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Function push(arr() As Variant, el As Variant) As Variant()
    ' function to redim an array and increment it by one.  If array is length 1 and element is empty, it will place the "el" param in the first index
    If IsEmpty(arr(UBound(arr))) And UBound(arr) = LBound(arr) Then
        arr(UBound(arr)) = el
        ReDim Preserve arr(LBound(arr) To UBound(arr) + 1)
        arr(UBound(arr)) = el
    End If
    push = arr
End Function

Sub testPush()
    Dim myArr() As Variant
    Dim newArr() As Variant
    myArr = Array("apple", "banana", "4")
    myArr = push(myArr, "coconut")
    Debug.Print Join(myArr, ", ")
    newArr = Array(1, 2, 3, 4)
    newArr = push(newArr, 7)
    Debug.Print Join(newArr, ", ")
End Sub

当我将myArr维度为字符串时,例如dim myArr()维度为string,我在推送函数中看到一个编译错误:type mismatch:array或user defined type expected。有没有什么方法可以使用一个函数来尝试将元素递增到数组的末尾,而不管数组的类型如何?





Function push(arr() As Variant, el As Variant) As Variant()



Function push(arr As Variant, el As Variant) As Variant




If IsEmpty(arr(UBound(arr)))



Option Explicit

Sub Push(ByRef someArray As Variant, ByVal someElement As Variant)
    ' This routine expects array to be 1-dimensional.
    ' and will modify the array in-place.
    ' The array must by dynamic (cannot Redim an array that
    ' was statically declared).

    Dim lastIndex As Long
    lastIndex = UBound(someArray)

    Dim arrayNeedsExtending As Boolean
    ' If you are using "IsEmpty" to work out if the first element
    ' has been assigned a value other than its default value at initialisation
    ' then you may need to see: https://stackoverflow.com/a/3331239/8811778
    ' as "IsEmpty" might only work for Variants and may return false
    ' negatives otherwise.
    arrayNeedsExtending = (lastIndex <> LBound(someArray)) Or Not IsEmpty(someArray(lastIndex))

    If arrayNeedsExtending Then
        ReDim Preserve someArray(LBound(someArray) To (lastIndex + 1))
    End If

    ' If you have an array of objects (hypothetically, instead of a collection), the line below
    ' will raise a syntax error since Set keyword is required for objects.
    someArray(UBound(someArray)) = someElement
End Sub

Private Sub TestPush()

    Dim someStrings() As String
    someStrings = Split("a,a", ",", -1, vbBinaryCompare)
    Push someStrings, "b"
    Debug.Assert (JoinArray(someStrings) = "a,a,b")

    Dim someBooleans() As Boolean ' Can only Push dynamic arrays
    ReDim someBooleans(0 To 1)
    Push someBooleans, True
    Debug.Assert (JoinArray(someBooleans) = "False,False,True")

    Dim someZeros() As Long
    ReDim someZeros(0 To 1)
    Push someZeros, 0
    Debug.Assert (JoinArray(someZeros) = "0,0,0")

End Sub

Private Function JoinArray(ByRef someArray As Variant, Optional delimiter As String = ",") As String
    ' Expects array to be 1-dimensional.
    ' Attempts to handle non-string types albeit without error handling.

    Dim toJoin() As String
    ReDim toJoin(LBound(someArray) To UBound(someArray))

    Dim arrayIndex As Long
    For arrayIndex = LBound(someArray) To UBound(someArray)
        toJoin(arrayIndex) = CStr(someArray(arrayIndex)) ' Will throw if type cannot be coerced into string.
    Next arrayIndex

    JoinArray = Join(toJoin, delimiter)
End Function


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