

Tokenizes the current Document in the background, and caches the tokenized rows for future use.

If a certain row is changed, everything below that row is re-tokenized.


new BackgroundTokenizer(Tokenizer tokenizer, Editor editor)

Creates a new BackgroundTokenizer object.

tokenizerTokenizerRequired. The tokenizer to use
editorEditorRequired. The editor to associate with


BackgroundTokenizer.on("update", function(Object e))

Fires whenever the background tokeniziers between a range of rows are going to be updated.

eObjectRequired. An object containing two properties, first and last, which indicate the rows of the region being updated.


BackgroundTokenizer.fireUpdateEvent(Number firstRow, Number lastRow)

Emits the 'update' event. firstRow and lastRow are used to define the boundaries of the region to be updated.

firstRowNumberRequired. The starting row region
lastRowNumberRequired. The final row region

BackgroundTokenizer.getState(Number row)

Returns the state of tokenization at the end of a row.

rowNumberRequired. The row to get state at

BackgroundTokenizer.getTokens(Number row)

Gives list of tokens of the row. (tokens are cached)

rowNumberRequired. The row to get tokens at

BackgroundTokenizer.setDocument(Document doc)

Sets a new document to associate with this object.

docDocumentRequired. The new document to associate with

BackgroundTokenizer.setTokenizer(Tokenizer tokenizer)

Sets a new tokenizer for this object.

tokenizerTokenizerRequired. The new tokenizer to use

BackgroundTokenizer.start(Number startRow)

Starts tokenizing at the row indicated.

startRowNumberRequired. The row to start at


Stops tokenizing.