工具共享位于的通用YAML 配置文件~/.mitmproxy/config.yaml
名称 | 类型 | 描述 |
add_upstream_certs_to_client_chain mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | bool | 将上游服务器的所有证书添加到将提供给代理客户端的证书链中,作为附加功能。 默认值:False |
allow_hosts mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | sequence of str | 与--ignore-hosts相反。 默认: [] |
anticache mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | bool | 去除可能导致服务器返回304-not-modified的请求标头。 默认: False |
anticomp mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | bool | 尝试使服务器向我们发送未压缩的数据。 默认: False |
block_global mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | bool | 根据IANA专用注册管理机构的定义,阻止来自全球可访问网络的连接。 默认: True |
block_private mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | bool | 根据IANA专用注册管理机构的定义,阻止来自专用网络的连接。此选项不影响回送地址。 默认: False |
body_size_limit mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | optional str | HTTP请求和响应主体的字节大小限制。使用k/m/g后缀,即3M表示3M字节。 默认: None |
cert_passphrase mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | optional str | 用于解密--cert选项中提供的私钥的密码短语。 默认: None |
certs mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | sequence of str | 形式为“ [domain =] path”的SSL证书。该域可以包含通配符,如果未指定,则等于“ *”。路径中的文件是PEM格式的证书。如果PEM中包含私钥,则使用私钥,否则使用conf目录中的默认密钥。PEM文件应包含完整的证书链,并将叶子证书作为第一项。 默认: [] |
ciphers_client mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | optional str | 使用OpenSSL语法为客户端连接设置受支持的密码。 默认: None |
ciphers_server mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | optional str | 使用OpenSSL语法设置服务器连接的受支持密码。 默认: None |
client_certs mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | optional str | 客户端证书文件或目录。 默认: None |
client_replay mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | sequence of str | 从一个保存的文件重播客户端请求. 默认: [] |
command_history mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | bool | 保持两次mitmproxy调用之间的命令历史记录。 默认: True |
confdir mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | str | 默认的mitmproxy配置文件的位置。 默认: ~/.mitmproxy |
console_default_contentview mitmproxy | str | 默认的内容查看模式。 默认: auto 选项: auto, raw, hex, json, xml/html, wbxml, javascript, css, url-encoded, multipart form, image, query, protocol buffer, msgpack |
console_eventlog_verbosity mitmproxy | str | EventLog的详细程度。 默认: info 选项: error, warn, info, alert, debug |
console_flowlist_layout mitmproxy | str | Set the flowlist layout 默认: default 选项: default, list, table |
console_focus_follow mitmproxy mitmweb | bool | 重点跟随新的flows. 默认: False |
console_layout mitmproxy | str | 控制台布局 默认: single 选项: horizontal, single, vertical |
console_layout_headers mitmproxy | bool | 显示布局组件标题 默认: True |
console_mouse mitmproxy | bool | 控制台鼠标交互。 默认: True |
console_palette mitmproxy | str | 调色板。 默认: solarized_dark 选项: dark, light, lowdark, lowlight, solarized_dark, solarized_light |
console_palette_transparent mitmproxy | bool | 设置调色板的透明背景。 默认: True |
console_strip_trailing_newlines mitmproxy | bool | 从已编辑的请求/响应正文中删除尾随的换行符。 默认: False |
content_view_lines_cutoff mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | int | 流内容视线限制。默认情况下已启用限制,以加快流浏览速度。 默认: 512 |
dumper_default_contentview mitmdump | str | 默认的内容查看模式。 默认: auto 选项: auto, raw, hex, json, xml/html, wbxml, javascript, css, url-encoded, multipart form, image, query, protocol buffer, msgpack |
dumper_filter mitmdump | optional str | 限制哪些流被转储。 默认: None |
flow_detail mitmdump | int | mitmdump中流的显示详细信息级别: 0 (几乎不显示) to 3 (非常详细). 0: 缩短的请求URL,响应状态代码,WebSocket和TCP消息通知。 1: 完整的请求URL,带有响应状态代码 2: 1 + HTTP headers 3: 2 + 完整的响应内容,WebSocket和TCP消息的内容。 默认: 1 |
http2 mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | bool | 启用/禁用HTTP/2支持。默认情况下启用HTTP/2支持。 默认: True |
http2_priority mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | bool | HTTP/2连接的优先级转发。默认情况下禁用,以确保与行为异常的服务器兼容。 默认: False |
ignore_hosts mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | sequence of str | 忽略主机并转发所有流量,而不对其进行处理。在透明模式下,建议使用IP地址(范围),而不要使用主机名。在常规模式下,仅SSL流量会被忽略,应使用主机名。提供的值被解释为正则表达式,并在ip或主机名上匹配。 默认: [] |
intercept mitmproxy mitmweb | optional str | 拦截过滤器表达式。 默认: None |
intercept_active mitmproxy mitmweb | bool | 拦截切换 默认: False |
keep_host_header mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | bool | 反向代理:保留原始主机标头,而不是将其重写为反向代理目标。 默认: False |
keepserving mitmdump | bool | 客户端播放,服务器播放或文件读取后,继续提供服务。始终保持投放状态的互动工具会忽略此选项。 默认: False |
key_size mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | int | 证书和CA的TLS密钥大小。 默认: 2048 |
listen_host mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | str | 绑定代理的地址。 默认: |
listen_port mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | int | 代理服务端口。 默认: 8080 |
map_local mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | sequence of str | 使用"[/flow-filter]/url-regex/file-or-directory-path"格式的模式将远程资源映射到本地文件,其中分隔符可以是任何字符。 默认: [] |
map_remote mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | sequence of str | 使用"[/flow-filter]/url-regex/replacement"形式的模式将远程资源映射到另一个远程URL,其中分隔符可以是任何字符。 默认: [] |
mode mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | str | 模式可以是"regular", "transparent", "socks5", "reverse:SPEC", or "upstream:SPEC". 对于 reverse 和 upstream proxy 模式, SPEC是主机规范,形式为 "http[s]://host[:port]". 默认: regular |
modify_body mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | sequence of str | 格式为"[/flow-filter]/regex/[@]replacement"的替换模式,其中的分隔符可以是任何字符。@允许提供用于读取替换字符串的文件路径。 默认: [] |
modify_headers mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | sequence of str | 标头修改模式为"[/flow-filter]/header-name/[@]header-value",其中分隔符可以是任何字符。@允许提供用于读取标头值字符串的文件路径。标头值为空会删除现有的标头名称标头。 默认: [] |
onboarding mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | bool | 切换mitmproxy入门app。 默认: True |
onboarding_host mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | str | 入门域名。对于透明模式,当不存在用于应用程序域的DNS条目时,请使用IP。 默认: mitm.it |
onboarding_port mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | int | Port to serve the onboarding app from. 默认: 80 |
proxyauth mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | optional str | 需要代理身份验证。格式: "username:pass", "any" to accept any user/pass combination, "@path" to use an Apache htpasswd file, or "ldap[s]:url_server_ldap:dn_auth:password:dn_subtree" for LDAP authentication. 默认: None |
rawtcp mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | bool | Enable/disable experimental raw TCP support. TCP connections starting with non-ascii bytes are treated as if they would match tcp_hosts. The heuristic is very rough, use with caution. Disabled by default. 默认: False |
readfile_filter mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | optional str | Read only matching flows. 默认: None |
relax_http_form_validation mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | bool | Disable HTTP form validation. 默认: False |
rfile mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | optional str | Read flows from file. 默认: None |
save_stream_file mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | optional str | Stream flows to file as they arrive. Prefix path with + to append. 默认: None |
save_stream_filter mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | optional str | Filter which flows are written to file. 默认: None |
scripts mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | sequence of str | Execute a script. 默认: [] |
server mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | bool | Start a proxy server. Enabled by default. 默认: True |
server_replay mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | sequence of str | Replay server responses from a saved file. 默认: [] |
server_replay_ignore_content mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | bool | Ignore request's content while searching for a saved flow to replay. 默认: False |
server_replay_ignore_host mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | bool | Ignore request's destination host while searching for a saved flow to replay. 默认: False |
server_replay_ignore_params mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | sequence of str | Request's parameters to be ignored while searching for a saved flow to replay. 默认: [] |
server_replay_ignore_payload_params mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | sequence of str | Request's payload parameters (application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data) to be ignored while searching for a saved flow to replay. 默认: [] |
server_replay_ignore_port mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | bool | Ignore request's destination port while searching for a saved flow to replay. 默认: False |
server_replay_kill_extra mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | bool | Kill extra requests during replay. 默认: False |
server_replay_nopop mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | bool | Don't remove flows from server replay state after use. This makes it possible to replay same response multiple times. 默认: False |
server_replay_refresh mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | bool | Refresh server replay responses by adjusting date, expires and last-modified headers, as well as adjusting cookie expiration. 默认: True |
server_replay_use_headers mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | sequence of str | Request headers to be considered during replay. 默认: [] |
showhost mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | bool | Use the Host header to construct URLs for display. 默认: False |
spoof_source_address mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | bool | Use the client's IP for server-side connections. Combine with --upstream-bind-address to spoof a fixed source address. 默认: False |
ssl_insecure mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | bool | Do not verify upstream server SSL/TLS certificates. 默认: False |
ssl_verify_upstream_trusted_ca mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | optional str | Path to a PEM formatted trusted CA certificate. 默认: None |
ssl_verify_upstream_trusted_confdir mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | optional str | Path to a directory of trusted CA certificates for upstream server verification prepared using the c_rehash tool. 默认: None |
ssl_version_client mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | str | Set supported SSL/TLS versions for client connections. SSLv2, SSLv3 and 'all' are INSECURE. Defaults to secure, which is TLS1.0+. 默认: secure 选项: all, secure, SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1_1, TLSv1_2 |
ssl_version_server mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | str | Set supported SSL/TLS versions for server connections. SSLv2, SSLv3 and 'all' are INSECURE. Defaults to secure, which is TLS1.0+. 默认: secure 选项: all, secure, SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1_1, TLSv1_2 |
stickyauth mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | optional str | Set sticky auth filter. Matched against requests. 默认: None |
stickycookie mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | optional str | Set sticky cookie filter. Matched against requests. 默认: None |
stream_large_bodies mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | optional str | Stream data to the client if response body exceeds the given threshold. If streamed, the body will not be stored in any way. Understands k/m/g suffixes, i.e. 3m for 3 megabytes. 默认: None |
stream_websockets mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | bool | Stream WebSocket messages between client and server. Messages are captured and cannot be modified. 默认: False |
tcp_hosts mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | sequence of str | Generic TCP SSL proxy mode for all hosts that match the pattern. Similar to --ignore-hosts, but SSL connections are intercepted. The communication contents are printed to the log in verbose mode. 默认: [] |
termlog_verbosity mitmdump mitmweb | str | Log verbosity. 默认: info 选项: error, warn, info, alert, debug |
upstream_auth mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | optional str | Add HTTP Basic authentication to upstream proxy and reverse proxy requests. Format: username:password. 默认: None |
upstream_bind_address mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | str | Address to bind upstream requests to. 默认: |
upstream_cert mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | bool | Connect to upstream server to look up certificate details. 默认: True |
view_filter mitmproxy mitmweb | optional str | Limit the view to matching flows. 默认: None |
view_order mitmproxy mitmweb | str | Flow sort order. 默认: time 选项: time, method, url, size |
view_order_reversed mitmproxy mitmweb | bool | Reverse the sorting order. 默认: False |
web_debug mitmweb | bool | Enable mitmweb debugging. 默认: False |
web_host mitmweb | str | Web UI host. 默认: |
web_open_browser mitmweb | bool | Start a browser. 默认: True |
web_port mitmweb | int | Web UI port. 默认: 8081 |
web_static_viewer mitmweb | optional str | The path to output a static viewer. 默认: |
websocket mitmproxy mitmdump mitmweb | bool | Enable/disable WebSocket support. WebSocket support is enabled by default. 默认: True |