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开发语言 C#
所属分类 大数据、 数据存储
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 弓宏茂
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Easily write and read user settings in Electron apps

Electron lacks an easy way to persist and read user settings for your application. electron-json-storage implements an API somewhat similar to localStorage to write and read JSON objects to/from the operating system application data directory, as defined by app.getPath('userData').

Related modules:


Install electron-json-storage by running:

$ npm install --save electron-json-storage

You can require this module from either the main or renderer process (with and without remote).

Running on Electron >10 renderer processes

When loaded in renderer processes, this module will try to make use ofelectron.remote in order to fetch the userData path.

Electron 10 now defaults enableRemoteModule tofalse,which means that electron-json-storage will be able to calculate a data path by default.

The solution is to manually call storage.setDataPath() before reading orwriting any values or setting enableRemoteModule to true.


storage.getDefaultDataPath() ⇒ String | Null

This function will return null when running in therenderer process without support for the remote IPCmechanism. You have to explicitly set a data path using.setDataPath() in these cases.

Kind: static method of storage
Summary: Get the default data path
Returns: String | Null - default data path
Access: public

const defaultDataPath = storage.getDefaultDataPath()


The default value will be used if the directory is undefined.

Kind: static method of storage
Summary: Set current data path
Access: public

Param Type Description
directory String | Undefined directory


const os = require('os');
const storage = require('electron-json-storage');


storage.getDataPath() ⇒ String

Returns the current data path. It defaults to a directory called"storage" inside Electron's userData path.

Kind: static method of storage
Summary: Get current user data path
Returns: String - the user data path
Access: public

const storage = require('electron-json-storage');

const dataPath = storage.getDataPath();

storage.get(key, [options], callback)

If the key doesn't exist in the user data, an empty object is returned.Also notice that the .json extension is added automatically, but it'signored if you pass it yourself.

Passing an extension other than .json will result in a file createdwith both extensions. For example, the key foo.data will result in a filecalled foo.data.json.

Kind: static method of storage
Summary: Read user data
Access: public

Param Type Description
key String key
[options] Object options
[options.dataPath] String data path
callback function callback (error, data)


const storage = require('electron-json-storage');

storage.get('foobar', function(error, data) {
  if (error) throw error;


storage.getSync(key, [options])

See .get().

Kind: static method of storage
Summary: Read user data (sync)
Access: public

Param Type Description
key String key
[options] Object options
[options.dataPath] String data path


const storage = require('electron-json-storage');

var data = storage.getSync('foobar');

storage.getMany(keys, [options], callback)

This function returns an object with the data of all the passed keys.If one of the keys doesn't exist, an empty object is returned for it.

Kind: static method of storage
Summary: Read many user data keys
Access: public

Param Type Description
keys Array.<String> keys
[options] Object options
[options.dataPath] String data path
callback function callback (error, data)


const storage = require('electron-json-storage');

storage.getMany([ 'foobar', 'barbaz' ], function(error, data) {
  if (error) throw error;


storage.getAll([options], callback)

This function returns an empty object if there is no data to be read.

Kind: static method of storage
Summary: Read all user data
Access: public

Param Type Description
[options] Object options
[options.dataPath] String data path
callback function callback (error, data)


const storage = require('electron-json-storage');

storage.getAll(function(error, data) {
  if (error) throw error;


storage.set(key, json, [options], callback)

Kind: static method of storage
Summary: Write user data
Access: public

Param Type Description
key String key
json Object json object
[options] Object options
[options.dataPath] String data path
[options.validate] String validate writes by reading the data back
[options.prettyPrinting] boolean adds line breaks and spacing to the written data
callback function callback (error)


const storage = require('electron-json-storage');

storage.set('foobar', { foo: 'bar' }, function(error) {
  if (error) throw error;

storage.has(key, [options], callback)

Kind: static method of storage
Summary: Check if a key exists
Access: public

Param Type Description
key String key
[options] Object options
[options.dataPath] String data path
callback function callback (error, hasKey)


const storage = require('electron-json-storage');

storage.has('foobar', function(error, hasKey) {
  if (error) throw error;

  if (hasKey) {
    console.log('There is data stored as `foobar`');

storage.keys([options], callback)

Kind: static method of storage
Summary: Get the list of saved keys
Access: public

Param Type Description
[options] Object options
[options.dataPath] String data path
callback function callback (error, keys)


const storage = require('electron-json-storage');

storage.keys(function(error, keys) {
  if (error) throw error;

  for (var key of keys) {
    console.log('There is a key called: ' + key);

storage.remove(key, [options], callback)

Notice this function does nothing, nor throws any errorif the key doesn't exist.

Kind: static method of storage
Summary: Remove a key
Access: public

Param Type Description
key String key
[options] Object options
[options.dataPath] String data path
callback function callback (error)


const storage = require('electron-json-storage');

storage.remove('foobar', function(error) {
  if (error) throw error;

storage.clear([options], callback)

Kind: static method of storage
Summary: Clear all stored data in the current user data path
Access: public

Param Type Description
[options] Object options
[options.dataPath] String data path
callback function callback (error)


const storage = require('electron-json-storage');

storage.clear(function(error) {
  if (error) throw error;


If you're having any problem, please raise an issue on GitHub and we'll be happy to help.


Run the test suite by doing:

$ npm test


Before submitting a PR, please make sure that you include tests, and that jshint runs without any warning:

$ npm run-script lint


The project is licensed under the MIT license.

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