
😎 A collection of awesome Git Hooks
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开发语言 SHELL
所属分类 应用工具、 终端/远程登录
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 班建义
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Awesome Git Hooks

A curated list of awesome Git hooks

Git Hooks are scripts that run automatically every time a particular event occurs in a Git repository.


Useful Git Hooks scripts

  • pre-commit - This hook is called before obtaining the proposed commit message.
  • prepare-commit-msg - Called after receiving the default commit message, just prior to firing up the commit message editor.
  • pre-receive - This is called on the remote repo just before updating the pushed refs.
  • commit-msg - Can be used to adjust the message after it has been edited in order to ensure conformity to a standard or to reject based on any criteria.
  • pre-push - Called prior to a push to a remote. In addition to the parameters, additional information, separated by a space is passed in through stdin in the form of <local ref> <local sha1> <remote ref> <remote sha1>.
  • pre-auto-gc - Is used to do some checks before automatically cleaning repos.
  • pre-rebase - Called when rebasing a branch. Mainly used to halt the rebase if it is not desirable.
  • applypatch-msg - Can edit the commit message file and is often used to verify or actively format a patch's message to a project's standards.
  • post-receive - This is run on the remote when pushing after the all refs have been updated. It does not take parameters, but receives info through stdin in the form of <old-value> <new-value> <ref-name>.
  • post-rewrite - This is called when git commands are rewriting already committed data.


  • Husky - Git hooks made easy.
  • Komondor - Git Hooks for Swift projects.
  • Quickhook - Faster Git hook (pre-commit, etc.) runner.
  • git-hooks - A tool to manage project, user, and global Git hooks.
  • overcommit - A fully configurable and extendable Git hook manager.
  • Grunt GitHooks - Setup, manage and update your hooks with Grunt. Can be used with all languages, supports templates.
  • Autohook - A very, very small Git hook manager with focus on automation.
  • Githooks - Auto-install Git hook, that supports hooks in any language checked into Git and also shared repos.
  • Hooks - A command line git hook management tool.
  • Lefthook - Fast and powerful Git hooks manager for any type of projects.
  • pre-commit - A framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks.


  • Lolcommits - Takes a snapshot with your webcam every time you git commit code, and archives a lolcat style image with it.
  • Podmena - Enhance your commit messages adding random emoji to it.
  • Git Hooks Manager - A tool to manage project, user, and global Git hooks for multiple Git repositories.
  • Git::Hooks - A framework for implementing Git (and Gerrit) hooks.
  • git-pre-commit-hook - Hook that blocks bad commits. Useful for Python-development.
  • App::GitHooks - A modular and easy to configure git hooks framework, supporting many plugins.
  • Jig - A pre-commit hook on steroids.
  • GitPHPHooks - Write your hooks in PHP, manage and organize them on a task and project level. Has an additional Hooks library on GitHub.
  • git-hooks-php - Git hooks for PHP based projects.
  • commandbox-githooks - Git hooks for CommandBox CFML based projects.
  • hooks4git - A simple, flexible and language agnostic git hook management approach.
  • Commit Colors - See a color swatch in your terminal every time you author a commit.


Video Tutorials


If you have a question, find a bug, or just want to say hi, please open an issue on GitHub. If you want to contribute, please read the guide.



To the extent possible under law, Islam Temirbek has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.

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