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市面上有很多关于 PHP 的书,但遗憾的是很多都已经非常陈旧而且包含不正确的资料。甚至还有 “PHP 6” 的书籍,这个 PHP 版本是根本不存在的,而且永远不会出现。PHP 5.6 之后其实是 “PHP 7”,这里解释了部分原因。

这个章节的目录主要是针对 PHP 开发,并且会随着最新的技术趋势而更新。如果你想在这里加入你的书,请发送一个 PR ,我们将会审查你提供的内容是否有相关性。


PHP Pandas - Aims to teach everyone how to be a web developer.

PHP The Right Way - This website is available as a book completely for free.

Using Libsodium in PHP Projects - Guide to using Libsodium PHP extension for modern, secure, and fast cryptography.


Build APIs You Won’t Hate - Everyone and their dog wants an API, so you should probably learn how to build them.

Modern PHP - covers modern PHP features, best practices, testing, tuning, deployment and setting up a dev environment.

Building Secure PHP Apps - Learn the security basics that a senior developer usually acquires over years of experience, all condensed down into one quick and easy handbook

Modernizing Legacy Applications In PHP - Get your code under control in a series of small, specific steps

Securing PHP: Core Concepts - A guide to some of the most common security terms and provides some examples of them in every day PHP

Scaling PHP - Stop playing sysadmin and get back to coding

Signaling PHP - PCNLT signals are a great help when writing PHP scripts that run from the command line.

The Grumpy Programmer’s Guide To Building Testable PHP Applications - Learning to write testable code doesn’t have to suck.

Minimum Viable Tests - Long-time PHP testing evangelist Chris Hartjes goes over what he feels is the minimum you need to know to get started.

Domain-Driven Design in PHP - See real examples written in PHP showcasing Domain-Driven Design Architectural Styles (Hexagonal Architecture, CQRS or Event Sourcing), Tactical Design Patterns, and Bounded Context Integration.