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日期和时间( Date & Time)



The date() Method

date()方法返回由8个atom元素组成的序列值。 以下示例详细说明了 -

integer curr_year, curr_day, curr_day_of_year, curr_hour, curr_minute, curr_second
sequence system_date, word_week, word_month, notation, 
   curr_day_of_week, curr_month
   word_week = {"Sunday", 
   word_month = {"January", "February", 
-- Get current system date.
system_date = date()
-- Now take individual elements
curr_year = system_date[1] + 1900
curr_month = word_month[system_date[2]]
curr_day = system_date[3]
curr_hour = system_date[4]
curr_minute = system_date[5]
curr_second = system_date[6]
curr_day_of_week = word_week[system_date[7]]
curr_day_of_year = system_date[8]
if curr_hour >= 12 then 
   notation = "p.m."
   notation = "a.m."
end if
if curr_hour > 12 then 
   curr_hour = curr_hour - 12
end if
if curr_hour = 0 then 
   curr_hour = 12
end if
puts(1, "\nHello Euphoria!\n\n")
printf(1, "Today is %s, %s %d, %d.\n", {curr_day_of_week, 
   curr_month, curr_day, curr_year})
printf(1, "The time is %.2d:%.2d:%.2d %s\n", {curr_hour, 
   curr_minute, curr_second, notation})
printf(1, "It is %3d days into the current year.\n", {curr_day_of_year})

这会在您的标准屏幕上产生以下结果 -

Hello Euphoria!
Today is Friday, January 22, 2010.
The time is 02:54:58 p.m.
It is  22 days into the current year.

The time() Method

time()方法返回一个atom值,表示自固定时间点以来经过的秒数。 以下示例详细说明了 -

constant ITERATIONS = 100000000
integer p
atom t0, t1, loop_overhead
t0 = time()
for i = 1 to ITERATIONS do
   -- time an empty loop
end for
loop_overhead = time() - t0
printf(1, "Loop overhead:%d\n", loop_overhead)
t0 = time()
for i = 1 to ITERATIONS do
    p = power(2, 20)
end for
t1 = (time() - (t0 + loop_overhead))/ITERATIONS
printf(1, "Time (in seconds) for one call to power:%d\n", t1)

这会产生以下结果 -

Loop overhead:1
Time (in seconds) for one call to power:0


Euphoria提供了一系列方法,可帮助您操纵日期和时间。 这些方法列在Euphoria Library Routines中