Simditor 回调函数
Simditor will trigger different events, you can bind these events if needed:
# init Simditor
editor = new Simditor
textarea: $('#editor')
# bind valuechanged event
editor.on ('valuechanged', (e, src) =>{
alert('simditor valuechanged')
- valuechanged e jQuery Event
- Event fires when body content has changed
- selectionchanged e jQuery Event
- Event fires when cursor position or selected text has changed
- decorate e jQuery Event $el jQuery Object
- Event fires when pasting content and calling setValue.
Some features will insert extra attributes or tags in order to make the element looks nicer. That is "decorating". These elements should never be included when getting the content from the editor.
<div class="simditor-table"> <!-- extra tags --> <table>...</table> <div class="simditor-resize-handle" contenteditable="false"></div> <!-- extra tags --> </div>
When inserting the above table, Simditor needs to call 'decorate' method to create extra tags in 'decorate' event. When getting the content value, it will call 'undecorate' method to remove all extra tags.
class TableButton extends Button constructor: (@editor) -> ... @editor.on 'decorate', (e, $el) => $el.find('table').each (i, table) => @decorate $(table) @editor.on 'undecorate', (e, $el) => $el.find('table').each (i, table) => @undecorate $(table) ... decorate: ($table) -> if $table.parent('.simditor-table').length > 0 @undecorate $table $table.wrap '<div class="simditor-table"></div>' @initResize $table $table.parent() undecorate: ($table) -> return unless $table.parent('.simditor-table').length > 0 $table.parent().replaceWith($table)
- undecorate e jQuery Event $el jQuery Object
- Event fires when calling getValue and sync.
Refer to decorate event - pasting e jQuery Event $pasteContent jQuery Object
- Event fires when pasting content into editor.
is the pasted content. You can valid the content and stop paste.Example:
// stop paste if the content contains images editor.on 'pasting', (e, $pasteContent) -> if $pasteContent.find("img").length > 0 return false
- focus e jQuery Event
- Event fires when textarea is focused.
- blur e jQuery Event
- Event fires when textarea is blur.
- destroy e jQuery Event
- Event fires when calling destroy method.