





伴随Subversion自己的数据类型,你会看到许多apr开头的数据类型引用—来自Apache可移植运行库(APR)的对象。APR是Apache可移植运行库,源自为了服务器代码的多平台性,尝试将不同的操作系统特定字节与操作系统无关代码隔离。结果就提供了一个基础API的库,只有一些适度区别—或者是广泛的—来自各个操作系统。Apache HTTP服务器很明显是APR库的第一个用户,Subversion开发者立刻发现了使用APR库的价值。意味着Subversion没有操作系统特定的代码,也意味着Subversion客户端可以在Server存在的平台编译和运行。当前这个列表包括,各种类型的Unix、Win32、OS/2和Mac OS X。

除了提供了跨平台一致的系统调用, [51]APR给Subversion对多种数据类型有快速的访问,如动态数组和哈希表。Subversion在代码中广泛使用这些类型,但是Subversion的API原型中最常见的APR类型是apr_pool_t—APR内存池,Subversion使用内部缓冲池用来进行内存分配(除非外部库在API传递参数时需要一个不同的内存管理模式), [52]而且一个人如果针对Subversion的API编码不需要做同样的事情,他们可以在需要时给API提供缓冲池,这意味着Subversion的API使用者也必须链接到APR,必须调用apr_initialize()来初始化APR子系统,而且在使用Subversion API时必须创建和管理池,通常是使用svn_pool_create()svn_pool_clear()svn_pool_destroy()





URL 和路径需求


同样,Subversion的API需要所有的URL参数是正确的URI编码,所以,我们不会传递file:///home/username/My File.txt作为My File.txt的URL,而要传递file:///home/username/My%20File.txt。再次,Subversion提供了一些你可以使用的助手方法—svn_path_uri_encode()svn_path_uri_decode(),分别用来URI的编码和解码。

使用 C 和 C++ 以外的语言





这里使用其它语言的方法来与Subversion交互没有任何意义:Subversion开发社区没有提供其他的绑定,你可以在Subversion项目链接页里(http://subversion.tigris.org/links.html)找到其他绑定的链接,但是有一些流行的绑定我觉得应该特别留意。首先是Python的流行绑定,Barry Scott的PySVN(http://pysvn.tigris.org/)。PySVN鼓吹它们提供了更多Python样式的接口,而不像Subversion自己的Python绑定的C样式接口。对于希望寻求Subversion纯Java实现的人,可以看看SVNKit(http://svnkit.com/),也就是从头使用Java编写的Subversion。你必须要小心,SVNKit没有采用Subversion的核心库,其行为方式没有确保与Subversion匹配。


例 8.1 “使用版本库层”包含了一段C代码(C编写)描述了我们讨论的概念,它使用了版本库和文件系统接口(可以通过方法名svn_repos_svn_fs_分辨)创建了一个添加目录的修订版本。你可以看到APR库的使用,为了内存分配而传递,这些代码也揭开了一些关于Subversion错误处理的晦涩事实—所有的Subversion错误必须需要明确的处理以防止内存泄露(在某些情况下,应用失败)。

例 8.1. 使用版本库层

/* Convert a Subversion error into a simple boolean error code.
 * NOTE:  Subversion errors must be cleared (using svn_error_clear())
 *        because they are allocated from the global pool, else memory
 *        leaking occurs.
#define INT_ERR(expr)                           \
  do {                                          \
    svn_error_t *__temperr = (expr);            \
    if (__temperr)                              \{                                         \  svn_error_clear(__temperr);             \  return 1;                               \}                                         \
    return 0;                                   \
  } while (0)

/* Create a new directory at the path NEW_DIRECTORY in the Subversion
 * repository located at REPOS_PATH.  Perform all memory allocation in
 * POOL.  This function will create a new revision for the addition of
 * NEW_DIRECTORY.  Return zero if the operation completes
 * successfully, non-zero otherwise.
static int
make_new_directory(const char *repos_path,             const char *new_directory,             apr_pool_t *pool)
  svn_error_t *err;
  svn_repos_t *repos;
  svn_fs_t *fs;
  svn_revnum_t youngest_rev;
  svn_fs_txn_t *txn;
  svn_fs_root_t *txn_root;
  const char *conflict_str;

  /* Open the repository located at REPOS_PATH. 
  INT_ERR(svn_repos_open(&repos, repos_path, pool));

  /* Get a pointer to the filesystem object that is stored in REPOS. 
  fs = svn_repos_fs(repos);

  /* Ask the filesystem to tell us the youngest revision that
   * currently exists. 
  INT_ERR(svn_fs_youngest_rev(&youngest_rev, fs, pool));

  /* Begin a new transaction that is based on YOUNGEST_REV.  We are
   * less likely to have our later commit rejected as conflicting if we
   * always try to make our changes against a copy of the latest snapshot
   * of the filesystem tree. 
  INT_ERR(svn_fs_begin_txn(&txn, fs, youngest_rev, pool));

  /* Now that we have started a new Subversion transaction, get a root
   * object that represents that transaction. 
  INT_ERR(svn_fs_txn_root(&txn_root, txn, pool));
  /* Create our new directory under the transaction root, at the path
  INT_ERR(svn_fs_make_dir(txn_root, new_directory, pool));

  /* Commit the transaction, creating a new revision of the filesystem
   * which includes our added directory path.
  err = svn_repos_fs_commit_txn(&conflict_str, repos,                           &youngest_rev, txn, pool);
  if (! err)
    {/* No error?  Excellent!  Print a brief report of our success. */printf("Directory '%s' was successfully added as new revision "       "'%ld'.\n", new_directory, youngest_rev);
  else if (err->apr_err == SVN_ERR_FS_CONFLICT)
    {/* Uh-oh.  Our commit failed as the result of a conflict * (someone else seems to have made changes to the same area  * of the filesystem that we tried to modify).  Print an error * message. */printf("A conflict occurred at path '%s' while attempting "       "to add directory '%s' to the repository at '%s'.\n",        conflict_str, new_directory, repos_path);
    {/* Some other error has occurred.  Print an error message. */printf("An error occurred while attempting to add directory '%s' "       "to the repository at '%s'.\n",        new_directory, repos_path);


请注意在例 8.1 “使用版本库层”中,代码可以非常容易使用svn_fs_commit_txn()提交事务。但是文件系统的API对版本库库的钩子一无所知,如果你希望你的Subversion版本库在每次提交一个事务时自动执行一些非Subversion的任务(例如,给开发者邮件组发送一个描述事务修改的邮件),你需要使用libsvn_repos包裹的功能版本—这个功能会实际上首先运行一个如果存在的pre-commit钩子脚本,然后提交事务,最后会运行一个post-commit钩子脚本。钩子提供了一种特别的报告机制,不是真的属于核心文件系统库本身。(关于Subversion版本库钩子的更多信息,见“实现版本库钩子”一节。)

现在我们转换一下语言,例 8.2 “使用 Python 处理版本库层”使用Subversion SWIG的Python绑定实现了从版本库取得最新的版本,并且打印了取出时访问的目录。

例 8.2. 使用 Python 处理版本库层


"""Crawl a repository, printing versioned object path names."""

import sys
import os.path
import svn.fs, svn.core, svn.repos

def crawl_filesystem_dir(root, directory):
    """Recursively crawl DIRECTORY under ROOT in the filesystem, and return
    a list of all the paths at or below DIRECTORY."""

    # Print the name of this path.
    print directory + "/"
    # Get the directory entries for DIRECTORY.
    entries = svn.fs.svn_fs_dir_entries(root, directory)

    # Loop over the entries.
    names = entries.keys()
    for name in names:  # Calculate the entry's full path.  full_path = directory + '/' + name
  # If the entry is a directory, recurse.  The recursion will return  # a list with the entry and all its children, which we will add to  # our running list of paths.  if svn.fs.svn_fs_is_dir(root, full_path):      crawl_filesystem_dir(root, full_path)  else:      # Else it's a file, so print its path here.      print full_path

def crawl_youngest(repos_path):
    """Open the repository at REPOS_PATH, and recursively crawl its
    youngest revision."""
    # Open the repository at REPOS_PATH, and get a reference to its
    # versioning filesystem.
    repos_obj = svn.repos.svn_repos_open(repos_path)
    fs_obj = svn.repos.svn_repos_fs(repos_obj)

    # Query the current youngest revision.
    youngest_rev = svn.fs.svn_fs_youngest_rev(fs_obj)
    # Open a root object representing the youngest (HEAD) revision.
    root_obj = svn.fs.svn_fs_revision_root(fs_obj, youngest_rev)

    # Do the recursive crawl.
    crawl_filesystem_dir(root_obj, "")
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Check for sane usage.
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:  sys.stderr.write("Usage: %s REPOS_PATH\n"                   % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])))  sys.exit(1)

    # Canonicalize the repository path.
    repos_path = svn.core.svn_path_canonicalize(sys.argv[1])

    # Do the real work.


Subversion的Python绑定也可以用来进行工作拷贝的操作,在本章前面的小节中,我们提到过libsvn_client接口,它存在的目的就是简化编写Subversion客户端的难度,例 8.3 “一个Python状态爬虫”是一个例子,讲的是如何使用SWIG绑定创建一个扩展版本的svn status命令。

例 8.3. 一个Python状态爬虫

#!/usr/bin/env python

"""Crawl a working copy directory, printing status information."""

import sys
import os.path
import getopt
import svn.core, svn.client, svn.wc

def generate_status_code(status):
    """Translate a status value into a single-character status code,
    using the same logic as the Subversion command-line client."""
    code_map = { svn.wc.svn_wc_status_none        : ' ',           svn.wc.svn_wc_status_normal      : ' ',           svn.wc.svn_wc_status_added       : 'A',           svn.wc.svn_wc_status_missing     : '!',           svn.wc.svn_wc_status_incomplete  : '!',           svn.wc.svn_wc_status_deleted     : 'D',           svn.wc.svn_wc_status_replaced    : 'R',           svn.wc.svn_wc_status_modified    : 'M',           svn.wc.svn_wc_status_merged      : 'G',           svn.wc.svn_wc_status_conflicted  : 'C',           svn.wc.svn_wc_status_obstructed  : '~',           svn.wc.svn_wc_status_ignored     : 'I',           svn.wc.svn_wc_status_external    : 'X',           svn.wc.svn_wc_status_unversioned : '?',         }
    return code_map.get(status, '?')

def do_status(wc_path, verbose):
    # Calculate the length of the input working copy path.
    wc_path_len = len(wc_path)

    # Build a client context baton.
    ctx = svn.client.svn_client_ctx_t()

    def _status_callback(path, status, root_path_len=wc_path_len):  """A callback function for svn_client_status."""
  # Print the path, minus the bit that overlaps with the root of  # the status crawl  text_status = generate_status_code(status.text_status)  prop_status = generate_status_code(status.prop_status)  print '%s%s  %s' % (text_status, prop_status, path[wc_path_len + 1:])  
    # Do the status crawl, using _status_callback() as our callback function.
    svn.client.svn_client_status(wc_path, None, _status_callback,                           1, verbose, 0, 0, ctx)

def usage_and_exit(errorcode):
    """Print usage message, and exit with ERRORCODE."""
    stream = errorcode and sys.stderr or sys.stdout
    stream.write("""Usage: %s OPTIONS WC-PATH
  --help, -h    : Show this usage message
  --verbose, -v : Show all statuses, even uninteresting ones
""" % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])))
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Parse command-line options.
    try:  opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hv", ["help", "verbose"])
    except getopt.GetoptError:  usage_and_exit(1)
    verbose = 0
    for opt, arg in opts:  if opt in ("-h", "--help"):      usage_and_exit(0)  if opt in ("-v", "--verbose"):      verbose = 1
    if len(args) != 1:  usage_and_exit(2)      
    # Canonicalize the repository path.
    wc_path = svn.core.svn_path_canonicalize(args[0])

    # Do the real work.
    try:  do_status(wc_path, verbose)
    except svn.core.SubversionException, e:  sys.stderr.write("Error (%d): %s\n" % (e[1], e[0]))  sys.exit(1)

就像例 8.2 “使用 Python 处理版本库层”中的例子,这个程序是池自由的,而且最重要的是使用Python的数据类型。svn_client_ctx_t()是欺骗,因为Subversion的API没有这个方法—这仅仅是SWIG自动语言生成中的一点问题(这是对应复杂C结构的一种工厂方法)。也需要注意传递给程序的路径(象最后一个)是通过 svn_path_canonicalize()执行的,因为要防止触发Subversion底层C库的断言,也就是防止导致程序立刻随意退出。

[50] 当然,Subversion使用Subversion的API。

[51] Subversion使用尽可能多ANSI系统调用和数据类型。

[52] Neon和Berkeley DB就是这种库的例子。

[53] 或仅仅是在紧密地程序优化中玩弄什么东西。