This bash script helps you to install Adobe Illustrator CC
on your Linux distro easily. It will download a free version of Illustrator and tries to run it using wine
installed on your system
, Nvidia
)1- use a 64bit edition of your distro
2-make sure the following packages are already installed on your Linux distro
if they are not already installed you can install them using your package manager for example in arch Linux
sudo pacman -S wine
3- make sure you have enough storage in your /home
partition about 2 GiB
400 MiB will be free after installation
also you can install illustrator in diffrent directory
4- make sure you have an internet connection and about 400 Mib
traffic to download illustrator
the installer scripts use a virtual drive of wine and makes a new winprefix
for illustrator
first of all, you need to clone the repository with this command:
git clone
cd illustratorCClinux
chmod +x
then you can easily run
script to install illustrator cc on your Linux distro
you can use -d
to specify the installation path, and -c
for the cache directory.for example:
cd scripts
chmod +x
./ -d /mnt/storage/
or with c flag
./ -d /mnt/myfiles/illustrator -c /mnt/cache
when no options are given, the installer script will use the default path,the uninstaller script and others will detect your custom path so there is no problem,I recommend using the -d
option and having the default cache directoy
if you need to configure the wineprefix of illustrator you can use
script just run the command below
chmod +x
to uninstall illustrator you can use the uninstaller script with commands below
chmod +x
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