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vue.js react_React启发式的Vue.js样式指南生成器


vue.js react

Vue JS组件样式指南生成器 (Vue js components styleguide generator)

For purpose of having a demo of your Vuejs components please take a look at following projects that do really great job and are really handy for you dev workflow with Vuejs: storybook for vuejs and vue-styleguidist.


Initially started after reading this vue.js feature request. Now only basic proof of concept is available which can load folder with .vue files, parse it and extract basic props of it.

最初在阅读此vue.js功能请求后开始。 现在只有基本的概念证明可用,可以用.vue文件加载文件夹,对其进行解析并提取其基本属性。

Target is to have some tool with at least some of the React version capabilities.


Idea is to have what vue-play does but in automated way - with one task run, plus READMEs, etc.


Generate single html file containing all components listed with details and search out from your .vue project files.


问题与错误 (Questions & bugs)

  • General questions please ping me on twitter @legkoletat.

    一般问题请在Twitter @legkoletat上ping我。

  • Bugs and inconsistencies please create an issue . Please concider to adding more information on what is the codebase you're running the generator against, what errors (with code, if applicable) you got. To keep issues list clean and relevant issues with no feedback/details/activity will be closed within 3 days.

    错误和不一致请提出一个问题。 请考虑添加更多信息,以了解运行生成器所针对的代码库,所遇到的错误(包含代码,如果适用)。 为了保持问题清单的清洁,没有反馈/详细信息/活动的相关问题将在3天内关闭。

演示版 (Demo)

翻译自: https://vuejsexamples.com/react-inspired-style-guide-generator-for-vue-js/

vue.js react
