// filename: WaveFileReader.java // RobinTang // 2012-08-23 import java.io.*; public class WaveFileReader { private String filename = null; private int[][] data = null; private int len = 0; private String chunkdescriptor = null; static private int lenchunkdescriptor = 4; private long chunksize = 0; static private int lenchunksize = 4; private String waveflag = null; static private int lenwaveflag = 4; private String fmtubchunk = null; static private int lenfmtubchunk = 4; private long subchunk1size = 0; static private int lensubchunk1size = 4; private int audioformat = 0; static private int lenaudioformat = 2; private int numchannels = 0; static private int lennumchannels = 2; private long samplerate = 0; static private int lensamplerate = 2; private long byterate = 0; static private int lenbyterate = 4; private int blockalign = 0; static private int lenblockling = 2; private int bitspersample = 0; static private int lenbitspersample = 2; private String datasubchunk = null; static private int lendatasubchunk = 4; private long subchunk2size = 0; static private int lensubchunk2size = 4; private FileInputStream fis = null; private BufferedInputStream bis = null; private boolean issuccess = false; public WaveFileReader(String filename) { this.initReader(filename); } // 判断是否创建wav读取器成功 public boolean isSuccess() { return issuccess; } // 获取每个采样的编码长度,8bit或者16bit public int getBitPerSample(){ return this.bitspersample; } // 获取采样率 public long getSampleRate(){ return this.samplerate; } // 获取声道个数,1代表单声道 2代表立体声 public int getNumChannels(){ return this.numchannels; } // 获取数据长度,也就是一共采样多少个 public int getDataLen(){ return this.len; } // 获取数据 // 数据是一个二维数组,[n][m]代表第n个声道的第m个采样值 public int[][] getData(){ return this.data; } private void initReader(String filename){ this.filename = filename; try { fis = new FileInputStream(this.filename); bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis); this.chunkdescriptor = readString(lenchunkdescriptor); if(!chunkdescriptor.endsWith("RIFF")) throw new IllegalArgumentException("RIFF miss, " + filename + " is not a wave file."); this.chunksize = readLong(); this.waveflag = readString(lenwaveflag); if(!waveflag.endsWith("WAVE")) throw new IllegalArgumentException("WAVE miss, " + filename + " is not a wave file."); this.fmtubchunk = readString(lenfmtubchunk); if(!fmtubchunk.endsWith("fmt ")) throw new IllegalArgumentException("fmt miss, " + filename + " is not a wave file."); this.subchunk1size = readLong(); this.audioformat = readInt(); this.numchannels = readInt(); this.samplerate = readLong(); this.byterate = readLong(); this.blockalign = readInt(); this.bitspersample = readInt(); this.datasubchunk = readString(lendatasubchunk); if(!datasubchunk.endsWith("data")) throw new IllegalArgumentException("data miss, " + filename + " is not a wave file."); this.subchunk2size = readLong(); this.len = (int)(this.subchunk2size/(this.bitspersample/8)/this.numchannels); this.data = new int[this.numchannels][this.len]; for(int i=0; i<this.len; ++i){ for(int n=0; n<this.numchannels; ++n){ if(this.bitspersample == 8){ this.data[n][i] = bis.read(); } else if(this.bitspersample == 16){ this.data[n][i] = this.readInt(); } } } issuccess = true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally{ try{ if(bis != null) bis.close(); if(fis != null) fis.close(); } catch(Exception e1){ e1.printStackTrace(); } } } private String readString(int len){ byte[] buf = new byte[len]; try { if(bis.read(buf)!=len) throw new IOException("no more data!!!"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return new String(buf); } private int readInt(){ byte[] buf = new byte[2]; int res = 0; try { if(bis.read(buf)!=2) throw new IOException("no more data!!!"); res = (buf[0]&0x000000FF) | (((int)buf[1])<<8); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return res; } private long readLong(){ long res = 0; try { long[] l = new long[4]; for(int i=0; i<4; ++i){ l[i] = bis.read(); if(l[i]==-1){ throw new IOException("no more data!!!"); } } res = l[0] | (l[1]<<8) | (l[2]<<16) | (l[3]<<24); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return res; } private byte[] readBytes(int len){ byte[] buf = new byte[len]; try { if(bis.read(buf)!=len) throw new IOException("no more data!!!"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return buf; } }
// filename: DrawPanel.java // RobinTang // 2012-08-23 import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics; import javax.swing.JPanel; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class DrawPanel extends JPanel { private int[] data = null; public DrawPanel(int[] data) { this.data = data; } @Override protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) { int ww = getWidth(); int hh = getHeight(); g.setColor(Color.WHITE); g.fillRect(0, 0, ww, hh); int len = data.length; int step = len/ww; if(step==0) step = 1; int prex = 0, prey = 0; //上一个坐标 int x = 0, y = 0; g.setColor(Color.RED); double k = hh/2.0/32768.0; for(int i=0; i<ww; ++i){ x = i; // 下面是个三点取出并绘制 // 实际中应该按照采样率来设置间隔 y = hh-(int)(data[i*3]*k+hh/2); System.out.print(y); System.out.print(" "); if(i!=0){ g.drawLine(x, y, prex, prey); } prex = x; prey = y; } } }
// WaveFileReadDemo.java // RobinTang // 2012-08-23 import javax.swing.JFrame; public class WaveFileReadDemo { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub String filename = "file.wav"; JFrame frame = new JFrame(); WaveFileReader reader = new WaveFileReader(filename); if(reader.isSuccess()){ int[] data = reader.getData()[0]; //获取第一声道 DrawPanel drawPanel = new DrawPanel(data); // 创建一个绘制波形的面板 frame.add(drawPanel); frame.setTitle(filename); frame.setSize(800, 400); frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.setVisible(true); } else{ System.err.println(filename + "不是一个正常的wav文件"); } } }
本文向大家介绍使用Python读写WAV文件(波形),包括了使用Python读写WAV文件(波形)的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 Python标准库中的wave模块是音频WAV格式的便捷接口。该模块中的功能可以将原始格式的音频数据写入对象之类的文件,并读取WAV文件的属性。 如同内置方法一样,文件以“写入”或读取模式打开,但具有wave模块中的功能 wave.open() 此功能打开一个
问题内容: 谁能建议我如何读取音频文件,将其存储在字节数组中并继续显示其波形?我对Java的了解非常基础。如果有人可以将我链接到Java音频编程的学习资料,那就太好了。 问题答案: 您的两个问题均已获得解答。请参阅我对以下问题的回答: 音频和Java基础: 绘制波形和波形概述: 如何从wav文件中提取声音数据?
问题内容: 如何使用Java 剪切文件? 我想要的是: 当用户按下标有按钮的按钮时,应将音频从前一个(以纳秒为单位)剪切到当前位置(以纳秒为单位)。 (在剪切声音后,标记被定位到当前位置(以纳秒为单位)) 当我获得一段音频后,我想保存该段音频文件。 我怎样才能做到这一点 ? 问题答案: 最初由Martin Dow回答 }
本文向大家介绍C# 绘制实时折线图,波形图,包括了C# 绘制实时折线图,波形图的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 此Demo是采用VS自带的Chart图表控件,制作实时动态显示的折线图,和波形图。本文仅供学习分享使用,如有不足之处,还请指正。 涉及知识点: Chart 控件,功能强大,可以绘制柱状图,折线图,波形图,饼状图,大大简化了对图的开发与定制。 Chart控件的相关概念: C
Make the output cycles over time. 用法 The PULSE node’s output changes with the time according to the waveform specified in the config panel. It can be used to: Make a “breathing” light/sound/movement e
问题内容: 我想阅读Java中的wav文件,我将使用K-means对它们进行分类。 如何读取Java中的wav文件并将其分配到数组或类似的内容(您可以提出想法)中以对其进行分类? 编辑: 我想使用API读取wav文件和K-均值。 问题答案: 官方的Java声音编程指南走过读取和写入的音频文件。 A Greensted 撰写的本文:用Java读写Wav文件应该会有所帮助。WavFile类非常有用