: 0,        colspan: 1,      };    }    const rowspan = this.flattenedData.filter(      (item) => item.name === row.name    ).length;    return {      rowspan,      colspan: 1,    };  }},handleSwitchChange(row){    console.log(row);},




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