

vue2-daterange-picker (vue2-daterange-picker)

Vue2 date range picker based on bootstrap-daterangepicker (no jQuery dependency).


安装 (Installlation)

# install via npm
npm i vue2-daterange-picker --save

用法 (Usage)

import DateRangePicker from 'vue2-daterange-picker'

export default {
    components: { DateRangePicker },
    data() {
        return {
            startDate: '2017-09-05',
            endDate: '2017-09-15',
            locale: {
                direction: 'ltr', //direction of text
                format: 'DD-MM-YYYY', //fomart of the dates displayed
                separator: ' - ', //separator between the two ranges
                applyLabel: 'Apply',
                cancelLabel: 'Cancel',
                weekLabel: 'W',
                customRangeLabel: 'Custom Range',
                daysOfWeek: moment.weekdaysMin(), //array of days - see moment documenations for details
                monthNames: moment.monthsShort(), //array of month names - see moment documenations for details
                firstDay: 1 //ISO first day of week - see moment documenations for details
    <!--Optional scope for the input displaying the dates -->
    <div slot="input" slot-scope="picker">...</div>

插槽 (Slots)

Slot "input" is used to display the currently selected date range. You can use it to format the date as you like. If you add clickable elements you need to stop the event from propagating to the parent if you dont want to open the picker e.g. with @click.stop.

广告位“输入”用于显示当前选择的日期范围。 您可以使用它来设置日期格式。 如果您添加可点击的元素,并且您不想打开选择器(例如使用@ click.stop),则需要阻止事件传播到父对象。



  • startDate - the start date currently selected


  • endDate - the end date currently selected


  • minDate - the minimum date that can be selected


  • maxDate - the maximum date that can be selected


  • ranges - the ranges object


See the demo source or the code snippet above for example.


物产 (Properties)

You can define format and display options via the localeData prop. This is the default locale object :

您可以通过localeData属性定义格式和显示选项。 这是默认的语言环境对象:

let default_locale = {
        direction: 'ltr', //direction of text
        format: moment.localeData().longDateFormat('L'), //fomart of the dates displayed
        separator: ' - ', //separator between the two ranges
        applyLabel: 'Apply',
        cancelLabel: 'Cancel',
        weekLabel: 'W',
        customRangeLabel: 'Custom Range',
        daysOfWeek: moment.weekdaysMin(), //array of days - see moment documenations for details
        monthNames: moment.monthsShort(), //array of month names - see moment documenations for details
        firstDay: moment.localeData().firstDayOfWeek() //ISO first day of week - see moment documenations for details

去做 (TODO)

  • [ ] documentation


  • [ ] tests


  • [x] disabled dates


  • [ ] export single components


运行本地演示 (Run local demo)

For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout the guide and docs for vue-loader.


发布 (Publish)

Bump the version the publish the package


npm version patch/minor/major
npm publish

翻译自: https://vuejsexamples.com/vue2-date-range-picker-based-on-bootstrap-daterangepicker/
