Xmr is an implementation of the Monero cryptocurrency. It aims to be a fullMonero node with wallet functionality.
This is a work in progress that is not yet functional
Xmr is built with the Cargo package manager. First, ensure you have thelatest stable Rust version (it hasn't been tested with older Rust versions).Then run this in the xmr
repository folder:
cargo build
This will create the dxmr
binary in the target/debug directory.
To build the binary optimized for release:
cargo build --release
Some parts of the code are GPLv3 due to them being base on the parity-bitcoin
code.However the code that isn't related to the parity-bitcoin
code is licensed underthe MIT or Apache 2.0 at your option.
基本上通过服务器挖矿只能利用cpu的性能了,所以 top查看cpu利用率,但是程序会影藏,让你看不见,解决:删除/usr/local/lib/libntp.so ,后面ssh登录会出现错误提示,解决方法:编辑 .bashrc 检查启动脚本 /etc/cron.d/root 有可能会新建文件夹并影藏,使用ls -a 查看。 检查/tmp路径下文件,删除/tmp/kworkerds 使用top查看pi
同样的机器,安装xmrig不能用,会出现read error: "connection reset by peer " 尝试了好几次,都不行。 最后发现xmr-stak版本可以 步骤如下 sudo apt install libmicrohttpd-dev libssl-dev cmake build-essential libhwloc-dev 安装依赖关系 git clone https://
ubuntu: github地址:https://github.com/fireice-uk/xmr-stak/releases 直接使用 tar xvJf ***.tar.xz来解压 矿池: xmr.f2pool.com:13531 后台运行 nohup ./xmr-stak-rx 2>&1 & win 具体参考 https://blog.f2pool.com/zh/mining-tuto
同步全节点 monero的github地址: https://github.com/monero-project cd ~/downloads 将 monero-linux-x64-v0.15.0.1.tar.bz2 解压到 ~/downloads 目录下 tar -xjvf monero-linux-x64-v0.15.0.1.tar.bz2 mkdir /root/.bitmonero