In blockchains where hashed timelock contracts are possible atomic swaps are already deployed, but when one blockchain doesn't have this capability it becomes a challenge. This protocol describes how to achieve atomic swaps between Bitcoin and Monero with two transactions per chain without trusting any central authority, servers, nor the other swap participant. We propose a swap between two participants, one holding bitcoin and the other monero, in which when both follow the protocol their funds are not at risk at any moment. The protocol does not require timelocks on Monero side nor script capabilities but does require two proofs of knowledge of equal discrete logarithm across the edward25519 and the secp256k1 groups and ECDSA one-time VES.
This research project have been sponsored by the Monero Community and initiated by TrueLevel SA in 2018, developed by h4sh3d and presented at 36C3 with zkao.
(1)安装依赖项 #安装libtool、libboost 、libevent、qt、protobuf、libqrencode、libssl yum install -y boost-devel qt-devel protobuf-devel qrencode-devel libevent-devel libtool openssl-devel #安装libdb wget 'http://
在前面的多处理器编程艺术文章中,谈到了lock free算法。多线程编程通常碰到的问题是很多操作的非原子性(non-atomic)。 本文通过程序实例,说明多线程中由于访问同一数据变量可能造成写丢失的情况。并通过mutex、atomic、compare_and_swap逻辑完成对于多线程的控制。 1.非线程安全方式 多个线程并发地将一个变量相加n次。 volatile unsigned long
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还是直接贴代码: DumpedPrivateKey dumpedPrivateKey = DumpedPrivateKey.fromBase58(MainNetParams.get(), privateKey); ECKey ecKey = dumpedPrivateKey.getKey(); String address = ecKey.toAddress(M
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import "sync/atomic" atomic包提供了底层的原子级内存操作,对于同步算法的实现很有用。 这些函数必须谨慎地保证正确使用。除了某些特殊的底层应用,使用通道或者sync包的函数/类型实现同步更好。 应通过通信来共享内存,而不通过共享内存实现通信。 被SwapT系列函数实现的交换操作,在原子性上等价于: old = *addr *addr = new return old Com
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