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Java implementation of monero anonymous swap suite
授权协议 GPL-3.0 License
开发语言 Python
所属分类 Web3、 开源货币/比特币
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 淳于思淼
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知



[ POC ] / [ WIP ] Java implementation of monero anon swaps suite

This is an experimental Spring Boot Application that utilizes LND hold invoices

If successfully settled the equivalent amount in Monero or Bitcoin is sent

MASS - Server Development


  1. Run as Spring Boot App from your favorite IDE or do mvn clean install && java -jar target/mass-x.x.x.jar
  2. The src/main/resources/application.yml can be configured as needed.
  3. Run bitcoind on regtest
  4. Setup LND nodes for invoice generation and settling. *Polar is a cool tool! See LND Reference API for documentation.
  5. Run Monero on two stagenet servers. Get those lovely piconeros at the Stagenet Faucet or by mining.
  6. H2 db runs at host/h2-console.
  7. Currently working on Bitcoin core 0.21, LND 0.13.x, Fedora 34, Java 11, Maven 3.6 and Monero 0.17.2

NOTE: currently have an issue with Monero digest authentication rpc calls, so use --disable-rpc-login

~/monero-x86_64-linux-gnu-v0.17.2.3/monero-wallet-rpc --rpc-bind-port=18083 --wallet-dir=/home/USER/Monero/wallets/mass/ --disable-rpc-login --stagenet


see docker.md


see api.md


MASS uses JUnit5 - junit-jupiter framework

Run mvn clean install from the root directory

View test coverage with web browser ./target/site/jacoco/index.htm



MASS works well with the Glowroot open-source project

  • Extract the zip to your home directory
  • Run MASS with java -javaagent:/home/USER/glowroot/glowroot.jar -jar target/mass-x.x.x-beta.jar
  • Application performance dashboard is located at http://localhost:4000

MASC - Client Development

see client readme.md


See milestones


  • Styling
    • MASS uses prettier pre-commit hooks
    • Install Node.js 10+
    • run npm install from the root directory
  • Fork and open pr.
  • Working code is underrated


  • The Mass Semper crescis Aut decrescis Vita detestabilis Nunc obdurat Et tunc curat Ludo mentis aciem Nunc obdurat Et tunc curat Ludo mentis aciem Egestatem Potestatem Dissolvit ut glaciem Divano Divan

  •      最近在查找数据拷贝的过程中断线的原因,原因还没怎么找到,但是想写一点东西来记录最近的工作情况也顺便梳理下思路,给接下来的工作做个好的tag。      在android的USB驱动相关的部分中,目前接触最多的是android.c文件,因为这个文件和f_mass_storage.c以及f_adb.c共同构成了g_android.ko。      讲到这里不得不提的两个英文简称是FSG和LU

  • function M = massmatrix(V,F, type) % MASSMATRIX mass matrix for the mesh given by V and F % % M = massmatrix(V,F, type) % M = massmatrix(V,T, type) % % Inputs: % V #V x 3 matrix of vertex coordinates

  • 对象类型 名称 专用事物码(TCODE) BUS0015 利润中心 KE55 BUS1001 物料(工业) MM17 MMSC_MASS(物料扩充库位) BUS1001001 物料(零售) MM46 BUS1006 业务合作伙伴   BUS1133 租赁单位 RE_MASS BUS1178001 批量维护物料   BUS2012 采购订单 MEMASSPO BUS2013 采购计划协议 MEMAS

  • 在hostmonitor 里面写linux 脚本: #!/bin/bash test -z "$1" && min_cnt=1 ||min_cnt=$1 t=`date +%Y%m%d` logname="/QF.${t}.log" cnt=0 jfsd=(22 23 24 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 18) #禁发时段 t_hour=`date +%H` for value in

  • Mass质量  尽量0.1~10 Drag阻力,float,任意方向都受阻力 Use Gravity是否使用重力 Is kinematic是否遵循动力学 Collision Detection碰撞检测模式 1.AngularVelocity(角速度):表示刚体的角速度向量,数据类型为Vector3,该变量的方向既为刚体旋转轴方向,旋转方向遵循左手定则。 2.Velocity(位移速度):表示物体的

  • Cases in which many species become extinct within a geologically short interval of time are called mass extinctions. There was one such event at the end of the Cretaceous period (around 70 million yea

  • Body mass index (BMI) is measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to both adult men and women. height unit ----- centimeters weight unit ---- kilograms <script type="text/javascript

  • T-CODE: MASS 批量更改 MASS_CHARVAL 特征的批量维护 MASS_EINE 信息记录的成批维护 MASS_EKKO 采购订单的成批维护 MASS_MARC 后勤/配送的成批维护 MASS_MEAN 全球贸易项目编号的批量维护 MASS_VENDOR 供应商的成批维护 MASSD 批量维护 MASSOBJ 维护大量维护对象 MASSS2V 将系统变式复制为变式 MASSV2S

  • 之前配置java环境变量的时候一般只是执行java -version, 今天手贱多执行了一句javac,结果发现总是“不是内部或者外部命令”,环境变量的确配置没有 问题,后来发现原来要把命令行窗口关掉之后重新打开才可以。。。

  • 题目大意:U代表危险物品铀,L代表安全物品铅,当U连续数目>=3时,为危险情况。输入数字N代表有四个箱子,每个箱子可以存放U或者L,求危险情况种数。                   (题意很麻烦,谁让是人家外国做的,唉~~~) 解题策略:网上有DP解的动态递推公式,还有一个策略是逆向考虑,通过解出安全的情况数,总情况数-安全情况数=危险情况数。                   总情况数为2

  • 距离上篇文章又一个月了。。。时光飞逝。。。再次立下一周一篇的flag 最近读了一篇专栏文章BERT时代与后时代的NLP,收获颇丰。算是作者的同行,最近也在做类似的东西,但是作者都给总结了起来,让我又重新串了一遍那些思想,查漏补缺。另外最近没怎么追踪前沿,看到作者又列举了两篇我一直关注的transformer系文章,赶紧打出来看了,顺便写篇文章记录下收获。 1. MASS模型 MASS的主要贡献是提

  • 难点在于元素下标是两位数及以上时数据的处理 #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<iostream> using namespace std; const int maxn=200; char s[maxn]; double ans[maxn]; int num(int pos,int len) { int temp; fo

  • #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> int main() {     char a[5000][100]; double f[5000]={0};     int T,i,j,b,t,d;     double e;     scanf("%d",&T);     for(j=0;j<T;j++)     {         scanf("%s",a[j]);

  • usb mass storage device Problem adding USB host device to KVM Windows guest machine. Status: CLOSED CURRENTRELEASE   Aliases: None   Product: Fedora Component: qemu (Show other bugs) Version: 18 Hardw



