

Stores all the data about Editor state providing easy way to change editors state.

EditSession can be attached to only one Document. Same Document can be attached to several EditSessions.


Sets up a new EditSession and associates it with the given Document and TextMode.

textDocument | StringRequired. If text is a Document, it associates the EditSession with it. Otherwise, a new Document is created, with the initial text
modeTextModeRequired. The initial language mode to use for the document


  • EditSession.on("change", function(Object e))

Emitted when the document changes.

eObjectRequired. An object containing a delta of information about the change.
  • EditSession.on("changeAnnotation", function())

Emitted when an annotation changes, like through EditSession.setAnnotations().

  • EditSession.on("changeBackMarker", function())

Emitted when a back marker changes.

  • EditSession.on("changeBreakpoint", function())

Emitted when the gutter changes, either by setting or removing breakpoints, or when the gutter decorations change.

  • EditSession.on("changeFold", function())

Emitted when a code fold is added or removed.

  • EditSession.on("changeFrontMarker", function())

Emitted when a front marker changes.

  • EditSession.on("changeMode", function())

Emitted when the current mode changes.

  • EditSession.on("changeOverwrite", function())

Emitted when the ability to overwrite text changes, via EditSession.setOverwrite().

  • EditSession.on("changeScrollLeft", function(Number scrollLeft))

Emitted when the scroll left changes.

scrollLeftNumberRequired. The new scroll left value
  • EditSession.on("changeScrollTop", function(Number scrollTop))

Emitted when the scroll top changes.

scrollTopNumberRequired. The new scroll top value
  • EditSession.on("changeTabSize", function())

Emitted when the tab size changes, via EditSession.setTabSize().

  • EditSession.on("changeWrapLimit", function())

Emitted when the wrapping limit changes.

  • EditSession.on("changeWrapMode", function())

Emitted when the wrap mode changes.

  • EditSession.on("tokenizerUpdate", function(Object e))

Emitted when a background tokenizer asynchronously processes new rows.

eObjectRequired. An object containing one property, "data", that contains information about the changing rows


Adds a dynamic marker to the session.

markerObjectRequired. Object with update method
inFrontBooleanRequired. Set to true to establish a front marker
  • EditSession.addGutterDecoration(Number row, String className)

Adds className to the row, to be used for CSS stylings and whatnot.

rowNumberRequired. The row number
classNameStringRequired. The class to add

Adds a new marker to the given Range. If inFront is true, a front marker is defined, and the 'changeFrontMarker' event fires; otherwise, the 'changeBackMarker' event fires.

rangeRangeRequired. Define the range of the marker
clazzStringRequired. Set the CSS class for the marker
typeFunction | StringRequired. Identify the type of the marker
inFrontBooleanRequired. Set to true to establish a front marker
  • EditSession.clearAnnotations()

Clears all the annotations for this session. This function also triggers the 'changeAnnotation' event.

  • EditSession.clearBreakpoint(Number row)

Removes a breakpoint on the row number given by rows. This function also emits the 'changeBreakpoint' event.

rowNumberRequired. A row index
  • EditSession.clearBreakpoints()

Removes all breakpoints on the rows. This function also emites the 'changeBreakpoint' event.

For the given document row and column, returns the screen column.


Converts document coordinates to screen coordinates. This takes into account code folding, word wrap, tab size, and any other visual modifications.

docRowNumberRequired. The document row to check
docColumnNumberRequired. The document column to check
  • EditSession.documentToScreenRow(Number docRow, Number docColumn)

For the given document row and column, returns the screen row.


Duplicates all the text between firstRow and lastRow.

firstRowNumberRequired. The starting row to duplicate
lastRowNumberRequired. The final row to duplicate
  • EditSession.getAnnotations()
  • 返回值: Object

Returns the annotations for the EditSession.

Gets the range of a word, including its right whitespace.

rowNumberRequired. The row number to start from
columnNumberRequired. The column number to start from
  • EditSession.getBreakpoints()
  • 返回值: Number

Returns an array of numbers, indicating which rows have breakpoints.

  • EditSession.getDocument()
  • 返回值: Document

Returns the Document associated with this session.

  • EditSession.getDocumentLastRowColumn(Number docRow, Number docColumn)

For the given document row and column, this returns the column position of the last screen row.

  • EditSession.getDocumentLastRowColumnPosition(Number docRow, Number docColumn)

For the given document row and column, this returns the document position of the last row.

  • EditSession.getLength()
  • 返回值: Number

Returns the number of rows in the document.

Returns a verbatim copy of the given line as it is in the document

rowNumberRequired. The row to retrieve from

Returns an array of strings of the rows between firstRow and lastRow. This function is inclusive of lastRow.

firstRowNumberRequired. The first row index to retrieve
lastRowNumberRequired. The final row index to retrieve

Returns an array containing the IDs of all the markers, either front or back.

inFrontBooleanRequired. If true, indicates you only want front markers; false indicates only back markers
  • EditSession.getMode()
  • 返回值: TextMode

Returns the current text mode.

  • EditSession.getNewLineMode()
  • 返回值: String

Returns the current new line mode.

  • EditSession.getOverwrite()

Returns true if overwrites are enabled; false otherwise.

Returns number of screenrows in a wrapped line.

rowNumberRequired. The row number to check

For the given row, this returns the split data.

  • EditSession.getScreenLastRowColumn(Number screenRow)
  • 返回值: Number

Returns the position (on screen) for the last character in the provided screen row.

screenRowNumberRequired. The screen row to check
  • EditSession.getScreenLength()
  • 返回值: Number

Returns the length of the screen.

  • EditSession.getScreenTabSize(Number screenColumn)
  • 返回值: Number

The distance to the next tab stop at the specified screen column.

screenColumnNumberRequired. The screen column to check
  • EditSession.getScreenWidth()
  • 返回值: Number

Returns the width of the screen.

  • EditSession.getScrollLeft()
  • 返回值: Number

Returns the value of the distance between the left of the editor and the leftmost part of the visible content.

  • EditSession.getScrollTop()
  • 返回值: Number

Returns the value of the distance between the top of the editor and the topmost part of the visible content.

  • EditSession.getSelection()

Returns selection object.

  • EditSession.getState(Number row)

Returns the state of tokenization at the end of a row.

rowNumberRequired. The row to start at
  • EditSession.getTabSize()

Returns the current tab size.

  • EditSession.getTabString()

Returns the current value for tabs. If the user is using soft tabs, this will be a series of spaces (defined by getTabSize()); otherwise it's simply '\t'.

  • EditSession.getTextRange(Range range)
  • 返回值: String

Given a range within the document, this function returns all the text within that range as a single string.

rangeRangeRequired. The range to work with

Returns an object indicating the token at the current row. The object has two properties: index and start.

rowNumberRequired. The row number to retrieve from
columnNumberRequired. The column number to retrieve from
  • EditSession.getTokens(Number row)

Starts tokenizing at the row indicated. Returns a list of objects of the tokenized rows.

rowNumberRequired. The row to start at
  • EditSession.getUndoManager()

Returns the current undo manager.

  • EditSession.getUseSoftTabs()
  • 返回值: Boolean

Returns true if soft tabs are being used, false otherwise.

  • EditSession.getUseWorker()

Returns true if workers are being used.

  • EditSession.getUseWrapMode()
  • 返回值: Boolean

Returns true if wrap mode is being used; false otherwise.

  • EditSession.getValue()
  • 返回值: String

Returns the current Document as a string.

Given a starting row and column, this method returns the Range of the first word boundary it finds.

rowNumberRequired. The row to start at
columnNumberRequired. The column to start at
  • EditSession.getWrapLimit()
  • 返回值: Number

Returns the value of wrap limit.

  • EditSession.getWrapLimitRange()
  • 返回值: Object

Returns an object that defines the minimum and maximum of the wrap limit; it looks something like this:

{ min: wrapLimitRange_min, max: wrapLimitRange_max }

  • EditSession.highlight()
  • Undocumented
  • EditSession.highlightLines()
  • Undocumented

Indents all the rows, from startRow to endRow (inclusive), by prefixing each row with the token in indentString.

If indentString contains the '\t' character, it's replaced by whatever is defined by getTabString().

startRowNumberRequired. Starting row
endRowNumberRequired. Ending row
indentStringStringRequired. The indent token

Inserts a block of text and the indicated position.

positionObjectRequired. The position {row, column} to start inserting at
textStringRequired. A chunk of text to insert
  • EditSession.isTabStop(Object position)

Returns true if the character at the position is a soft tab.

positionObjectRequired. The position to check

Shifts all the lines in the document down one, starting from firstRow and ending at lastRow.

firstRowNumberRequired. The starting row to move down
lastRowNumberRequired. The final row to move down

Shifts all the lines in the document up one, starting from firstRow and ending at lastRow.

firstRowNumberRequired. The starting row to move up
lastRowNumberRequired. The final row to move up

Moves a range of text from the given range to the given position. toPosition is an object that looks like this:

   { row: newRowLocation, column: newColumnLocation }
fromRangeRangeRequired. The range of text you want moved within the document
toPositionObjectRequired. The location (row and column) where you want to move the text to
  • EditSession.onChange()
  • Undocumented
  • EditSession.onChangeFold()
  • Undocumented
  • EditSession.onReloadTokenizer(Object e)

Reloads all the tokens on the current session. This function calls BackgroundTokenizer.start () to all the rows; it also emits the 'tokenizerUpdate' event.

  • EditSession.outdentRows(Range range)

Outdents all the rows defined by the start and end properties of range.

rangeRangeRequired. A range of rows
  • EditSession.redo()
  • Undocumented

Re-implements a previously undone change to your document.

deltasArrayRequired. An array of previous changes
dontSelectBooleanRequired. If true, doesn't select the range of where the change occurred

Removes the range from the document.

rangeRangeRequired. A specified Range to remove
  • EditSession.removeGutterDecoration(Number row, String className)

Removes className from the row.

rowNumberRequired. The row number
classNameStringRequired. The class to add
  • EditSession.removeMarker(Number markerId)

Removes the marker with the specified ID. If this marker was in front, the 'changeFrontMarker' event is emitted. If the marker was in the back, the 'changeBackMarker' event is emitted.

markerIdNumberRequired. A number representing a marker

Replaces a range in the document with the new text.

rangeRangeRequired. A specified Range to replace
textStringRequired. The new text to use as a replacement
  • EditSession.reset()
  • Undocumented
  • EditSession.resetCaches()
  • Undocumented
  • EditSession.screenToDocumentColumn()
  • Undocumented
  • EditSession.screenToDocumentPosition(Number screenRow, Number screenColumn)
  • 返回值: Object

Converts characters coordinates on the screen to characters coordinates within the document. This takes into account code folding, word wrap, tab size, and any other visual modifications.

screenRowNumberRequired. The screen row to check
screenColumnNumberRequired. The screen column to check
  • EditSession.screenToDocumentRow()
  • Undocumented
  • EditSession.setAnnotations(Array annotations)

Sets annotations for the EditSession. This functions emits the 'changeAnnotation' event.

annotationsArrayRequired. A list of annotations

Sets a breakpoint on the row number given by rows. This function also emites the 'changeBreakpoint' event.

rowNumberRequired. A row index
classNameStringRequired. Class of the breakpoint
  • EditSession.setBreakpoints(Array rows)

Sets a breakpoint on every row number given by rows. This function also emites the 'changeBreakpoint' event.

rowsArrayRequired. An array of row indices

Sets the EditSession to point to a new Document. If a BackgroundTokenizer exists, it also points to doc.

docDocumentRequired. The new Document to use
  • EditSession.setMode()
  • Undocumented
  • EditSession.setNewLineMode(String newLineMode)

Sets the new line mode.

newLineModeStringRequired. The newline mode to use; can be either windows, unix, or auto
  • EditSession.setOverwrite(Boolean overwrite)

Pass in true to enable overwrites in your session, or false to disable.

If overwrites is enabled, any text you enter will type over any text after it. If the value of overwrite changes, this function also emits the changeOverwrite event.

overwriteBooleanRequired. Defines wheter or not to set overwrites
  • EditSession.setScrollLeft(Object scrollLeft)

Sets the value of the distance between the left of the editor and the leftmost part of the visible content.

  • EditSession.setScrollTop(Number scrollTop)

This function sets the scroll top value. It also emits the 'changeScrollTop' event.

scrollTopNumberRequired. The new scroll top value
  • EditSession.setTabSize(Number tabSize)

Set the number of spaces that define a soft tab; for example, passing in 4 transforms the soft tabs to be equivalent to four spaces. This function also emits the changeTabSize event.

tabSizeNumberRequired. The new tab size

Sets the undo manager.

undoManagerUndoManagerRequired. The new undo manager
  • EditSession.setUndoSelect(Boolean enable)

Enables or disables highlighting of the range where an undo occured.

enableBooleanRequired. If true, selects the range of the reinserted change
  • EditSession.setUseSoftTabs(Boolean useSoftTabs)

Pass true to enable the use of soft tabs. Soft tabs means you're using spaces instead of the tab character ('\t').

useSoftTabsBooleanRequired. Value indicating whether or not to use soft tabs
  • EditSession.setUseWorker(Boolean useWorker)

Identifies if you want to use a worker for the EditSession.

useWorkerBooleanRequired. Set to true to use a worker
  • EditSession.setUseWrapMode(Boolean useWrapMode)

Sets whether or not line wrapping is enabled. If useWrapMode is different than the current value, the 'changeWrapMode' event is emitted.

useWrapModeBooleanRequired. Enable (or disable) wrap mode
  • EditSession.setValue(String text)

Sets the session text.

textStringRequired. The new text to place

Sets the boundaries of wrap. Either value can be null to have an unconstrained wrap, or, they can be the same number to pin the limit. If the wrap limits for min or max are different, this method also emits the 'changeWrapMode' event.

minNumberRequired. The minimum wrap value (the left side wrap)
maxNumberRequired. The maximum wrap value (the right side wrap)
  • EditSession.toggleOverwrite()

Sets the value of overwrite to the opposite of whatever it currently is.

  • EditSession.toString()
  • 返回值: String

Returns the current Document as a string.

  • EditSession.undo()
  • Undocumented

Reverts previous changes to your document.

deltasArrayRequired. An array of previous changes
dontSelectBooleanRequired. If true, doesn't select the range of where the change occurred