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package die;

import java.util.Scanner;

 * @author <a href= "mailto:adavi125@my.chemeketa.edu" >Aaron Davis</a>
public class RollDice
    public static void main(String[] args)

        Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);

        PairOfDice dice = new PairOfDice();

        // get amount of rolls from user
        System.out.print("How many rolls do you want? ");

        int numRolls = scan.nextInt();

        int diceOne, diceTwo;
        int boxCar, snakeEyes;
        int j = 0, k = 0;

        // rolls the dice the requested amount of times
        for (int i = 0; i < numRolls; i++)
            // first die to roll
            diceOne = dice.roll();

            // second die to roll
            diceTwo = dice.roll();

            // display rolled dice
            System.out.println(diceOne + " " + diceTwo + "\n");

            // store and display pairs of 1 rolls
            if (diceOne == 1 && diceTwo == 1)
                snakeEyes = ++j;

                System.out.println("\nThe number of snake eyes you have is: " 
                    + snakeEyes + "\n");

            // store and display pairs of 6 rolls
            if (diceOne == 6 && diceTwo == 6)
                boxCar = ++k;

                System.out.println("\nThe number of box cars you have is: " 
                    + boxCar + "\n");



 the integers diceOne and diceTwo are my workarounds, my other package contains

public class PairOfDice extends Die
    Die die1, die2;

    public PairOfDice()
        die1 = new Die();
        die2 = new Die();     

    public PairOfDice(int face)
        die1 = new Die(face);
        die2 = new Die(face);


// i am un-clear how to make "PairOfDice dice = new PairOfDice();" come out as two die




  1. 您对这两个值分别感兴趣,因此roll方法必须返回两个值。例如,您可以使用包含这两个值的RollResultbean
  2. 您对两个值都不感兴趣,而只对和感兴趣。这样,roll方法可以只返回一个从2到12的整数,您可以根据它们的总和推测掷骰子:在您的情况下,这总是可能的,因为当且仅当您的骰子是1,1时,您才会得到2的总和;类似地,如果且仅当您的骰子是6,6时,您才会得到12的总和。例如,如果您根据条件“骰子1=3, dice2=4”进行测试,则不会起作用,因为有许多返回3 4=7的掷骰子组合



import java.util.*;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

public class RollingDices {
    private static final Random RND = new Random();
    private static interface Dice {
        public int roll();
    private static class UniformDice implements Dice {
        public int roll() {
            return RND.nextInt(6) + 1;
    private static class TrickyDice implements Dice {
        private final int value;
        public TrickyDice(int value) {
            this.value = value;
        public int roll() {
            return value;
    private static class ProbabilityTableDice implements Dice {
        private final Double[] probabilities;
        public ProbabilityTableDice(Double ... probabilities) {
            if (Arrays.stream(probabilities).mapToDouble(Double::doubleValue).sum() != 1.0) {
                throw new RuntimeException();
            this.probabilities = probabilities;

        public int roll() {
            final double randomValue = RND.nextDouble();
            double curValue = 0.0;
            for (int i = 0; i < this.probabilities.length; i++) {
                curValue += this.probabilities[i];
                if (curValue >= randomValue) {
                    return i + 1;
            throw new RuntimeException();
    private static class CollectionOfDices {
        private final Dice[] dices;

        public CollectionOfDices(Dice ... dices) {
            this.dices = dices;

        public List<Integer> roll() {
            return Arrays.stream(dices).map(Dice::roll).collect(Collectors.toList());
    private static class DicesFactory {
        private static final DicesFactory INSTANCE = new DicesFactory();

        public static DicesFactory instance() {
            return INSTANCE;

        private DicesFactory() {}

        private final Dice uniformDice = new UniformDice();
        public Dice createUniformDice() {
            return this.uniformDice;
        public Dice createTrickyDice(int fixedValue) {
            return new TrickyDice(fixedValue);
        public Dice createProbabilityTableDice(Double ... probabilities) {
            return new ProbabilityTableDice(probabilities);

    public static void main(String ... args) {
        final Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);

        final CollectionOfDices dice = new CollectionOfDices(
                        0.15, 0.2, 0.3, 0.1, 0.25

        // get amount of rolls from user
        System.out.print("How many rolls do you want? ");

        int numRolls = scan.nextInt();

        int diceOne, diceTwo;
        int boxCar, snakeEyes;
        int j = 0, k = 0;

        // rolls the dice the requested amount of times
        for (int i = 0; i < numRolls; i++)
            final List<Integer> rolls = dice.roll();
            // first die to roll
            diceOne = rolls.get(0);

            // second die to roll
            diceTwo = rolls.get(1);

            // display rolled dice
            System.out.println(diceOne + " " + diceTwo + "\n");

            // store and display pairs of 1 rolls
            if (diceOne == 1 && diceTwo == 1)
                snakeEyes = ++j;

                System.out.println("\nThe number of snake eyes you have is: "
                        + snakeEyes + "\n");

            // store and display pairs of 6 rolls
            if (diceOne == 6 && diceTwo == 6)
                boxCar = ++k;

                System.out.println("\nThe number of box cars you have is: "
                        + boxCar + "\n");


  • 问题内容: 同时绘制两个图形时出现了一些麻烦,没有在一个图中显示。但是根据文档,我编写了代码,只有图1所示。我想也许我失去了一些重要的东西。有人可以帮我弄清楚吗?谢谢。(代码中使用的 tlist_first 是数据列表。) 问题答案: 除了在脚本末尾调用之外,还可以分别控制每个图形,分别执行以下操作: 在这种情况下,您必须打电话保持数字有效。这样,您可以动态选择要显示的数字 注意:在Python

  • 我有一个ApplicationInfo类型的列表和另一个String类型的ArrayList。我想在listView中列出这两者。我可以将ArrayAdapter(ApplicationInfo)和Array适配器(String)扩展到ApplicationAdapter吗。班这是我当前的代码,只显示ApplicationInfo。 ApplicationAdapter.class 所有应用程序活

  • 我有两张表格,详细内容如下: 电子表格 id 鼻涕虫 标题 徽标 说明 价格 地位 流量表 id 电子课程id 日期 金额 类型\交通 我想用Elount laravel显示每天流量的ecourse数据。解决办法是什么? 非常感谢。

  • 我在我的项目中使用双倍值,我想始终显示前两位十进制数字,即使它们是零。我使用此函数进行四舍五入,如果我打印的值是3.47233322,它(正确地)打印3.47。但是当我打印时,例如,值2它打印2.0。 我想印2.00! 有没有一种不用字符串就可以做到这一点的方法? 编辑:从你的答案(我感谢你)我知道我不清楚我在搜索什么(对此我很抱歉):我知道如何使用你提出的解决方案在数字后打印两位数。。。我想要的

  • 在Android中,我需要将第二个页面滑动到另一个页面上。 布局1覆盖页面左侧的80%。布局2显示其余的20%。往右走。 然后我需要拖动/滑动布局2在布局1的顶部,并将其滑回。

  • 问题内容: 我想将两个唯一的警报附加到同一视图。当我使用下面的代码时,只有底部的警报起作用。 我正在macOS Catalina上使用Xcode 11的正式版本。 我希望在设置为true 时显示第一个警报,而在我设置为true时希望显示第二个警报。只有第二个警报显示其状态为true时,但第一个警报不执行任何操作。 问题答案: 第二个调用覆盖了第一个。您真正想要的是指示是否显示警报,以及应该从闭包后