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💰 Self-hosted Bitcoin payment gateway (฿)
授权协议 Readme
开发语言 Python
所属分类 Web3、 开源货币/比特币
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 伯和蔼
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


v2 refactored and improved


Self-hosted Node.js Bitcoin payment gateway. Provides REST API (microservice).Process Bitcoin payments on your end, securely, with no comission.

Request payments (invoicing), check payments (whether invoice is paid), receive callbacks if payment is made.Aggregate funds on final (aggregational) address.Depends on Nodejs v8+, Bitcoin Core, Couchdb for storage.

  • Simple
  • No 3rd parties (works though Bitcoin Core node)
  • Transactions are signed locally. No private keys leak
  • Battle-tested in production
  • SegWit compatible


$ git clone https://github.com/Overtorment/Cashier-BTC && cd Cashier-BTC
$ npm install
$ cp config.js.dev config.js

Edit config.js:

  • Point it to a new Couchdb database
  • Point it to a Bitcoin Core RPC server


$ npm test


$ nodejs cashier-btc.js
$ nodejs worker.js
$ nodejs worker2.js

Open http://localhost:2222 in browser, you should see 'Cashier-BTC reporting for duty'.That's it, ready to use.Use tools like supervisord or foreverjs to keep it running.




Igor Korsakov


  • Get rid of Chain and leave Bitcore only
  • Add options to work through bitcoind and other bitcoin network endpoints
  • Add tests
  • Better abstractioning (add more abstraction layers)
  • CI
  • Better logging & error handling
  • Stats
  • Better tests
  • Ditch bitcore-lib in favor of bitcoinjs-lib
  • SegWit
  • Flexible (user-defined?) fees
  • BigNumber lib for all numbers handling


GET /request_payment/:expect/:currency/:message/:seller/:customer/:callback_url

Create a request to pay, supported currencies: BTC, USD, EUR. Non-btc currency is converted to btc using current rate from bitstamp.com.Returns a json document with QR code to be displayed to the payer, and a unique address for that particular payment (you can use it as invoice id).Message will be displayed to the client (for example, you can write "Payment for goods"). Seller and customer - system field, here you canwrite the application that created the request and the payer id. Keep Seller field private, it is also used for payouts.Callback_url will be requested once the invoice is paid.




		"link" : "bitcoin:1DzJepHCRD2C9vpFjk11eXJi97juEZ3ftv?amount=0.004&message=wheres%20the%20money%20lebowski",
		"qr" : "http://localhost:2222/generate_qr/bitcoin%3A1DzJepHCRD2C9vpFjk11eXJi97juEZ3ftv%3Famount%3D0.004%26message%3Dwheres%2520the%2520money%2520lebowski",
		"qr_simple" : "http://localhost:2222/generate_qr/1DzJepHCRD2C9vpFjk11eXJi97juEZ3ftv",
		"address" : "1DzJepHCRD2C9vpFjk11eXJi97juEZ3ftv"

Link can be opened by the payer, there is a chance it will be handled by his bitcoin wallet.QR shoud be shown to payer as well. Duplicate it with text, like, dear user, please pay the %expect% amount to %address%.

GET /check_payment/:address

Check payment by a unique address received in the "request_payment" call.




		"btc_expected" : 0.0001009,
		"btc_actual" : 0.0001009,
		"btc_unconfirmed" : 0.0001009

Using difference between "btc_expected" and "btc_actual" you can judge whether payment request (invoice) was paid.You can use this call to implement some kind of frontend animation which shows 'waiting for funds', andpolls periodically about the status of payment (i.e. unconfirmed incoming funds, paid in full/not in full).In case you accept unconfirmed balances (see config.small_amount_threshhold), you might want to check payment again before shipping actual goods.

GET /payout/:seller/:amount/:currency/:address

Transfer funds from aggregated seller's address to some other address.Supported currencies: BTC.There's no additional sequrity here, it is presumed that the %seller% identifier is kept secret.You might want to disable this call for security reasons (or manually replace seller's address indatabase with the one you control).




	If successfull, json document with transaction details (txid etc)

GET /get_seller_balance/:seller

Check the total balance of seller's aggregated address.




	Json encoded available balance

Hardening for Production

When the seller is created in /request_payment/ call, database record also stores seller's addressand associated WIF which allows to spend seller's aggregated funds.You might want to manually replace this record with your own address (probably a cold storage), and not putting WIF in the record.This breaks the /payout/ call, but at least the funds from orders will be forwarded to a secure storage.

Small risk remains with hot wallets still having their WIFs in the database, but this is a reality any other Bitcoin processorhas to live in.


Opensource alternatives

SaaS alternatives

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