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Prettier 是一个“有主见”的代码格式化工具,支持列表如下: JavaScript,包括 ES2017 JSX Flow TypeScript CSS、LESS 和 SCSS JSON GraphQL 简而言之,这个工具能够使输出代码保持风格一致。 示例: 举个例子,对于下面这行代码: foo(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); 它适合在同一行显示。但是我们经常会遇到的代码是这
Building and enforcing a style guide By far the biggest reason for adopting Prettier is to stop all the on-going debates over styles. It is generally accepted that having a common style guide is valua
Prettier Prettier 是一个有见识的代码格式化工具。它通过解析代码并使用自己的规则重新打印它,并考虑最大行长来强制执行一致的样式,并在必要时包装代码。如今,它已成为解决所有代码格式问题的优选方案。支持 JavaScript、 Flow、 TypeScript、 CSS、 SCSS、 Less、 JSX、 Vue、 GraphQL、 JSON、 Markdown 等语言,您可以结合 E
查资料说是配置"prettier.vueIndentScriptAndStyle": true, 但在vscode的设置中配置后依然无效,求解 语言是vue+ts
How does it compare to ESLint/TSLint/stylelint, etc.? Linters have two categories of rules: Formatting rules: eg: max-len, no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs, keyword-spacing, comma-style... Prettier alleviates
Prettier is an opinionated code formatter with support for: JavaScript, including ES2017 JSX Angular Vue Flow TypeScript CSS, Less, and SCSS HTML JSON GraphQL Markdown, including GFM and MDX YAML It r