
Get the current package's binary path
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Get the current package's binary path (using the package.jsonbin field).

This is useful when testing a package's binary. Using get-bin-path (as opposedto hard-coding the path to the binary):

  • validates that the package.json bin field is correctly setup.
  • decouples the binary path from the tests, which allows moving the file withoutrewriting the tests.


import { getBinPathSync } from 'get-bin-path'

// `binPath` is the absolute path to the current package's binary
const binPath = getBinPathSync()
// Test runner
import test from 'ava'
// Library to execute child processes / commands
import execa from 'execa'
import { getBinPath } from 'get-bin-path'

test('Binary file should return "true"', async (t) => {
  const binPath = await getBinPath()
  const { stdout } = await execa(binPath), 'true')


npm install get-bin-path

This package is an ES module and must be loaded usingan import or import() statement,not require().


This returns the current package's binary absolute path:

import { getBinPathSync } from 'get-bin-path'

const binPath = getBinPathSync()

This can be either synchronous or asynchronous:

import { getBinPath } from 'get-bin-path'

const asyncFunc = async () => {
  const binPath = await getBinPath()

If there are several binaries, you can choose between them:

import { getBinPathSync } from 'get-bin-path'

const binPath = getBinPathSync({ name: 'binary-name' })

The current directory can be overridden (for example with monorepos):

import { getBinPathSync } from 'get-bin-path'

const binPath = getBinPathSync({ cwd: '/currentDirectory' })

When no package.json or binary can be found, undefined is returned instead.


options: object
Returns: string | undefined


options: object
Returns: Promise<string | undefined>


Type: object

Type: string
Default: package.json name property

Name of the binary. Only needs to be specified when the package exports severalbinaries.


Type: string
Default: Current directory

Override the current directory, which is used when retrieving thepackage.json.

This is useful when using monorepos.

See also

  • execa: process execution for humans


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Thanks go to our wonderful contributors:


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Daniel Stockman


Kabir Baidhya

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