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使用Java 1.5跨平台打开文件的方法


我正在使用Java 1.5,并且想启动相关的应用程序来打开文件。我知道Java 1.6引入了Desktop
Java 1.5 的解决方案。


Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{ "rundll32", 
                          "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", fileName });

有跨平台的方法吗?或者至少是针对 Linux 的类似解决方案?





 Desktop desktop = Desktop.getDesktop();

 desktop.open( aFile );
 desktop.imaginaryAction( aFile );


package your.pack.name;

import java.io.File;

public class Desktop{

    // hide the constructor.

    // Created the appropriate instance
    public static Desktop getDesktop(){

        String os = System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase();

        Desktop desktop = new Desktop();
         // This uf/elseif/else code is used only once: here
        if ( os.indexOf("windows") != -1 || os.indexOf("nt") != -1){

            desktop = new WindowsDesktop();

        } else if ( os.equals("windows 95") || os.equals("windows 98") ){

            desktop = new Windows9xDesktop();

        } else if ( os.indexOf("mac") != -1 ) {

            desktop = new OSXDesktop();

        } else if ( os.indexOf("linux") != -1 && isGnome() ) {

            desktop = new GnomeDesktop();

        } else if ( os.indexOf("linux") != -1 && isKde() ) {

            desktop = new KdeDesktop();

        } else {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format("The platform %s is not supported ",os) );
        return desktop;

    // default implementation :( 
    public void open( File file ){
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    // default implementation :( 
    public void imaginaryAction( File file  ){
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

// One subclass per platform below:
// Each one knows how to handle its own platform

class GnomeDesktop extends Desktop{

    public void open( File file ){
        // Runtime.getRuntime().exec: execute gnome-open <file>

    public void imaginaryAction( File file ){
        // Runtime.getRuntime().exec:gnome-something-else <file>

class KdeDesktop extends Desktop{

    public void open( File file ){
        // Runtime.getRuntime().exec: kfmclient exec <file>

    public void imaginaryAction( File file ){
        // Runtime.getRuntime().exec: kfm-imaginary.sh  <file>
class OSXDesktop extends Desktop{

    public void open( File file ){
        // Runtime.getRuntime().exec: open <file>

    public void imaginaryAction( File file ){
        // Runtime.getRuntime().exec: wow!! <file>
class WindowsDesktop extends Desktop{

    public void open( File file ){
        // Runtime.getRuntime().exec: cmd /c start <file>

    public void imaginaryAction( File file ){
        // Runtime.getRuntime().exec: ipconfig /relese /c/d/e
class Windows9xDesktop extends Desktop{

    public void open( File file ){
        //Runtime.getRuntime().exec: command.com /C start <file>

    public void imaginaryAction( File file){
       //Runtime.getRuntime().exec: command.com /C otherCommandHere <file>


采取这种方法,可能会删除不必要的if / elseif /

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