This extension adds language support for MATLAB to Visual Studio Code.
(imported from MathWorks TextMate grammar)
(Translated from TextMate's snippets)
Uses mlint for checking the MATLAB code for problems on save.
ext install Matlab
in the command paletteAlternatively, saving the file with a .m
extension, will allow VS Code to understand that it is a MATLAB file, and automatically select the language correctly.
key combinationtab
to navigate through the snippet's variablesOpen the User Settings by going to File>Preferences>User Settings
On the right pane, where you have the settings.json file open, add to the json file.
"matlab.mlintpath" : "path to your mlint.exe file"
For example, on a PC :
"matlab.mlintpath": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MATLAB\\R2012a\\bin\\win32\\mlint.exe"
And on a Mac :
"matlab.mlintpath": "/Applications/"
Save your settings.json file
Now, when you open a Matlab document (.m), VS Code displays warnings and errors.
Remark: If you don't want the lint on save option and you want to remove the error message being displayed when the extension activates, change the matlab.lintOnSave
option in the settings file to False
By adding "matlab.linterConfig" : "path-to-linter-config-file"
to your VSCode configuration file, you can pass a configuration file to the mlint call. Check Matlab's documentation to create this configuration file.
For some languages, like Chinese, the return of the linter is not using the default utf-8 encoding, but a different encoding (gb2312 for Chinese). If the linting doesn't show correctly, change the matlab.linterEncoding
to the encoding used by your Windows console. For example, if your Windows is installed in Chinese, add "matlab.linterEncoding" : "gb2312"
to your settings.json.
Visual Studio Code's default file association for .m
files is Objective-C, if you want to set up the default file association to be Matlab go to the Users preference (File>Preferences>User Settings) and add the following line:
"files.associations": {"*.m": "matlab"}
MATLAB default file encoding is not utf-8, but Visual Studio Code is using utf-8 as default. The following setting specifies the default encoding for MATLAB files in Visual Studio Code:
"[matlab]": { "files.encoding": "windows1252" }
前面有两篇文章我们分别讲了在vscode里面如何配置C语言环境和python环境,那两篇文章总体来说比较复杂,当然这篇也有许多有趣的问题。 附上链接: matlab简介 MATLAB是美国MathWorks公司出品的商业数学软件,用于数据分析、无线通信、深度学习、图像处理与计算机视觉、信号处理、量化金融与风险管理、机器人,控制系统等领域。 MATLAB是matrix&laboratory两个词的组
整理:VSCode配置Matlab环境,vscodematlab 最简单方法:安装 Matlab Extension Pack。 这个插件里面含有最常用的三个vscode的matlab插件: 1)MATLAB for Visual Studio Code:用于高亮、代码提示、拼写检查等 File>Preferences>User Settings添加: "matlab.mlintpath":mli
vscode编写Matlab代码文本,着色补全,参考: 主要是Ubuntu的相应路径说明文档都没给路径,后来找了一下,加到settings.json "matlab.mlintpath": "/usr/local/MATLAB/R2018b/bin/glnxa64/mlint", "matlab.mat
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