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OpenBazaar 2.0 Server Daemon in Go
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Python
所属分类 Web3、 开源货币/比特币
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 严书
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


bannerOpenBazaar Server Daemon in Go

This repository contains the OpenBazaar server daemon which handles the heavy lifting for the OpenBazaar desktop application. The server combines several technologies: A modified IPFS node, which itself combines ideas from Git, BitTorrent, and Kademlia. A lightweight wallet for interacting with several cryptocurrency networks. And a JSON API which can be used by a user interface to control the node and browse the network. Find the user interface for the server at github.com/OpenBazaar/openbazaar-desktop.

Table of Contents


A typical install of OpenBazaar contains a bundle of the server daemon and user interface. If this is what you are looking for, you can find an installer at https://openbazaar.org/download. If you are looking to run the server daemon by itself or to contribute to development, see below for instructions.

Install Pre-built Packages

The easiest way to run the server is to download a pre-built binary. You can find binaries of our latest release for each operating system here.

Build from Source

To build from source you will need to have Go installed and properly configured. Detailed instructions for installing Go and openbazaar-go on each operating system can be found in the docs package.

Run via Docker image

You can also use our Docker Hub image to run openbazaar-go. latest points to the latest release, but you can run any other version by matching the release tag to the Docker image tag.

docker run -it openbazaar/server:latest [OPTIONS] start [start-OPTIONS]

Dependency Management

We use Godeps with vendored third-party packages.

IPFS Dependency

We are using a fork of go-ipfs in the daemon. The primary changes include different protocol strings to segregate the OpenBazaar network from the main IPFS network and an increased TTL on certain types of DHT data. You can find the full diff in the readme of the forked repo. The fork is bundled in the vendor package and will be used automatically when you compile and run the server. Note that you will still see github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs import statements instead of github.com/OpenBazaar/go-ipfs despite the package being a fork. This is done to avoid a major refactor of import statements and make rebasing IPFS much easier.


You can either pull in remote changes as normal or run go get -u github.com/OpenBazaar/openbazaar-go.


You can run the server with go run openbazaard.go start. Ensure you are using at least version 1.10 of Golang, otherwise you might get errors while running.


  openbazaard [OPTIONS] start [start-OPTIONS]

The start command starts the OpenBazaar-Server

Application Options:
  -v, --version                   Print the version number and exit

Help Options:
  -h, --help                      Show this help message

[start command options]
      -p, --password=             the encryption password if the database is encrypted
      -t, --testnet               use the test network
      -r, --regtest               run in regression test mode
      -l, --loglevel=             set the logging level [debug, info, notice, warning, error, critical] (default: debug)
      -f, --nologfiles            save logs on disk
      -a, --allowip=              only allow API connections from these IPs
      -s, --stun                  use stun on µTP IPv4
      -d, --datadir=              specify the data directory to be used
      -c, --authcookie=           turn on API authentication and use this specific cookie
      -u, --useragent=            add a custom user-agent field
      -v, --verbose               print openbazaar logs to stdout
          --torpassword=          Set the tor control password. This will override the tor password in the config.
          --tor                   Automatically configure the daemon to run as a Tor hidden service and use Tor exclusively. Requires
                                  Tor to be running.
          --dualstack             Automatically configure the daemon to run as a Tor hidden service IN ADDITION to using the clear
                                  internet. Requires Tor to be running. WARNING: this mode is not private
          --disablewallet         disable the wallet functionality of the node
          --disableexchangerates  disable the exchange rate service to prevent api queries
          --storage=              set the outgoing message storage option [self-hosted, dropbox] default=self-hosted
          --forcekeypurge         repair test for issue OpenBazaar/openbazaar-go#1593; use as instructed only


Documentation of the OpenBazaar protocol has not been formalized yet. If you would like to help, please reach out on Slack or via a new issue on GitHub.

openbazaar-go exposes an HTTP API which permits high-level interactions on the network and the internal wallet. Find the HTTP API documentation at https://api.docs.openbazaar.org.


Contributions are definitely welcome! Please read the Contributing Guidelines before starting.



  • go run 运行当个.go文件 go install 在编译源代码之后还安装到指定的目录 go build 加上可编译的go源文件可以得到一个可执行文件 go get = git clone + go install 从指定源上面下载或者更新指定的代码和依赖,并对他们进行编译和安装   转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/justdoyou/p/9952723.html

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