
Unity Machine Learning Agents Toolkit
授权协议 View license
开发语言 Python
所属分类 神经网络/人工智能、 机器学习/深度学习
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 姬银龙
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Unity ML-Agents Toolkit

(latest release)(all releases)

The Unity Machine Learning Agents Toolkit (ML-Agents) is an open-sourceproject that enables games and simulations to serve as environments fortraining intelligent agents. We provide implementations (based on PyTorch)of state-of-the-art algorithms to enable game developers and hobbyists to easilytrain intelligent agents for 2D, 3D and VR/AR games. Researchers can also use theprovided simple-to-use Python API to train Agents using reinforcement learning,imitation learning, neuroevolution, or any other methods. These trained agents can beused for multiple purposes, including controlling NPC behavior (in a variety ofsettings such as multi-agent and adversarial), automated testing of game buildsand evaluating different game design decisions pre-release. The ML-AgentsToolkit is mutually beneficial for both game developers and AI researchers as itprovides a central platform where advances in AI can be evaluated on Unity’srich environments and then made accessible to the wider research and gamedeveloper communities.


  • 18+ example Unity environments
  • Support for multiple environment configurations and training scenarios
  • Flexible Unity SDK that can be integrated into your game or custom Unity scene
  • Support for training single-agent, multi-agent cooperative, and multi-agentcompetitive scenarios via several Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithms (PPO, SAC, MA-POCA, self-play).
  • Support for learning from demonstrations through two Imitation Learning algorithms (BC and GAIL).
  • Easily definable Curriculum Learning scenarios for complex tasks
  • Train robust agents using environment randomization
  • Flexible agent control with On Demand Decision Making
  • Train using multiple concurrent Unity environment instances
  • Utilizes the Unity Inference Engine toprovide native cross-platform support
  • Unity environment control from Python
  • Wrap Unity learning environments as a gym

See our ML-Agents Overview page for detaileddescriptions of all these features.

Releases & Documentation

Our latest, stable release is Release 18. Clickhereto get started with the latest release of ML-Agents.

The table below lists all our releases, including our main branch which isunder active development and may be unstable. A few helpful guidelines:

  • The Versioning page overviews how we manage our GitHubreleases and the versioning process for each of the ML-Agents components.
  • The Releases pagecontains details of the changes between releases.
  • The Migration page contains details on how to upgradefrom earlier releases of the ML-Agents Toolkit.
  • The Documentation links in the table below include installation and usageinstructions specific to each release. Remember to always use thedocumentation that corresponds to the release version you're using.
  • The package is verifiedfor Unity 2020.1 and later. Verified packages releases are numbered 1.0.x.
Version Release Date Source Documentation Download Python Package Unity Package
main (unstable) -- source docs download -- --
Release 18 June 9, 2021 source docs download 0.27.0 2.1.0
Verified Package 1.0.8 May 26, 2021 source docs download 0.16.1 1.0.8
Release 17 April 22, 2021 source docs download 0.26.0 2.0.0
Release 16 April 13, 2021 source docs download 0.25.1 1.9.1
Release 15 March 17, 2021 source docs download 0.25.0 1.9.0
Verified Package 1.0.7 March 8, 2021 source docs download 0.16.1 1.0.7
Release 14 March 5, 2021 source docs download 0.24.1 1.8.1
Release 13 February 17, 2021 source docs download 0.24.0 1.8.0

If you are a researcher interested in a discussion of Unity as an AI platform,see a pre-print of ourreference paper on Unity and the ML-Agents Toolkit.

If you use Unity or the ML-Agents Toolkit to conduct research, we ask that youcite the following paper as a reference:

Juliani, A., Berges, V., Teng, E., Cohen, A., Harper, J., Elion, C., Goy, C.,Gao, Y., Henry, H., Mattar, M., Lange, D. (2020). Unity: A General Platform forIntelligent Agents. arXiv preprintarXiv:1809.02627.

Additional Resources

We have a Unity Learn course,ML-Agents: Hummingsbird,that provides a gentle introduction to Unity and the ML-Agents Toolkit.

We've also partnered withCodeMonkeyUnity to create aseries of tutorial videoson how to implement and use the ML-Agents Toolkit.

We have also published a series of blog posts that are relevant for ML-Agents:

More from Unity

Community and Feedback

The ML-Agents Toolkit is an open-source project and we encourage and welcomecontributions. If you wish to contribute, be sure to review ourcontribution guidelines andcode of conduct.

For problems with the installation and setup of the ML-Agents Toolkit, ordiscussions about how to best setup or train your agents, please create a newthread on theUnity ML-Agents forum and makesure to include as much detail as possible. If you run into any other problemsusing the ML-Agents Toolkit or have a specific feature request, pleasesubmit a GitHub issue.

Please tell us which samples you would like to see shipped with the ML-Agents Unitypackage by replying tothis forum thread.

Your opinion matters a great deal to us. Only by hearing your thoughts on theUnity ML-Agents Toolkit can we continue to improve and grow. Please take a fewminutes tolet us know about it.

For any other questions or feedback, connect directly with the ML-Agents team


In order to improve the developer experience for Unity ML-Agents Toolkit, we have added in-editor analytics.Please refer to "Information that is passively collected by Unity" in theUnity Privacy Policy.


Apache License 2.0

  • 20与19的PushBlock.yaml一样: 下载后的配置文件路径在 E:\ml-agents-release_19\config\ppo\PushBlock.yaml 目录 1.配置文件 2. 配置文件解析 2.1 超参数

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  • Unity 官方github主页上ml-agents 文档,传送门是: (插件在正式发布后,文档肯定会放到 中) 中文: 英文: https://git

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