The repository contains the scripts used to create an installer package (.pkg
)that contains binaries used to create the CRAN official macOS R binary.
Specifically, the installer will try to download and install:
or gfortran8.2
from, the installer will attempt to clean up previous installations byremoving configuration files ~/.R/Makevars
and ~/.Renviron
that are no longer used.Backups for each file will be presented with .bck
appended to the end.
For those interested, the installer can be obtainedon either the project's release pageor through The pre-built binaries thisinstaller encloses can be found at and
Note The installer package was developed by James Joseph Balamutaand has no connection with the R project’s macOS CRAN maintainers.Financial support was provided to sign the installer byProfessor Timothy Batesof the University of Edinburgh.
That's it.
Once installed, you can start using compiled code in R like normal.
If you want to see behind the curtain, continue reading...
The macOS R toolchain installer performs four actions that requirethe user's password to accomplish. These actions are:
or ~/.Renviron
(backups available with .bck
version to usegfortran
versionNote: The installer will remove any existing ~/.R/Makevars
and ~/.Renviron
files.The existing files will be copied to a backup file, e.g. ~/.R/Makevars.bck
and ~/.Renvion.bck
Verify steps are conducted using embedded md5 hashes of the files.If the hash is not identical to what was embedded, the installer willexit. For details as to how this was implemented please seeIssue 8: Verify pkg hashand thePull Request 10: Feature Pkg Hash Verification.
Thanks to the financial support provided by Professor Timothy Bates ofthe University of Edinburgh to join the Apple Developer program.The installer is now signed using developer credentials.
As a result, the installer should have a "lock" icon in the upper right corner:
Clicking the lock icon will reveal the signed developer certificate:
With this being said, the code used to generate the installer has been made publically available under an open source license (GPL >= 2).
Below is an abridged version of the actions of each file provided.
Command Line Tools
dmg installerby using a headless cli check,downloads the installer from,and installs it using softwareupdate
and ~/.Renviron
and ~/.Renviron
files will be backed up prior to being
to create a distribution.xml
(title, background, ...)productbuild
to rebuild the package.distribution.xml
GPL (>= 2)
欢迎大家访问我的博客 原文链接 R语言安装 从官网下载安装PKG安装包,安装即可! 下载地址 Rstudio 安装 从官网下载安装包 下载地址 R语言安装完成报错 打开 R 后显示红色 Waring : During startup - Warning mess
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