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前端 - nextjs13的route handle post影响了get的响应结果?



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// app/api/nav/route.tsimport fs from 'fs-extra'import path from 'path'import { NextResponse } from 'next/server'import { prisma } from '@/prisma'import { usePrisma } from '@/config'import { headers } from 'next/headers'const blogDirName = 'blog'async function getBlogUrlList(  dir: string,  result: any[] = [],  parent: any = null) {  for (const name of await fs.readdir(dir)) {    const fileStat = await fs.stat(path.resolve(dir, name))    const isDirectory = fileStat.isDirectory()    let item: any = { label: name, name, url: name }    if (item.url.indexOf(blogDirName) !== 1) {      item.url = `/${blogDirName}/${item.url}`    }    if (parent) {      item.url = parent.url + '/' + name      if (isDirectory || name === 'page.tsx') {        if (name === 'page.tsx') parent.linked = true        if (!parent.children) parent.children = []        parent.children.push(item)      }    } else {      result.push(item)    }    if (isDirectory) {      await getBlogUrlList(path.resolve(dir, name), result, item)      if (item.children) {        const target = item.children.find((it: any) =>          it.url.includes('page.tsx')        )        if (target) {          item.flag = true          if (parent) {            parent.flag = true          }        }        item.children = item.children.filter((it: any) => it.flag === true)      }    }  }  return result}function getFlatList(  data: any[],  result: any[] = [],  parentName: string | null = null) {  for (const item of data) {    result.push({      name: item.name,      url: item.url,      label: item.label,      linked: item.linked,      parentName,    })    if (item.children) {      getFlatList(item.children, result, item.name)    }  }  return result}async function add2DB(list: any[]) {  for (const menu of list) {    const data = await prisma.menu.findUnique({ where: { name: menu.name } })    let parentData = null    if (menu.parentName) {      parentData = await prisma.menu.findUnique({        where: { name: menu.parentName },      })    }    if (!data) {      await prisma.menu.create({        data: {          label: menu.label,          linked: !!menu.linked,          url: menu.url,          name: menu.name,          parentId: parentData ? parentData.id : 0,        },      })    }  }}function formatMenu(data: any[], result: any[] = [], map = new Map()) {  for (const item of data) {    let menu = {      id: item.id,      label: item.label,      linked: item.linked,      name: item.name,      url: item.url,      children: [],    }    if (item.parentId === 0) {      result.push(menu)    } else {      const parentMenu = map.get(item.parentId)      parentMenu.children.push(menu)    }    map.set(item.id, menu)  }  return result}export async function GET(request: Request) {  const blogPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'app/' + blogDirName)  const blogUrlList = await getBlogUrlList(blogPath)  // usePrisma 这里是false  if (usePrisma) {    const flatList = getFlatList(blogUrlList)    await add2DB(flatList)    const menuList = await prisma.menu.findMany({      orderBy: {        id: 'asc',      },    })    return NextResponse.json({ data: formatMenu(menuList) })  } else {    return NextResponse.json({ data: blogUrlList })  }}export async function POST(request: Request) {  const headersList = headers()  const requestKey = headersList.get('authorization')!  const target = await prisma.requsetKey.findFirst({    where: {      key: requestKey,    },  })  if (!target) {    return NextResponse.json({ code: 401, msg: '认证失败!' })  }  const { data } = await request.json()  await prisma.$transaction(    data.map((item: { id: number; label: string }) =>      prisma.menu.update({        where: { id: item.id },        data: {          label: item.label,        },      })    )  )  return NextResponse.json({ data: true })}
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根据你提供的代码和描述,问题可能出在 prisma 模型中 menu 模型的 children 字段上。根据你提供的代码,children 字段在 menu 模型中是一个数组,但是在 prisma 模型中可能被定义为一个对象。

如果你在 prisma 模型中定义了 children 字段为一个对象,那么 menu.children 可能在查询时被转换为数组,而不是直接作为对象。这可能导致在获取菜单列表时出现错误。

为了验证这个问题,你可以尝试在 prisma 模型中修改 children 字段的定义,将其定义为数组。修改后的代码如下:

import { PrismaClient } from '@/prisma'type Menu = {  id: number;  label: string;  linked: boolean;  name: string;  url: string;  children?: Array<Menu>;};

这样,在获取菜单列表时,你应该可以正确地获取到 children 字段,并在获取 parentMenu.children 时将其转换为数组。然后,你需要在获取 menuList 后将 children 字段转换为数组,以便正确地渲染菜单。修改后的代码如下:

function formatMenu(data: any[], result: any[] = [], map = new Map()) {  for (const item of data) {    let menu = {      id: item.id,      label: item.label,      linked: item.linked,      name: item.name,      url: item.url,      children: item.children || [], // 添加这一行代码    }    if (item.parentId === 0) {      result.push(menu)    } else {      const parentMenu = map.get(item.parentId)      parentMenu.children.push(menu)    }    map.set(item.id, menu)  }  return result}


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