1. Introduction 绪论 緒論


1.1 Basic Features of Chinese Script 中文排版的主要特色 中文排版的主要特色

Chinese composition exhibits several differences from other writing systems. The major features include:



  1. The Chinese writing system can be broadly classified into either Traditional Chinese or Simplified Chinese. Chinese communities in different regions (e.g. Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Malaysia etc.) may have their own regional standards. These differ with respect to which glyph represents a canonical vs. a variant shape, or how many strokes are contained in a given character. They may also have typographic layout rules specific to their own region.



  2. There are two writing modes: vertical and horizontal. The former is often seen in publications from Taiwan, Hong Kong etc.



  3. In principal, the characters, including Chinese (hanzi) characters and punctuation, used in Chinese composition are squares with the ratio of 1:1, and are seamlessly arranged with one another.




For most of the typographic rules described in this document, "regional differences" are more than "differences between Simplified and Traditional Chinese". For example, although most publications in Mainland China use Simplified Chinese characters in horizontal writing mode, a few publications use Traditional Chinese characters in horizontal or vertical writing mode, or Simplified characters in vertical writing mode. The typographical rules in Mainland China, such as the punctuation position rules specified in General Rules for Punctuation (GB/T 15834—2011) also apply to vertical or Traditional Chinese publications published in Mainland China. For vertical and Traditional Chinese publications published in Taiwan, Taiwan's typographic rules are used. Therefore, it is recommended that the user agents distinguish typographical rules by "region" rather than "Traditional or Simplified".

对于本文叙述重点的排版规则来说,「地区差异」大于「繁简差异」。比如,虽然中国大陆的大多数出版物均采用简体字、横排,但仍有少数采用繁体字横排、直排或者简体字直排;中国大陆的排版规则,如 GB/T 15834―2011《标点符号用法》中规定的标点符号位置同时也适用于中国大陆出版的直排、繁体字出版物。而台湾出版的直排、繁体字出版物则采用台湾的排版规则。因此建议各种用户代理处理排版规则时,应通过「区域」设置,而非「繁简」文本设置进行区分。

對於本文敘述重點的排版規則來說,「地區差異」大於「繁簡差異」。比如,雖然中國大陸的大多數出版物均採用簡體字、橫排,但仍有少數採用繁體字橫排、直排或者簡體字直排;中國大陸的排版規則,如 GB/T 15834―2011《標點符號用法》中規定的標點符號位置同時也適用於中國大陸出版的直排、繁體字出版物。而臺灣出版的直排、繁體字出版物則採用臺灣的排版規則。因此建議各種用戶代理處理排版規則時,應通過「區域」設置,而非「繁簡」文本設置進行區分。

1.2 Purpose of this document 目的 目的

Each cultural community has its own language, script and writing system. The transfer of each and every writing system into cyberspace is a task of utmost importance for information and communication technology.



As one of the basic work items of this task force, this document summarizes text composition requirements in the Chinese writing system. One of the goals of the task force is to describe issues for Chinese layout, another is to describe correspondences with existing standards (such as Unicode), as well as to encourage vendors to implement relevant features correctly.



1.3 How This Document Was Created 撰写方针 撰寫方針

1.3.1 Languages Used in this Document 本文档所使用的中文语言 本文檔所使用的中文語言

This document was developed by people working in different areas, using both Simplified and Traditional Chinese. We very much appreciate the contributions of the editors and collaborators from different linguistic backgrounds, and their willingness to collaborate across linguistic boundaries. In this early version of the Working Draft, the version of the script used for the Chinese text depends on the person who contributed the text. We plan to create separate translations of the Chinese text in future versions of this document, but at this early stage, the original contributions are kept as is to enable rapid development of the text.

本文的作者来自各个地区,包含繁 体中文使用者和简体中文使用者。我们感谢来自不同语言文化背景的编辑们及合作者们对本文档的贡献,并对他们跨越文化差异、共同致力完善本文档的美好愿景表 示钦佩。在本工作草稿的早期阶段,文中汉语所使用的版本取决于贡献此内容的编写者。未来的版本会逐步改善整理此混合文本,但在本阶段,原始文本将被保留以 快速完成和修正本文档。

本文的作者來自各個地區,包含繁 體中文使用者和簡體中文使用者。我們感謝來自不同語言文化背景的編輯們及合作者們對本文檔的貢獻,並對他們跨越文化差異、共同致力完善本文檔的美好願景表 示欽佩。在本工作草稿的早期阶段,文中漢語所使用的版本取决于貢獻此内容的编寫者。未来的版本会逐步改善整理此混合文本,但在本阶段,原始文本将被保留以 快速完成和修正本文檔。

You can view the document in a single language using the buttons at the top right corner of the page.



1.3.2 Design Approach 设计原则 設計原則

This document mainly adopts the following policies to explain the features of Chinese composition:



  • It does not fully cover all details of the Chinese composition system, but mainly describes the differences from Western Typesetting and Requirements for Japanese Text Layout.



  • It explains in detail the similarities and differences among different areas and Traditional/Simplified Chinese composition.



  • It describes presentational results and considers these results as issues and requirements for Chinese text layout. Meanwhile, it offers principles or methods for handling these issues, without describing particular technological solutions.



  • It suggests solutions for, or explains, present-day issues that people face in Chinese composition.



  • It provides typical instances of Chinese composition and their actual use cases as much as possible.



  • In consideration of non-Chinese readers of this document, figures are used for explanation wherever possible.



  • It mainly explains modern Chinese publications, going back as far as the introduction of moveable type for Chinese printing. Although there are some differences between those early printed publications and current day publications, they are still considered part of Chinese composition. The document does not yet fully cover ancient books. Future editions may be revised to cover composition of such ancient publications.



  • For non-Chinese readers, frequency of use is indicated for each requirement. These frequencies are not the outcome of any accurate research, but arise from the long experience of the authors. Non-Chinese readers should understand that they are intuitive for ordinary Chinese readers. These frequencies serve to provide a general guidance for the prioritization of issues.



  • The main target of this document is common books. But other publications, such as magazines or newspapers, are also included.

