

A class designed to handle all sorts of text searches within a Document.


  • new Search()

Creates a new Search object. The following search options are available:

  • needle: The string or regular expression you're looking for
  • backwards: Whether to search backwards from where cursor currently is. Defaults to false.
  • wrap: Whether to wrap the search back to the beginning when it hits the end. Defaults to false.
  • caseSensitive: Whether the search ought to be case-sensitive. Defaults to false.
  • wholeWord: Whether the search matches only on whole words. Defaults to false.
  • range: The Range to search within. Set this to null for the whole document
  • regExp: Whether the search is a regular expression or not. Defaults to false.
  • start: The starting Range or cursor position to begin the search
  • skipCurrent: Whether or not to include the current line in the search. Default to false.


Searches for options.needle. If found, this method returns the Range where the text first occurs. If options.backwards is true, the search goes backwards in the session.

sessionEditSessionRequired. The session to search with

Searches for all occurances options.needle. If found, this method returns an array of Ranges where the text first occurs. If options.backwards is true, the search goes backwards in the session.

sessionEditSessionRequired. The session to search with
  • Search.getOptions()
  • 返回值: Object

Returns an object containing all the search options.

Searches for options.needle in input, and, if found, replaces it with replacement.

inputStringRequired. The text to search in
replacementStringRequired. The replacing text

  • (String): If options.regExp is true, this function returns input with the replacement already made. Otherwise, this function just returns replacement.
    If options.needle was not found, this function returns null.
  • Chainable

Sets the search options via the options parameter.

optionsObjectRequired. An object containing all the new search properties
  • Search.setOptions()
  • Undocumented