This repository contains a subset of the Firebase Android SDK source. Itcurrently includes the following Firebase libraries, and some of theirdependencies:
Firebase is an app development platform with tools to help you build, grow andmonetize your app. More information about Firebase can be found at
git clone --recurse-submodules
git submodule update --init --recursive
must be built with NDK 21. Seefirebase-crashlytics-ndk for moredetails.Firebase Android libraries exercise all three types of tests recommended by theAndroid Testing Pyramid.Depending on the requirements of the specific project, some or all of thesetests may be used to support changes.
⚠️ Running tests with errorproneTo run with errorprone add
to the command line, e.g.
./gradlew :<firebase-project>:check withErrorProne
These are tests that run on your machine's local Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Atruntime, these tests are executed against a modified version of android.jarwhere all final modifiers have been stripped off. This lets us sandbox behaviorsat desired places and use popular mocking libraries.
Unit tests can be executed on the command line by running
./gradlew :<firebase-project>:check
These are tests that run on a hardware device or emulator. These tests haveaccess to Instrumentation APIs, give you access to information such as theAndroid Context.In Firebase, instrumentation tests are used at different capacities by differentprojects. Some tests may exercise device capabilities, while stubbing any callsto the backend, while some others may call out to nightly backend builds toensure distributed API compatibility.
Along with Espresso, they are also used to test projects that have UIcomponents.
Before you can run integration tests, you need to add a google-services.json
file to the root of your checkout. You can use the google-services.json
fromany project that includes an Android App, though you'll likely want one that'sseparate from any production data you have because our tests write random data.
If you don't have a suitable testing project already:
file and put it in the root ofyour checkout.Integration tests can be executed on the command line by running
./gradlew :<firebase-project>:connectedCheck
You need additional setup for this to work:
needs to be installed on local machinegcloud
needs to be configured with a project that has billing enabledgcloud
needs to be authenticated with credentials that have 'Firebase Test Lab Admin' role
Integration tests can be executed on the command line by running
./gradlew :<firebase-project>:deviceCheck
This will execute tests on devices that are configured per project, if nothing is configured for theproject, the tests will run on model=Pixel2,version=27,locale=en,orientation=portrait
Projects can be configured in the following way:
firebaseTestLab {
// to get a list of available devices execute `gcloud firebase test android models list`
devices = [
Firebase SDKs use some special annotations for tooling purposes.
APIs that need to be preserved up until the app's runtime can be annotated with@Keep.The@Keepannotation is blessed to be honored by android's default proguardconfiguration. A common use forthis annotation is because of reflection. These APIs should be generally discouraged, becausethey can't be proguarded.
APIs that are intended to be used by Firebase SDKs should be annotated with@KeepForSdk
. The key benefit here is that the annotation is blessed to throwlinter errors on Android Studio if used by the developer from a non firebasepackage, thereby providing a valuable guard rail.
We annotate APIs that meant to be used by developers with@PublicAPI. Thisannotation will be used by tooling to help inform the version bump (major, minor, patch) that isrequired for the next release.
Firebase SDKs do not proguard themselves, but support proguarding. Firebase SDKs themselves areproguard friendly, but the dependencies of Firebase SDKs may not be.
In addition to preguard.txt, projects declare an additional set of proguardrules in a proguard.txt that are honored by the developer's app while buildingthe app's proguarded apk. This file typically contains the keep rules that needto be honored during the app' s proguarding phase.
As a best practice, these explicit rules should be scoped to only librarieswhose source code is outside the firebase-android-sdk codebase making annotationbased approaches insufficient.The combination of keep rules resulting from theannotations, the preguard.txt and the proguard.txt collectively determine theAPIs that are preserved at runtime.
Firebase is published as a collection of libraries each of which eitherrepresents a top level product, or contains shared functionality used by one ormore projects. The projects are published as managed maven artifacts availableat Google's Maven Repository. This section helpsreason about how developers may make changes to firebase projects and have theirapps depend on the modified versions of Firebase.
Any dependencies, within the projects, or outside of Firebase are encoded asmaven dependenciesinto the pom
file that accompanies the published artifact. This allows thedeveloper's build system (typically Gradle) to build a dependency graph andselect the dependencies using its own resolutionstrategy
The simplest way to publish a project and all its associated dependencies is tojust publish all projects. The following command builds SNAPSHOT dependencies ofall projects. All pom level dependencies within the published artifacts willalso point to SNAPSHOT versions that are co-published.
./gradlew publishAllToLocal
Developers may take a dependency on these locally published versions by addingthe mavenLocal()
repository to your repositoriesblock inyour app module's build.gradle.
For more advanced use cases where developers wish to make changes to a project,but have transitive dependencies point to publicly released versions, individualprojects may be published as follows.
# e.g. to publish Firestore and Functions
./gradlew -PprojectsToPublish=":firebase-firestore,:firebase-functions" \
Code in this repo is formatted with the google-java-format tool. You can enablethis formatting in Android Studio by downloading and installing thegoogle-java-format plugin.The plugin is disabled by default, but the repo contains configuration informationand links to additional plugins.
To run formatting on your entire project you can run
./gradlew :<firebase-project>:googleJavaFormat
We love contributions! Please read ourcontribution guidelines to get started.
官方iOS和android接入文档(右上角可以切换中文文档) 文档中详细说明了SDK对系统环境的需求,另外Firebase Unity SDK包含很多类型,且对dotnet3和dotnet4都单独提供了一份SDK,因此其包体比较大(目前2G+),下载后用户根据自己项目情况导入对应SDK。 注意:Firebase的配置文件名称一定不要搞错,iOS中为GoogleService-Info.plist,
1、集成sdk project classpath '' classpath '' app plugins { id '' id 'kotlin-and
Flutter集成Firebase FlutterFire是一套Flutter插件,可将Flutter应用程序连接到Firebase。 首先要创建一个Firebase项目 这一步跟这Firebase的流程走就可以 Android安装 在Android上使用FlutterFire之前,必须首先使用Android应用程序连接到Firebase项目。 生成Firebase项目配置文件 在Firebase
在android上有没有可能以编程方式初始化firebase-crashlytics SDK,这样它就不会使用google-services.json中的数据?
问题内容: 我已经制作了一个android应用 ,它可以将Firebase用作数据库,在使用3G网络时效果很好。在我们学院的代理下,它没有连接到数据库。有什么办法可以解决这个问题。谢谢。 问题答案: 很抱歉,目前尚无通过代理使用Android客户端的解决方法。我已将其放在
Firebase服务出现以下错误。 下面是发生崩溃的代码部分: 错误发生在 onComplete。这是我使用的火力基础依赖项: 我在Github上发现这个问题与我的崩溃有关,但根本没有确凿的解决方案。有人遇到过这种问题吗?提前感谢。 注意:我不使用Flutter,但错误也不会发生。设备是带有Android 10的三星A51。
我正在使用Firebase来保存我的数据。我试图在活动中分离Firebase方法和我的方法。例如,我已经创建了一个名为"Firebase method odsHelper"的类,在那里我想编写所有的Firebase方法。例如,"getAllUser"方法应返回列表中的所有用户。我唯一的问题是它不起作用。 我不知道我做错了什么,所以如果你们能帮我。 碎片 FirebaseMethodHelper类