
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 SHELL
所属分类 应用工具、 终端/远程登录
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 杨征
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Royal Toolbox

This official repository contains various automation scripts for Royal TS (for Windows) and Royal TSX (for macOS). Also included are dynamic folder samples. The collection consists of first-party scripts by the Royal Apps team and contributions from our great user-base!


Please notice that all content is provided without any guarantees nor are we/the authors responsible for any unintentional issues or side-effects. Even when the authors are trying to provide the best, bug-free experience, scripts may have issues not covered by tests.

Furthermore, please feel free to change them to suit your needs, but please respect the license of the individual scripts.


In case...

  •'re experiencing issues,
  •'re having ideas for improvements,
  • ...or having great ideas for new content

... please head over to the issues section and report an issue. Support is provided on a best-effort basis from us and the original script authors.


Have scripts to share with the community? Great! Pull requests are very welcome!

When contributing new scripts, please check the following first:

  • The right place: The repository should stay clearly structured, to provide a good overview. Each script should have their own directory, containing all relevant files, like screenshots and documentation.
  • Permissions: Make sure you are allowed to share the script with the public. Publish it under the same license of this repository. By comitting/posting pull requests, you agree with this.
  • Documentation: Your shared script contains enough documentation/instructions that other users are able to easily understand the purpose and are able to use it without a lot of guesswork.
  • Stay clean: Your code should be as clean, smart and understandable as possible. Prevent having any magic, encrypted or obfuscated code.

When modifying existing scripts, please read first:

  • Credits: Please respect previous authors and leave them intact. If you feel you've done great enhancements to existing scripts, feel free to add yourself to the authors list.
  • Compatibility: Don't forget about backwards-compatibility. Try not to break existing scripts. If you're doing changes regarding parameters, dependencies or any other major changes, please create a new script directory or new files within the same folder.

Okay with the few points above? Great! Go ahead and create a pull request with your contribution. Thanks a lot! :-)

  • 问题内容: 所以我使用Docker Toolbox是因为我的机器上没有Hyper-V,因为它不是Windows 10专业版。一切似乎都正常,但是当我尝试使用浏览器时,它总是返回我:无法访问此站点 但是,当我运行命令时:我得到以下信息:这意味着该地址应该工作。我搜索了stackoverflow和github问题。现在我被卡住了。 我想念什么吗? 谢谢马克 编辑: 使用返回我。我在端口80上运行。除了

  • 问题内容: 我正在尝试通过Windows 7计算机上的Docker容器设置开发人员环境。 我已经为Windows安装了Docker工具箱。 我有一个包含Apache和PHP 5.6的映像,这里是: 该映像已创建,当我在Docker快速入门终端中运行“ docker映像”时可以看到它。 在我的apache-config.conf中,我只有一个小的虚拟主机,仅使用index.php文件即可访问测试网站

  • 问题内容: 通过使用Docker Toolbox启用简单命令来安装卷,如何在Windows文件和Docker 容器之间共享文件夹? 我正在使用“ Docker快速入门终端”,当我尝试这样做时: 我有这个错误: 在此之后,我也尝试了 并得到了 问题答案: 这实际上是项目的问题,有两种解决方法: 创建数据量: winpty docker run -it –rm –volumes-from data u

  • 问题内容: 我正在尝试在Mac上自动设置开发人员环境。该设置的一部分是安装Docker Toolbox 。我找不到通过命令行执行此操作的任何文档。如何自动执行此安装(必须通过命令行触发)? 更新: 正如丹尼斯所称赞的 现在存在适用于Mac的Docker,它是Docker Toolbox的替代产品。您可以通过自制酒桶获得: 问题答案: 我发现可以通过brew / cask获得Docker Toolb

  • 问题内容: 我正在尝试使用docker-maven-plugin(由 spotify 提供:https : //提供)构建docker映像,但 实际上并没有解决问题。一开始我遇到了这个异常: 我发现必须创建一个环境。变量来解决这个问题 (

  • 我最初为docker for Windows配置了docker设置。一切顺利。我正在使用docker-compose定义3个容器,每个容器都有一个卷从我的./src(主机上的路径)映射到/src/(容器上的路径)。 我最近发现生产服务器可能有Windows10主页,它不支持Docker for Windows。所以,我的想法是,我应该回到docker工具箱,为那种场景做好准备。 所以我卸载了Doc

  • 在运行docker快速入门终端时,我收到以下错误: 正在运行预创建检查...创建前检查错误:“此计算机未启用 VT-X/AMD-v。在BIOS中启用它是强制性的“在步骤”检查计算机默认值是否存在“中似乎出了问题...按任意键继续... 我已经尝试了从启用虚拟化从bios设置到重新安装工具箱的所有方法,但这个错误似乎并没有消失。我读到由于Windows 10 home不支持Hyper-V,因此必须使

  • DaoCloud Toolbox 是什么? DaoCloud Toolbox 由一系列 Linux 下的命令行工具和后台服务组成,是一款集成了 Docker Hub 下载加速、Docker 宿主垃圾回收、混合式容器管理等多种功能于一身的工具软件。 工具一:Docker 清道夫 随着 Docker 的使用和容器被创建、销毁, Docker 宿主机上往往会产生各类「垃圾」。DaoCloud Toolb